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Can you remember how to form the COMPARATIVE in English?

Adjetivo UNA SLABA


Aadimos -er: Examples: Taller, wider, bigger Tall, wide, big DOS SLABAS y termi a e !. Examples: happy, silly, Re"to de DOS SLABAS O M#S Examples: modern, interesting

Cambiamos y por i, y luego aadimos -er: happier, sillier

samos more delante del ad!eti"o: more modern, more interesting

Can you remember how to form the SUPERLATIVE in English?

Adjetivo UNA SLABA


Aadimos t&e # ad!e$ti"e # e"t: Examples: T&e Tallest, t&e widest, t&e biggest Tall, wide, big DOS SLABAS y termi a e !. Examples: happy, silly, Re"to de DOS SLABAS O M#S Examples: modern, interesting

Cambiamos y por i, y luego aadimos t&e #ad! # -e"t: The happiest, the silliest

samos t&e mo"t delante del ad!eti"o: The most modern, the most interesting

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