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Proctor Compaction Test Project Name: _______________ Sample No.

____________Sampling Date:_____________ Tested by: ___________________Test Date: _______________

Table 1: Test data from Proctor compaction test Volume of Proctor mould, (cm3) Mass of the compacted wet soil in the mould, (gm) Wet density (gm/cm3) Dry density (gm/cm3) ( ) ( ) Dry density at zero-airvoid condition (gm/cm3)

Test No.

Moisture content, ( )

1 2 3 4 5 6

Table 2: Moisture content data from all of the above Proctor compaction tests Mass of the container (gm) Mass of the container + wet soil (gm) Mass of the container +dry soil (gm) Moisture content ( ) ( ) ( )

Test No

1 2 3 4 5 6

Report instruction and mark distribution

Report structure: you must follow the following structure for preparing your report. Report structure carries 10% mark. If you do not follow the given structure exactly, you will be losing this 10% marks. There will be no partial marking for this 10% marks. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Objective (must be very precise; please do not put unnecessary and irrelevant things) (10%) Standard followed (you must put the reference of the relevant Australian standard) (10%) Datasheet (you must put some imaginary identification information) (10%) Calculations (20%) (i) Calculate wet density (ii) Calculate moisture content (iii) Calculate dry density (iv) Calculate zero-air-void density (for calculating the zero-air-void density, assume the specific gravity of the soil solid ).

Instruction on calculations: You need to show the calculations clearly. If you do not show calculations, you will not be receiving any mark for the section 1.4 Calculations. You need to show the calculations only for the data of your group. You do not need to show calculations for the data recorded by other groups. Just write down the results in the tables for the data received from other groups. 1.5 Plots (30%) Your plot should include (i) Compaction curve and (ii) Zero-air-void curve (iii) Clearly show the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density on the plot 1.6 Results (10%) (i) Maximum dry density (ii) Optimum moisture content

Sl. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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