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Mathematics Education Lesson Plan

Lesson Topic: Parts of a Circle Teacher: Matthew Samson Class: 7th grade mathematics (Level IV) Anticipated Date of Lesson: Monday, February 3rd, 2014

BASIC COMPONENTS 1. a. i. Lesson Objectives (label type: skill/concept) Objectives Students will be able to use previous knowledge of circles to identify different parts of a circle. (concept) Main Pennsylvania mathematics standards addressed - CCSS.Math.Content.7.G.B.4 Know the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle and use them to solve problems; give an informal derivation of the relationship between the circumference and area of a circle. 2. a. i. 1. Assessment Assessment of learning (label as formal or informal) Informal During the lesson while the students are working going through the Bell ringers with the special education teacher I will be walking around and monitoring how well they understand each question. I will also be giving individual help where needed. ii. 1. Formal The students will be working on completing notes for parts of a circle. They will then be given a worksheet for homework if there is time. b. i. Assessment for instruction (assessment for learning) The plan is to make sure we go over everything we need to catch up all 3 of the Level IV classes. I need work efficiently with my co-teacher and make sure all students understand going at this pace. 3. Lesson flow (estimate time)

a. i.

Bell Ringer (10-20 minutes) After welcoming the students I will inform them that I will be teaching today. I will tell them to get out their bell ringer worksheet if they did not do so already. My co-teacher will go over this question as a class by calling students up to the board to do each step. Then students will put away the bell ringer to start the lesson. I will then pass out the worksheet on scale drawings.

b. i.

Lesson (15-20 minutes) We will first be introducing the lesson by showing how prior knowledge of a circle can help us come up with all parts of a circle. ii. I will then write all the notes from the smartboard as a class and then go over them making sure all students understand material. I want to make sure I reinterpret the review of how this relates to what we already know about circles. This will be a quick review while questioning all students verbally and then I will move on given them homework on this lesson. iii. If time permits I will try to pass out the worksheet and go over the first couple of problems as a class. If we get over enough problems I will assign the front of the worksheet for homework, which will be checked the next day in class by completion. Conclusion (3-5+ minutes) (9:47 9:53) i. Towards the end of the class period, I will review with the class the different parts of a circle using a circle I will draw on the board. ii. Next I will give the students the homework assignment, which is a worksheet on the vocabulary.


d. i.

Diverse and Exceptional Learners and Learning Styles It is important to keep all the learners involved in the lesson, and especially exceptional learners. Due to the number of IEPs in my class I will be aware of a variety of things while I teach. 1. 2. 3. Seating Allow class time to start homework Limit Homework problems

4. 5. ii.

All directions will be read allowed Students will need to answer at least one question during the lesson

Some students might need more time, explanation, and/or help with this new skill. I will be walking around the classroom and observing and therefore will be able to help any of the students that might be having difficulties. I also will be co-teaching with the Special Education teacher who will also be walking around helping any students that may need it.

e. i.

Exit By 5 minutes left in the lesson time (so around 9:48), I will make sure I get a sense of how well the students are doing with the homework. ii. If by 9:54 (or after) I have not started the conclusion, I will do so. Extensions i. If the students get done with everything I planned on doing they will be given the rest of the time to finish the homework for that day. ii. If they happen to finish the homework I will go over this as a group and then they will have no homework for the night.


4. a.

Anticipated difficulties, misunderstandings, confusions One misunderstanding the students will be having is about the chord and diameter. I will make sure to say the diameter is a chord. This was something the other sections had trouble with. b. I also think the students will have trouble with pronouncing the different parts. I will make sure to clearing read them and have some people recite them to me as to ensure understanding.

5. a.

Materials/Equipment needed Bell Ringer Worksheet (1 per student, which was given to them in previous class) b. c. Scale Drawings Worksheet (1 per student, shown below) Smartboard with interactive worksheet

6. a.

Assessment question for each objective The problem from the homework I believe will give them the most trouble will be #1. This question will inform me to some extent if they understand the concept that was presented.

References Pearson Success Net Mrs. Christine Wilhelm, personal communication, January 31th, 2014

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