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Allegro PCB Editor

Allegro / OrCAD PCB Editor Training Guide

114 3 ( 135-746) Tel : 02-2057-8815 FAX : 02-2057-8810 Web : Mail :

PCB Editor
- Allegro PCB Editor Workstation / PC PCB (Printed Circuit Board) PCB PCB Layer . Constraint Manager . , . , Copper Shape . Online DRC .

Allegro PCB Editor

Cadence Design Entry HDL, OrCAD Capture Circuit Feedback . Signal Explorer PCB . SPECCTRA Auto Router PCB . . (, , . ) PCB Footprint . Tool File . (P-CAD, PADS, OrCAD Layout, DXF, .)

PCB Editor
- PCB Editor Cadence SPB Series
-> -> Cadence SPB 16.x -> PCB Editor

Allegro PCB Editor

-> -> OrCAD 16.x -> OrCAD PCB Editor

- PCB Editor Netlist Import Capture / DE HDL *.brd Load (, , Layer , Rules..) / Copper Board Design Rules Check Gerber Data

PCB Editor
- PCB Editor BRD : PCB Editor Board Design File PAD : PCB Footprint PAD Symbol File DRA : PCB Footprint Draw File (Source) PSM : PCB Footprint, Package Symbol File (Compiled) BSM : Board Symbol File (Compiled) ART : Gerber File DRL : NC Drill Data File LOG : () Color : Color definition File DAT : PCB Editor format Netlist File
pstchip.dat : PCB Footprint pstxnet.dat : pstxprt.dat :

Allegro PCB Editor

PCB Editor
- PCB Editor OSM : Format Symbol File (Compiled) SSM : Shape Symbol File (Compiled) FSM : Flash Symbol File (Compiled) SCR : Script File TECH : Technology File (Constraints, ) JRL : Journal File, DRL : NC-Drill Data RPT : Report File

Allegro PCB Editor

Note PCB Footprint *.dra type Source Compile . PCB PCB Footprint Compile .

PCB Editor
- PCB Editor -

Allegro PCB Editor

PCB Board (.brd)



(.psm) design rules cross section (stackup)

PCB Editor
- PCB Editor Menu Bar Title Bar Icons/ Tool Bars

Allegro PCB Editor

Title bar : Allegro PCB Editor Shape tool set Route tool set Menu Bar / Icon Toolbars : PCB Design Design Window : PCB Consol Window ( ) : Status Area : , x, y

Design Window

Console Window

Status Area

PCB Editor
- Tool Bar -

Allegro PCB Editor

Note Tool Bar , Shape, / , . View -> Customize Toolbar Tool Bar // .

PCB Editor
- Tool Bar - File New - Open - Save - - Edit Move - Copy - Delete - Undo - Redo - Fix - Unfix - 9 - View -

Allegro PCB Editor

Unrats all - ()Ratsnest Rats all - ()Ratsnest Zoom point - Zoom point - Board Zoom in - Zoom out - Zoom Previous - / Zoom Selection - focus Redraw - Design

PCB Editor
- Tool Bar - Setup Grid - Grid On/Off Color - Color/Display Shadow - Shadow mode On/Off Xsection - Stack up Cmgr - Constraint Manager Route Ki - Package Ki - - Application mode General Edit - Etch Edit - 10 - Manufacture -

Allegro PCB Editor

Artwork - Gerber NC drill Param - NC drill Legend - Drill Chart Odb out - Valors Odb++ - Miscellaneous Report - Report DRC update - Batch DRC Help - Cadence Help()

PCB Editor
- Tool Bar - Display Element - Cns show - Constraint Show measure - Hilight - Dehilight - Waive DRC - DRC - Shape -

Allegro PCB Editor

Shape add - Shape Shape add rect - Shape Shape add circle - Shape Shape select - Shape Shape void element - Shape void Shape void polygon - void Shape void rect - void Shape void circle - void Shape edit boundary - Shape Island delete - Orphaned shape 11

PCB Editor
- Tool Bar - Dimension Create detail - Design Line font - Line Linear dim - Datum dim - x,y Angular dim - Leader only - Leader diametrical - Leader radial - Leader balloon - Leader chamfer - Chamfer 12 - Place -

Allegro PCB Editor

Place manual - Symbol Place manual - Symbol ( / )

PCB Editor
- Tool Bar - Route Add connect - Slide - Segment Custom smooth - Vertex - Fanout - Fanout - Add Line - Line

