Su Keystroke Shortcuts

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SketchUp Keystroke Shortcuts

Windows Instructions
To edit, use the Window Preferences Shortcuts menu. To load, press the Import button (in the Shortcuts window) and select preferences.dat.

Mac Instructions
To edit, use the Sketchup Preferences Shortcuts menu. To load, use the Finder to copy shortcuts.plist to the following folder: [User] | Library | Application Support | SketchUp 5. [user] varies depending on how the Mac was setup. On school computers it is usually student.

Keyboard Shortcuts Keystroke

Esc Delete

Escape out of command Erase Deselect all Zoom Extents Tool Pan Tool Orbit Tool Pan Tool Select Tool Zoom Window Tool Make Component (Block) Make Group Line Rectangle Paint Bucket Tool Eraser Tool Move Tool Offset Tool Rotate Tool Scale Tool Push/Pull Tool (extrude) Layers Tape Measure Tool (Distance) Window pages Model info Hide rest of model Entity Info Hide Dialogs
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Edit/Erase Edit/Deselect Camera/Zoom Extents Camera/Pan Camera/Orbit Camera/Pan Tools/Select Camera/Zoom Window Edit/Make Group Edit/Make Component Draw/Line Draw/Rectangle Tools/Paint Bucket Tools/Eraser Tools/Move Tools/Offset Tools/Rotate Tools/Scale Tools/Push/Pull Window/Layers Tools/Tape Measure Window/Pages Window/Model Info View/Component Edit/Hide Rest Of Model Window/Entity Info Window/Hide Dialogs
Arch 610, Fall 2006

Ctrl+D Ctrl+E P Q Space V Z

Ctrl+B Ctrl+G L T


A D F2 F3 H I W
October 4, 2006

SketchUp Keystroke Shortcuts

Mouse Shortcuts
Right-click Center-click Context sensitive. Varies depending on which tool is selected try it when in doubt! Temporarily switches to the Orbit tool. To use it, press and hold the center mouse button (or scroll wheel). The cursor should change to the orbit tool. Continue to hold the button and orbit around the model. When you release, the tool returns to its previous state. Temporarily switches to the Pan tool. It behaves the same as center click.

Space Center-click

October 4, 2006

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Arch 610, Fall 2006

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