Draft1 Analyze-3 Final

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alotaibi Raed Alotaibi Instructor's name: Anna Habib; Laura Miller Class section: AC3 Chasing Slumber: draft

1 October 29,13 Mark Wolverton who is a psychosis author, wrote an article called chasing slumber where published in Psychology Today in 2003. Mark insists that people must get enough sleep, so he discuses the consequences of the lack of sleeping. The lack of sleeping has enormous influence on ones life as well others life where the author gives an example in the beginning of his argument about the accident where happen in New York in 2003. Also, the article did an extensive research by using some evidence that support his case and some steps might prevent people from this disease. The authors introduction is a great way to capture the audiences attention since the audience consisted of psychosis. Also, he supported his argument with some images, which basically is a great research. This essay will talk about some evidence and solution that the author mentioned as well some experiments. First of all, the example in the beginning that the author uses about what happen in 2003, the author makes a good path to grab reader attention. He catches the reader attention by touching on one of the most important issue, which is sleep penury. He used this example because the ferry Andrew didnt get enough sleep, so he wanted to show the reader the huge damage that killed 10 people and injuring 70 more. Many readers may not know what will happen if one doesnt get enough sleep or they dont know any information about some researches. He focuses on variety researches about the affect of

alotaibi deprivation sleep in different cases and situations as well providing stories. He touches the daily amount of sleeping with providing some daily hours that one need to get. For example, 35 percent of adult, sleep less than seven hours every night, which mean we must sleep at least eight hours. He said, because they might use smart phones, family stress and work schedules. He hints that if we dont solve this problem maybe the number will increase as well we will get into more trouble such as truckers falling sleep on highway, doctors making errors etc. Also, a new research find out the lack of sleeping has negative impact on our body and lead to other problems such as obesity, heart disease or even cancer. He used this evidence to protect our life form the lack of sleep and to tell the reader if you dont get enough sleep, you would get this problem. Furthermore, he talked about mortality is an alarming rate because our circadian clock improved, so the suprachiasmatic nucleus find out that bodys genetics, cells, liver, kidney and skin related and follow the our circadian clock. This case means our circadian clock can affect our body naturally, so we cant change our biology. The new research by Dinges in 2003 tried to raise awareness about the causes of the lack of functioning. He made an experiment about three different group of colleague: one group slept four hours a night, second group six hours and the last group eight hours for two weeks. As a consequence the group who slept eight hours there was no weakness in their function. However, the rest of groups have performing degenerated which mean people who gets less than eight hours can not improve the situation. They might lose time, money, and lives. Its serious result that the research came with. In addition, the author provided different researches about some worker sleeping on company time at shift night. The

alotaibi researches produce that hard schedules and less sleep make huge damage in manufactory, medicine and transportation. In conclusion, this research is practiced well when the author mentions some evidence. In addition, he used an extensive research on the topic, so this article is helpful for psychosis students and theoretically resource. At the end of his research, Mark gives some solutions that can prevent people from less sleep. He said that we must create some rules or law that proportion human practices. Also, create law about illegal shift that can suspend people from working at nighttime, which ensures productivity at work.

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