Allegro PCB Editor

Rect - Text - Text edit -


PCB Editor
- Fold Away Control Panel / Window

Allegro PCB Editor


PCB Editor
- Control Panel Visibility Find

Allegro PCB Editor

Find by Name

/ List - Design Object Group - Comps - (Part reference ) Symbols - (Package symbol ) Functions - Gate function Nets - Pins - Vias - Clines - (Connection Lines) Lines - Shapes - Shape(Copper) Voids - Shape Void Cline Segs - Cline Other Segs - Line Figures - (Drill) DRC errors - DRC marker Text - Ratsnests - Wire Rat Ts - Ratsnest





PCB Editor
- Control Panel - / Visibility

Allegro PCB Editor

Plane Layer Film Layer Plane Layer Layer

Note Color View , View list .


PCB Editor
- Popup menu (Default mode) -

Allegro PCB Editor

, Menu/Tool bar

- () Super Filter - Control Panel Find Tab Customize Enable Single Click Execution - ( : add connect) Disable Automatic Drag Operations - , ( : Slide) Enable Shape Selection through Shape Fill - Shape Shape


PCB Editor
- World View / Status Area

Allegro PCB Editor

: Board : Design Window : / (Right Mouse Button > RMB)

A : Absolute, R : Relative,

Pick : ( Zoom Center)


PCB Editor
- Key F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 CF2 CF5 Command Zoom fit Add connect Show element Refresh Done Next Oops Cancel Grid toggle Zoom in Zoom out Next Color Key SF2 SF3 SF4 SF5 SF6 SF7 SF8 SF9 SF10 SF11 SF12 CF6 SCF5 Command Property edit Slide Show measure Copy Move Dehighlight all Highlight pick Vertex Save_as temp Zoom previous Zoom world Color priority status

Allegro PCB Editor

Global : %Installed DIR% \share\pcb\text\env Local : HOME : Local > Global

HOME Folder env file (Alias Funckey )


PCB Editor
- -/ Key Map
Modifier Shift Control Control Meta Indicator S C (function keys) ~ (alpha-numbic) A Example SF2 CF2 ~N AF2

Allegro PCB Editor

CSF2 ASF2 CAF2 CASF2 ~SZ SUp CUp Control-Shift F2 Meta-Shift F2 Control-Meta F2 Control-Meta-Shift F2 Control-Shift Z Shift-Up Arrow Control-Up Arrow

Alias example

alias SF2 grid toggle ( On / Off )

Funckey example

funckey r rotate ( )


PCB Editor
- -

Allegro PCB Editor

CTRL , .


Equivalent command
Copy Move Zoom In

Key combinations

Ctrl + L MR

Oops (Undo) Zoom World Delete


PCB Editor
- -/ Stroke Editor

Allegro PCB Editor

Stroke Editor , . Setup -> User Preference input Category no_dragpopup Ctrl , . (Appendix )


PCB Editor
- Import Netlist - / OrCAD Capture

Allegro PCB Editor

Capture Create Netlist BRD . Options : PCB Input Board : Board Template File Output Board : PCB Artwork File Create or Update PCB Editor Board : BRD PCB Editor BRD .
BRD Netlist .

Board Launching Option : BRD .

Allegro PCB Editor OrCAD PCB Editor


PCB Editor
- Import Netlist - / Import Logic

Allegro PCB Editor

Capture Netlist import BRD . Tab

Cadence : Cadence DE HDL, OrCAD Capture . Other : .

Import logic type : .

SCALD : DE HDL 5.0 import

Place changed component : , PCB .

Always : Never : . If same symbol : Symbol


PCB Editor
- Import Netlist - / Create New File

Allegro PCB Editor

BRD, , Padstack . Drawing Type

Board : BRD Board (Wizard) : Board Wizard BRD Module : Design Reuse Package Symbol : DRA (Package, Mechanical, Shape(PAD), Flash) Package Symbol (Wizard) : Wizard DRA, PSM, BSM Format Symbol : Sheet Outline form

Change Directory (Browse) :

Preview text

Preview Board Picture

Note Netlist Import , BRD .


PCB Editor
- Import Netlist - / Create New Board File - Wizard

Allegro PCB Editor

. .
, , PCB (Constraints)


PCB Editor
- Import Netlist - / Create New Board File - Wizard

Allegro PCB Editor

Template Data import .

Board / Template / Board Outline

User Preference BSM Path import .


