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Welcome Flag Ceremony Prayer Introduce 3 applauses:

Columbus Applause put hands up like a telescope and shout Land ho! Six Shooter Applause: Point inger in the air and say! "ang#"ang! "ang# "ang! "ang#"ang$ %hen "lo& the smoke rom the end o your gun Tonto Applause 'ell! Where does %onto take his gar"age( %he "oys respond! to the dump! to the dump! to the dump! dump! dump! &hile slapping their thighs$

We &ill "egin &ith the )reen *alley Ward! +uail ,idge and then Whitney ,anch or their a&ards$ Follo&ing the a&ards &ill in ha-e the cross o-er ceremony or .athan /ar ield &ho &ill "e ad-ancing rom Cu" 0couts to /oy 0couts$ %his &ill "e under the direction o the Whitney ,anch Cu"master$ 1rro& o Light Ceremony 2o 0imple Ceremony page /ro$ Paul %hen 1rro& o Light Ceremony /ro$ ,o"erts 1 ter telling a"out the arro&! pass out the &alking sticks and then ha-e the "oys place their hand prints on the tent to 3oin all the others &ho ha-e attained the 1rro& o Light a&ard$ ,etire the colors Closing Prayer

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