Bio-Benefits-Olivia N Kim

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By: Kim & Olivia 6D

A Livable Planet

For air to breathe, because the mangrove filters polluted air. Most of the trees are healthy because some is used for food and drinks. The skin of 'Pohon Mire' and 'Pohon Bakau' can be used for the coloring of Batik.

Cultural Tradition

'Pohon Buyuk leaf' is for pendopo roofing.

The bark of the mangrove is used to make brown and pink dyes.

The fruit of 'Pohon Buyuk' can be used for cosmetics.

Bio - Benefits

Bright Ideas

'Pohon Buta-Buta' can be used for poisoning fish (making the fish blind for a while), and it is helping the fishermen to catch the fish.

The Great Outdoors

It can be a place for sight seeing and it is natural. For fun by riding the boat and walking on bamboo also playing with the animals

The Things We Need

The roots of 'Pohon Bogem' is used to heal scratches. The fruits of 'Pohon Bogem' is used for food (Syrup, Jenang Dodol and Candy).

The leaf of 'Pohon Bakau' can be used for animals food.

The tree itself can stop abrasion.

Resources / Bibliography:
From our recording in the UOI book about the Mangrove Ecosystem. Quinn, Jo. Handicraft Experience Thailand. [Online] Avilable., 10th April, 2014.

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