PCB Editor
- Import Netlist - / Create New Board File - Wizard

Allegro PCB Editor

(Unit) ( )

Layer ( , Plane Layer ) Film


PCB Editor
- Import Netlist - / Create New Board File - Wizard

Allegro PCB Editor


Routing Layer Plane Layer Positive Negative

Plane Layer


( ) (Via)


PCB Editor
- Import Netlist - / Create New Board File - Wizard

Allegro PCB Editor

/ ( / ) (Corner cutoff) (Route Keep in) (Package Keep in)


- Design Parameters - / Display Tab
Display Tab - /

Allegro PCB Editor

Display Tab Display Connect point size : Cpoint (Diamond ) ( Unit ) DRC marker size : DRC Marker Rat T (Virtual pin) size : Net schedule Ratsnest T Max rband count : , Ratsnest geometry : Ratsnest (Jogged, Straight) Ratsnest points : Ratsnest (Endpoint Pin to Pin)


- Design Parameters - / Display Tab

Allegro PCB Editor

Display Tab Enhanced Display Modes Display plated holes : Display non-plated holes : Filled pads : Connect line endcaps : Cline Round Thermal pads : Negative Plane Thermal Relief Bus rats : BUS_NAME Net Bus Waived DRCs : Waived DRC Error

Drill Hole Filled Pads


- Design Parameters - / Display Tab - Grid

Allegro PCB Editor

Display Tab Grids (Grid) , Layer . Offset .

Layer (Silk, Soldermask)






y0 x0





- Design Parameters - / Design Tab
Design Tab Command Parameters User Unit : Size : Accuracy : Extents
Left X, Lower Y : Width, Height :

Allegro PCB Editor

Mil, Inch

Move Origin : (Extents ) Drawing Type :

Board, Package Symbol, Shape, Etc..

Micron, Millimeter, Centimeter


- Design Parameters - / Design Tab

Allegro PCB Editor

Design Tab Line lock Lock direction : (Off - , 45, 90) Lock mode : (Line, Arc) Minimum radius : Arc ( 0) Fixed 45 Length : 45 , , Fixed radius : Arc , , Arc Tangent : Add - Line Arc Symbol Angle : default ( ) Mirror : Default symbol height : (DRC )




- Design Parameters - / Text Tab

Allegro PCB Editor

Design Tab Size Justification : (, , ) Parameter block : Set default (Text Setup Text Blk) Text marker size : Text Marker

Text Marker

Note PCB Editor Text Size Set Text Block , Text , Text Block Block Text . Text , Text Line Text Marker Text , Edit > Text .


- Design Parameters - / Text Tab - Setup->Grids

Allegro PCB Editor

- Text Setup Text Blk = Text Block Width = Height = Line Space = () Photo Width = (0 1px ) Char Space = Reset = ( ) Add = Text Block Set Compact = Text Block Set


- Design Parameters - / Shapes Tab

Allegro PCB Editor

Shape Tab Edit global dynamic shape parameters Command Parameters Shape Global Dynamic Shape Parameters : Dynamic Shape Static Shape Parameters : Static Shape Split Plane Parameters : Split Plane Fill style Edit static shape parameters Shape Void Shape Constraint , Void . Edit split parameters Shape Type Shape Fill Type


- Design Parameters - / Route Tab

Allegro PCB Editor

Control Panel

Route Tab / Add Connect folder Add Connect Parameters Control Panel Default Miter : Line Width : Bubble : (Short) Shove vias : Gridless : Clip dangling clines : Smooth : Snap to connect point : Pin Replace etch : ( )


- Design Parameters - / Route Tab

Allegro PCB Editor

Route Tab / Delay Tune folder Delay Tune Parameters Delay Tune default Accordion : Sawtooth : Trombone : Centered : , Gap : Cline (nx space nx width mm/mil ) Corners : Miter size : (45 ) Allow DRCs : Online DRC


- Design Parameters - / Route Tab

Allegro PCB Editor

Route Tab / Edit Vertex folder Edit Vertex Parameters Bubble : (Short) Shove vias : Clip dangling connect lines : Smooth : Allow DRCs : Allow gridless :


- Design Parameters - / Route Tab

Allegro PCB Editor

Route Tab / Slide folder Slide Parameters Corners : Max 45 len : 45 Bubble : (Short) Shove vias : Clip dangling connect lines : Smooth : Allow DRCs : Gridless : Add at max : Vias with segments : Ts with segments :


