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Mandy-Shea Eason (917432036) MEDT 7461 9th February 2014 Year on! "!

enda Dra#t
Month August Content Georgia Performance and Literacy Thematic Units within the Standards Common Core Online and Print Resources Common Core Curriculum Guides Online and Print Resources Sam"le Lesson $deas Online and Print Resources Sam"le Lesson $deas Common Core Curriculum Guides Online and Print Resources Sam"le Lesson $deas Online and Print Resources Sam"le Lesson $deas Common Core Curriculum Guides Online and Print Resources Sam"le Lesson $deas Online and Print Resources .est Practice !iscussion Common Core Curriculum Guides Online and Print Resources Sam"le Lesson $deas Online and Print Resources .est Practice !iscussion Sam"le Testing Scenarios S"ecial Presentation #y SP ! Team followed #y seminar. Common Core Curriculum Guides Online and Print Resources Sam"le Lesson $deas Presentation from Curriculum 3P and County Office. Guided Grou" !iscussion and Analysis Module Topic Potential Participants Social Studies Faculty. SP ! su""ort staff. Faculty from Social Studies' Science' Technology' ngineering and &ath. SP ! Su""ort. Social Studies Faculty. SP ! su""ort staff. Social Studies + Literature Faculty. SP ! su""ort staff. All a*aila#le faculty' SP ! su""ort staff' academic administration. Social Studies + Arts Faculty. SP ! su""ort staff. All a*aila#le faculty' SP ! su""ort staff' academic administration. Social Studies' Phys d' and S"orts Faculty. SP ! su""ort staff. All a*aila#le faculty' SP ! su""ort staff' academic administration. All a*aila#le faculty' SP ! su""ort staff' academic administration. Social Studies + Literature Faculty. All AP/Gifted Faculty. All a*aila#le faculty' SP ! su""ort staff' academic administration.

$nterdisci"linary Lesson Se"tem#er Plans% ST & Octo#er )o*em#er (istoriogra"hy in Secondary ducation $nterdisci"linary Lesson Plans% Literature Creati*e &ethods of Presenting (istory $nterdisci"linary Lesson Plans% Performing Arts Research S-ills $nterdisci"linary Lesson Plans% Physical ducation Test Ta-ing and Study S-ills S"ecial ducation $nclusion Promoting (igher Order Thin-ing S-ills in the (umanities Practical Testing% Using this 0ear1s !ata for )e2t 0ear1s Planning









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