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November 2013 Holly Hutchinson, President Cindy Campbell, Editor


WHERE: HOSTESS: WHEN: TIME: Weiser Weiser ladies November 9 9:00 A.M. brunch LOCATION: Weiser Train Depot ADDRESS: South end of State Street PROGRAM: Love, Inc. RSVP by Fri, 11-8 Cindy Campbell at 549-2058 or cbcmpbll@msn.c om

Love, Inc plays a vital role in helping local area families and/or individuals find the resources they need to cope with economic and emotional hardships. Pam Burris, Director of Love, Inc. in Washington County, will share how a network of churches and individuals work together to help families and/or individuals during times of crisis. Please bring an attitude of gratitude for all of our own blessings as well as a non-perishable food item for the Love, Inc. pantry.


Always remember to wear your pin, bring your red book, plus $5.00 for brunch, $1 for Golden Gift or World Fellowship, and $1 for the raffle.

Gina Ziegler led the ladies through some of the apps she has available for her students on her classroom set of ipads.

OCTOBER 12, 2013
The October 12, 2013 meeting of Kappa Chapter was held at Fruitland

Elementary School. The Fruitland ladies hosted it. Meeting called to order at 9:00 AM. Opening collect: #3 Helen Ruska Pledge of Allegiance Song: This Land is Your Land Brunch: Terri introduced our guest Kara Walton (Supporting Early Educators recipient). Kara is teaching sophomore English at Fruitland High School. We had a delicious and beautiful brunch prepared by the Fruitland ladies. Program: Debbie introduced our speaker, Gina Ziegler. Gina has taught third grade in Fruitland for seven years. She has taught a total of 15 years. Gina is on the technology committee for Fruitland School District. The committee visited Cambrai, Oregon, to see how they were using technology in the classroom. Gina applied for a grant and received a class set of iPads. We watched a small segment of a video from Michelle Balls (teacher in Idaho Falls) class using iPads in the classroom. Gina talked about classroom management with iPads. She has not had any problems. She also talked about Apple being very reliable but also proprietary. Gina let us play with the iPads while she showed us some apps that her class has been using. Gina handed out a handout with an extensive list of educational apps. She also had another handout that she would email to Kappa members that requested it. Thanks Gina!! I am so jealous! Attendance Report: We had 18 members and 1 guest.

Minutes from the September meeting: Cynda had emailed them to all members. It was noted that New Plymouth had hosted instead of Payette. Cynda changed that in the minutes. Treasurers Report: Our October 10, 2013 balance was $1,259.33. We have $650 in the convention fund. Correspondence: Lynda Hall is our corresponding secretary. Because she has moved to Meridian, Ann Shake has volunteered to do her job. Ann read a letter of resignation from Diana Thomas. Committee Reports Program: Our next program will be at the Weiser Depot. It will be a program by Love INC of WeiserAttitude of Gratitude. Please bring a nonperishable food item. Membership: Dues are $68 and due by October 31. Please send your check to Cathy Sasaki-White, 2320 Terrace Drive, Caldwell, Idaho 83605. Lois would like to have the membership profile sheet she gave us last month. Legislative: Leslie talked about the Governors Task Force on Education. Also, the Idaho state legislature formed an Interim Committee to undertake and complete a study of how to improve and strength Idaho's K-12 system. The task force had 21 recommendations. Here are some of the recommendations: restore the $82.5 million in operational funding that was cut in recent years, establishment of a career ladder program, enrollment based funding instead of current average daily attendance, and shifting to a mastery

based system for student advancement. The legislative interim committee will have meetings in the coming months to prepare for the 2014 legislative session. Leslie also suggested that we invite parents to our classroom to see what we are doing! Golden Gift: We collected money for the Golden Gift Fund. This funds a Leadership Management Seminar. The Golden Gift Fund was established in 1979 to commemorate Delta Kappa Gammas 50th year anniversary. The interest from the fund finances the seminar which is held in evennumbered years. The application is due December 1, 2013. It is available on the Delta Kappa Gamma website. The seminar is June 29 to July 11, 2014. If your application is accepted, you will pay a registration fee of $500. Song Break: We sang Waltzing Matilda. Holly gave us a short vocabulary lesson on some of the unfamiliar words. Here are some of the words: billy (tin can), billabong (watering hole), jumbuck (sheep), and tucker bag (dinner storage bag). Unfinished Business Supporting Early Educators Initiative: Lois delivered coffee cards to Fruitland and Payette. Cynda will pass out coffee cards to the teachers in Weiser. Fern talked to Ryan Kirby and told him that he missed out on a good thing, but it was too late for this year. Go Fern!! Ceremonial supplies: Holly said we need to transfer the ceremonial supplies.

Other items to transfer: Terri wondered about the scrapbooks. Guests: Holly would like us to invite guests to meetings. We need to RSVP for our guests and also pay for them. New Business Backpack inventory: We need to get this information to Jeanna. We are short on coloring books, toothpaste, and books. Teaching Assistant Appreciation: This meeting is in January. Holly said we need to plan now for how we are going to show our appreciation. 2016 State Convention: We are the lead chapter. We need to start thinking about it. We need a venue! Caldwell and Middleton will help. Proposal of New Members: To be eligible, you need to earn money teaching. For example a private preschool teacher or teaching assistant would qualify. June mentioned a possible member that belongs to a musical group. The form for potential members is now simpler. Closing Collect: #3 Adelia Park The Delta Kappa Gamma Song Respectfully submitted: Terri Walton

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. PURPOSES OF DELTA KAPPA GAMMA: 1. To unite women educators of the world in a genuine spiritual fellowship.

2. To honor women who have given or who evidence a potential for distinctive service in any field of education. 3. To advance the professional interest and position of women in education. 4. To initiate, endorse, and support desirable legislation or other suitable endeavors in the interests of education and of women educators. 5. To endow scholarships to aid outstanding women educators in pursuing graduate study and to grant fellowships to women educators from other countries. 6. To stimulate the personal and professional growth of members and to encourage their participation in appropriate programs of action. 7. To inform the members of current economic, social, political and educational issues so that they may participate effectively in a world society.


Under the leadership of Chairman Lois Coffin the Supporting Early Educators Initiative is off to a great start. We have 13 new teachers in Fruitland, Weiser, and Payette. Pictured with the committee of mentors is Miss Kara Walton, a new English teacher at Fruitland High School.


Remember non members are always welcome to attend our meetings. If the program might be of special interest to a friend, please invite them. If someone would make a wonderful member and you want them to experience the group, please invite them. If someone is thinking of rejoining, encourage them to attend.

Kappa Chapter Officers 2013-2014

President - Holly Hutchinson Vice-President - Debbie Ujiiye 2nd Vice-President - Lois Coffin Recording Secretary - Terri Walton Corresponding Secretary Ann Shake Treasurer - Cathy Sasaki White Parliamentarian -


All meetings start at 9:00 a.m. unless otherwise stated. September 14 October 12 November 9 December 14 January 11 February 15 March 8 April 12 New Plymouth Fruitland Weiser Nyssa Payette Nampa (1:30) NP, F, W, & P Fruitland

Items needed for the backpacks are: Story Books Coloring Books Toothpaste Fabric


Delores Overacker Louise Daniels Ruth Reeves Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 24

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