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February 23rd, 2014 To the Women of Sigma Kappa Philanthropy chair: Taylor Rowlett Dear Taylor Rowlett:

Do you ladies need philanthropic hours? Relay For Life is such a great opportunity to give back and bond with your sisters. Last year there is little to no involvement from the Northwest campus community and with increased participation, Relay For Life could become even more successful with your help. Relay For Life gives communities a chance to come together and celebrate those who have battled cancer, and remember those who have lost their lives to cancer. The event includes participation from 3.5 million people in the United States. Can you help us raise the participation this year? It wouldnt take much! The event will take place on September 11, 2014 at Beal Park in Maryville beginning at 6:00 p.m. and concluding at 6:00 a.m. on September 12. This event is only 12 hours. You do not have to walk the whole time. Once you make a team, you can walk for 30 minutes to an hour either by yourself, or if you have a large enough team, then one or more people can walk with you. 12 hours is a good opportunity to bond and it would be a time youll never forget! Usually each team member will need to pay $10-15 to be a part of the team. You can find a local business to sponsor your team so members wont have to pay for the $10-15 entry fee. Since Relay For Life is hosted by the American Cancer Society, gifts are tax exempt by law. Since your advisor is the owner of Carsons, Im sure you can talk to her and she would sponsor your team(s). Team members will receive a free t-shirt. This is a great way to give back to your community and receive credit for your philanthropy hours too. Not only will you be giving back, but youre spending time with your sisters.

To sign up for a team, or to request more information, you can either visit: or visit us in the union the week of March 24-28th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Shanelle Kudera Relay For Life PS: This is a great opportunity to give back and bond with your sisters!

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