- Design Parameters - / Route Tab

Allegro PCB Editor

Route Tab / Gloss folder Gloss Parameters Line and via cleanup Via eliminate Line smoothing Center line between pads Improve line entry into pads Line fattening Convert corner to arc Pad and T connection fillet Dielectric generation


- Design Parameters - / Route Tab

Allegro PCB Editor

Route Tab / Create Fanout folder Create Fanout Parameters Include Unassigned Pins Include All same net pins Start and End Layers Via Structure Via Direction Override Line width Pin-via space Min Channel Space Curve Curve Radius


- Design Parameters - / Mfg Tab

Allegro PCB Editor

Manufacturing Applications Tab Command Parameters Testprep : Testpoint Thieving : Thieving Silkscreen : Autosilk subclass Drafting : Dimension


- Status -

Allegro PCB Editor

Status Tab Symbols and nets Unplaced symbols : Unrouted nets : Shapes Isolated shapes : Shape (Shape Island) Unassigned shapes : Net Shape Out of date shapes : Shape (Shape Smooth option ) Dynamic fill : Shape Fill Mode (Global Dynamic Parameter ) DRCs DRC errors : DRC (<<) Update DRC : DRC Waived DRC errors : Waived DRC Error On-Line DRC : Online DRC

Note Status box Color - Green : , Yellow : , Red :


- Display - / Group, Class, Subclass

Allegro PCB Editor

Group Stack-Up Geometry Components Manufacturing Areas (Keep In, Keep Out) Analysis Display

(, ..) , / /


- Display - / Group, Class, Subclass
GROUP Geometry CLASS Board Geometry SUBCLASS

Allegro PCB Editor

Outline, Plating_Bar, Assembly Notes, Tooling_Corners, Dimension, Place_Grid_Top, Place_Grid_Bottom, Top_Room, Bottom_Room, Both_Rooms, Switch_Area_Top, Switch_Area_Bottom, Silkscreen_Top, Silkscreen_Bottom, Assembly_Detail, Soldermask_Top, Soldermask_Bottom, Off_Grid_Area, Wb_Guide_Line Assembly_Top, Assembly_Bottom, Place_Bound_Top, Place_Bound_Bottom, Pin_Number, Pad_Stack_Name, Silkscreen_Top, Silkscreen_Bottom, Body_Center, Soldermask_Top, Soldermask_Bottom, Display_Top, Display_Bottom, Modules, Dfa_Bound_Top, Dfa_Bound_Bottom, Pastemask_Top, Pastemask_Bottom

Package Geometry


Photoplot_Outline, No_Gloss_All, No_Gloss_Top, No_Gloss_Bottom, No_Gloss_Internal, Ncdrill_Legend, Ncdrill_Figure, Probe_Top, Probe_Bottom, Autosilk_Top, Autosilk_Bottom, No_Probe_Top, No_Probe_Bottom Outline, Title_Block, Title_Data, Revision_Block, Revision_Data

Drawing Format


- Display - / Group, Class, Subclass
Group Stack-up / Conductor Stack-up / Non-Conductor Components Class Pin, Via, DRC, Etch, Anti Etch, Boundary Pin, Via, DRC, Etch, Anti Etch, Boundary Comp Value, Dev Type, Ref Des, Tolerance, User Part Route Ko, Via Ko, Package Ko, Package Ki, Route Ki Constraints Region Grids, Ratsnest(Top, Bottom, Thru), Temp Highlight, Perm Highlight, Background Subclass

Allegro PCB Editor

Top, GND, VCC, Inner, Bottom Non-Conductor : Soldermask_Top, Soldermask_Bottom, Pastemask_Top, Pastemask_Bottom, Filmmask_top, Filmmask_bottom, Through All, Package_Top, Package_Bottom Assembly_Top, Assembly_Bottom, Silkscreen_Top, Silkscreen_Bottom, Display_Top, Display_Bottom Top, Bottom, Through All



Note 15.X > 16.x : Board Geometry / Constraint Area(Subclass) > Areas / Constraint Region(Class)


- Display - / Display (192 Color)

Allegro PCB Editor

Subclass / Subclass

Group Folder Subclass Subclass /

Note Group / Class / Subclass / . Subclass . View -> Color view Save style / .

Color Palette


- Display - / Display (192 Color)
Display Group Shadow Mode

Allegro PCB Editor

, .

