Brianna Barbeaux

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Brianna Barbeaux

#!8! 9arrow -r. $raverse %ity, M) 4:;8# 23!0;330!4< , Moonpie! Objective Management My Qualifications: Good communicator, likes to be in leadership positions, problem solver, good at either teamwork of individual work, confidant, strives for accuracy, responsible, always makes sure to meet a deadline and with quality work. Education 2 !2 " 2 !# $raverse %ity &est 'enior (igh $raverse %ity, M)

College Preparation %ourses *e+tra,: (onors -ebate, ./ /sychology, $heater ! and 20*2 plays,, .natomy 1 /hysiology, 2rench !03, 'panish !03, .%$ prep, creative culinary, intro to business .wards: .cademic .ward *2 !302 !4, Mesick %onsolidated 'chools Mesick, M)

2 ! " 2 !!

Highschool/College Preparation %ourses *e+tra,: %urrent events

Professional experience

2 ! " 2 !# *'ummers, Front Desk Clerk/ ssistant


5acksonville, 26

%hecking customers in and out, taking payments, cleaning shop, help opening and closing shop, handling paperwork, using a computer, assisting groomers and bathers, organi7ing materials. $ypically on days such as Monday, &ednesday, 2riday, and 'aturday. 2 !4 Bab! "itter $raverse %ity, M)

$aking care of a child *8 years old, while his mother is at work. 2eeding him, entertaining him, and keeping him safe. $ypically 8 hours a day # days a week.
2 !4 #utor $raverse %ity, M)

.ssisting an individual in their academic studies so that they will show progress in their schooling and work.

(ow much time spent tutoring depends on the demand for the student>child.

$anguages Extracurricular activities

2rench03 years 1 'panish03 years

9(' *2 !302 !#,, -ebate %lub *2 !402 !#,, 2reshman $heater /roduction *2 !!,, 'oftball *2 !!,, ?M%. $ennis *2 :,, $heater 2 /roductions *2 !4 1 2 !#,, .nime>Manga %lub *2 !202 !#,, 9ational 'panish @+amination *2 !4, 9(' volunteering *2 !302 !#,, %ivics volunteering *2 !3,, .ssisting a teacher in their reading diagnostics assignment for their school work *2 !4, .cademic .ward *2 !3,

%olunteer experience

&ards received 'eferences *3 references " 9ame, $itle, .ddress, /hone 9umber,

.ll Aelow available at $raverse %ity &est 'enior (igh in Garfield $ownship, M) 4:;8#. /hone: *23!,0:330<# . B5im AunekC $eacherD BEathryn EellyC $eacherD B.imee %oleC $eacherD PORTFOLIO AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST!

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