OpenGL Engine


- Display - / Display (24 Color)

Allegro PCB Editor

Command : color

Group Group Class Subclass

Subclass /
Note Group / Class / Subclass / . Subclass . View -> Color view Save style / .


- Display - / Display (24 Color)
Shadow Mode

Allegro PCB Editor

Command : color


- Display - /

Allegro PCB Editor


- Subclass ETCH / Layer

Allegro PCB Editor


- Subclass ETCH / Layer

Allegro PCB Editor

Layer Type Conductor Crossover Dielectric Plane Bonding Wire Micro Wire Multi Wire Optical Wave Guide Thermal Glue Coating (Plane Layer) Wire (Package) Wire (Cable, Etc.) Wire (Cable, Etc.) ( )


- Subclass ETCH / Layer

Allegro PCB Editor

Material () AIR CONFORMAL_COAT FR-4 TETRAFUNCTIONAL POLYMIDE BT_EPOXY CYANATE_ESTER_E CYANATE_ESTER_S PTFE POLYMIDE_FILM COPPER PLATED_COPPER_F OIL () (Mask) Layer (Glass/Epoxy) Layer (4Functonal Epoxy) Layer (Polymide) Layer (BT Epoxy) Layer ( ) Layer ( ) Layer (Poly Tetra Fluor Ethylene) Layer (Flexible PCB) () ()


- Subclass ETCH / Layer

Allegro PCB Editor

Etch Subclass Name


DRC as Photo Film Type Positive Negative


- Partitioning option : PCB Artwork

Allegro PCB Editor

Partition Designer Project Manager Project Manager Partition Designer

Partition Designer


- Partitioning option - /
, Partition_ . , Report . Draw mode Line mode : Rectangle mode : Shape mode :

Allegro PCB Editor

Line mode (Default)

Rectangle Add mode 60

Shape Add mode

- Partitioning option - / Guide ports

Allegro PCB Editor

Ratsnest , Ratsnest

Guide Port setup process 61

- Partitioning option - / Workflow manager

Allegro PCB Editor

Import : (dpf) import Export : export Report : Refresh : Master design

ViewLog : import/export/ (Workflow_manager.log) Mail : Form Delete : Retract : ( import )


- Partitioning option - / (Project manager)

Allegro PCB Editor


Partition Ratsnest

Partition File Export 63

Partition File

- Partitioning option - / (Sub designer)

Allegro PCB Editor

Partition File Open

PCB Artwork ( )


- Partitioning option - / (Project manager)

Allegro PCB Editor

Partition File Import

Partition File Progress Partition File(*.dpf) Partition Designer , , Project Manager . Partition (*.dpf) Gloss Manufacture . , PCB / Project Manager .

(Gloss, Create Gerber, Etc.) 65

Constraint Rules

Allegro PCB Editor

: DRC PCB , Board / Rule , Tool

Allegro 16.0 , Physical / Spacing Constraint Manager Rule Board Data(Net, Pin)


Rule PCB Editor Constraint Rule (DRC) 66 Constraint Manager

Constraint Rules
- DRC Marker -

Allegro PCB Editor

Constraints Design Rules Check , Constraints Rules DRC Marker . Show Element DRC Marker , Report .


Constraint Rules
- Menu description -

Allegro PCB Editor

Board (, , ) / Rule Modes : DRC mode Electrical : Constraint Manager Electrical rules Physical : Constraint Manager Physical rules Spacing : Constraint Manager Spacing rules Physical Net Overrides : Net Physical Spacing Net Overrides : Net Spacing DFA Constraint Spreadsheet : DFA Constraint Dialog Constraint Manager : Constraint Manager

Note DFA Constraint Manager : , Package Rule


Constraint Rules
- : Rule (Physical / Spacing / Electrical rules)

Allegro PCB Editor

Constraint Set Mapping : Constraint Rule Set , Rule Set


Constraint Rules
- Rules Description Electrical - rule Signal Integrity
Reflection - Overshoot Edge Distortions - rule Estimated xtalk Simulated xtalk SSN - rule

Allegro PCB Editor

Physical - - Rule
Layer - Region - +

Spacing - - Rule
Layer - Region - +

Switch/Settle Delays - rule Setup/Hold - Setup/Hold time rule

Wiring - Ratsnest (Star, Daisy chain, etc..) Impedance - rule Min/Max Propergation Delay - Delay rule ( ) Total Etch Length - Differential Pair Relative Propergation Delay - Delay rule ( Delay /)


Constraint Rules
- Constraint Modes Electrical - Rule DRC Stub length/Net Schedule Max via count - Max exposed length Propagation delay - Relative propagation delay - Timing Max parellel Impedance - Total etch length - All Differential pair checks - Diff pair Rule Max xtalk Max peak xtalk Layer sets

Allegro PCB Editor


Constraint Rules
- Constraint Modes Physical - , Rule DRC Min line width - Min neck width - Neck mode Max neck length - Neck mode Max line width - Allow on etch subclass - T junctions - () Min BB via stagger - BB Via Max BB via stagger - BB Via Pad/Pad direct connect -

Allegro PCB Editor


Constraint Rules
- Constraint Modes Spacing - , Pad rule DRC Pin Line Via Shape Thru xxx - Thru-hole type pad Smd xxx - Surface mount type pad Bond finger - Bonding pad B/B Via - Blind / Buried via Min BB Via Gap - BB

Allegro PCB Editor


Constraint Rules
- DFA(Design For Assembly) - : Package ,

Allegro PCB Editor

PCB , . , Package type , DFA Constraint PCB Design . Allegro PCB Editor Constraint Manager Package symbol Boundary Rule , DFA Package symbol .

Package symbol boundary DRC .


Constraint Rules
- DFA Constraint - : Package type Rule

Allegro PCB Editor

DFA Rule Spreadsheet window

1. Browse for symbols : DFA Rule Package symbol 2. Package Symbol Spreadsheet 3. Default , Apply selected cells 4. Constraints On OnlineDRC


Constraint Rules
- DFA Preference -

Allegro PCB Editor


Note dfa_pause_level : DFA Rule 0~3 , 0 pause , 3 pause, 1 display_nodfa_drc_marks : DFA Marker DRC Marker


Constraint Rules
- DFx Check(Batch DRC) - : Board

Allegro PCB Editor

Note Constraint Setup : Check Explore Violations : Report : Check


Constraint Rules
- Xnet

Allegro PCB Editor

Allegro DB Connector , . , Constraint Manager , Xnet .

Xnet Net





Constraint Rules
- Xnet -

Allegro PCB Editor


Resistor Model

Xnet (Constraint Manager)


Constraint Rules
- Xnet - / Resistor Model

Allegro PCB Editor

Xnet , Passive Part modeling 2 Resistor Auto Setup . R Setup Advisor Device Setup Refdes Resistor Array , Auto Setup Model , Edit Model Pin Connection


- - / Place Manual

Allegro PCB Editor

. Placement . . Note OK : Hide : Placement Brd File (Components by refdes) (Package symbols) , Preference . Place Manual -H .


- - / Quick Place

Allegro PCB Editor

Room Net /

Note Manual Place Quick Place Rule .


- - / Quick Place - all components

Allegro PCB Editor

Note Edge - . Board Side , Top / Bottom - .


- - / Quick Place - by room

Allegro PCB Editor


: Room -> Room ->

Note Room Room Name , Board Room Name Room Outline .


- - / Quick Place - by room

Allegro PCB Editor

Room Property Setting (Allegro PCB Editor ) - , Control Panel Property Property Value - Room Name Room Property Capture


- - / Quick Place - by room

Allegro PCB Editor

Room Property Setting (Capture / DE CIS ) - Edit Properties Room Property Value (Room Name) Property Value - Room Name


- - / Quick Place - by room

Allegro PCB Editor

Create Room Outline Create

Draw Rectangle - () Place Rectangle - () Draw Polygon - ()

Edit - Move - Delete -


- - / Quick Place - by room

Allegro PCB Editor

Place by room - Place by room - Room Name - Top Bottom Place Unplace


- - / Button
Rats All Slide Custom Smooth Create Fanout

Allegro PCB Editor

UnRats All

Add Connect

Delay Tune

Edit Vertex

Spread Between Voids

Note Ratsnest - Net Cline - Connection line() Manhattan Length - Connection ( Ratsnest )

UnRats All - Ratsnest Rats All - Ratsnest Add Connect - Slide - Segment() Delay Tune - (Delay) (Performance Option) Custom Smooth - Edit Vertex - / Create Fanout - Fanout (by Pick) Spread Between Voids - Pad Void


- - / Rats, UnRats

Allegro PCB Editor

UnRats All

Rats All


- - / Add Connect - Control

Allegro PCB Editor

Layer Layer (Via Act Alt .) Via Padstack Net name (45, 90, ) 45 ,

Shove - Hug - - Gridless : . (DRC ) _ Snap to Connect Point :


- - / Add Connect - Control

Allegro PCB Editor

, Layer Via -> Layer . Layer .
Via - Alt Layer Layer - + (Act Layer .)

Via / Grid / /


- - / Add Connect - Control gridded Off

Allegro PCB Editor

Bubble Online DRC .


Hug preferred Hug Only

Shove preferred


- - / Add Connect - Control

Allegro PCB Editor

Off Minimal Full

Smooth - Smoothing Snap to connect point - Pad Replace etch -


- - / Add Connect - Via

Allegro PCB Editor

thru-hole via

Via Via Add Via , . Via Set .

blind via

buried via

Note Constraint Setting Via List Via-Hole / .


- - / Slide

Allegro PCB Editor

DRC Rule Corner Arc , Corner Arc Segment , Via , T ,


- - / Edit Vertex

Allegro PCB Editor



- - / Edit Vertex 1st Pick

Allegro PCB Editor

2nd Pick

Edit > Delete


1st Pick 2nd Pick

Route > Slide


Edit > Change (width)


- - / Custom Smooth

Allegro PCB Editor

Note Gloss Line Smoothing .


- Gloss -

Allegro PCB Editor

Gloss (Property) : NO_GLOSS, FIXED (Subclass) : NO_GLOSS_XXX Design - Board Room - Room Window - ( , ) Highlight - (Highlight) (Highlight , ) Gloss List

Note Fillet = Tear Drop Gloss .


- Shape - / Add, Edit

Allegro PCB Editor

Add Shape

Edit Shape


- Shape - / Print Image

Allegro PCB Editor

Negative plane

Positive plane

Note Positive Plane

Shape . . , Shape . . Shape . . . Flash symbol . .


Negative Plane

PCB Editor


- Shape - / Print Image

Allegro PCB Editor


Negative Shape

Positive Shape

Positive Negative


- Shape - / Add, Edit

Allegro PCB Editor

- Shape -/ Parameters Shape

Shape Cross-Hatch Solid


- Shape - / Add, Edit

Allegro PCB Editor

Shape (Priority) .

(Priority) Shape

(Priority) Shape


- Shape - / Control

Allegro PCB Editor

Shape Shape>> Polygon Polygon Rectangular Rectangular Circular Circular


1 - Shape Subclass 2 - Shape Fill type 3 - Shape Net


- Shape - / Parameters

Allegro PCB Editor

Shape Fill Style : Hatch/Solid Fill Style Void Control : Gerber Shape Void Clearances : Line Constraint Rule Shape / Pattern Thermal relief : Thermal Relief ( Line )

Shape Fill Solid

Void Control Pin Void


Thermal Relief


Line Void


- Shape - / Parameters

Allegro PCB Editor

Update to Smooth : Dynamic fill mode Rough Disable Dynamic Shape fill Smooth (Void Thermal ) Out of date shapes : Shape , Dynamic fill mode Rough Disable Shape Dynamic fill - Shape

Smooth - (Artwork film quality output) Shape Fill mode Rough - mode (Shape , Void ) Disabled - Shape , (Shape , Void )

Copper Plot


- Shape - / Parameters

Allegro PCB Editor

Artwork format - Shape Minimum aperture for artwork fill - shape fill aperture Minimum aperture for gap width - shape fill aperture ( ) Suppress shapes less than.. - Shape

Snap off Snap on


- Shape - / Parameters

Allegro PCB Editor


- Shape - / Parameters

Allegro PCB Editor


- Shape - / Merge & Void

Allegro PCB Editor

Shape Merge : PCB Editor Draw Shape

Shape Merge

Shape Merge

Shape Void : 5 Void Element, Polygon, Rectangle, Circle, Boundary

Shape Void 112

Shape Void

- SOV (Segment Over Void) , Pin Void / Signal trace

Allegro PCB Editor

Void Pattern

Slide 113 Spread Between Voids

- Spread Between Voids Pad Trace

Allegro PCB Editor

1 2

3 4

Copper Signal trace , Segment Over Void Void , Pad Pad Void Clearance , Clearance . 114

- Route Automatic - / Router Setup Tab
do File

Allegro PCB Editor

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Strategy : 2. Limit via creation : 3. Limit wraparrounds : 4. Protect existing routes : 5. Turbo Stager : /


6. Enable diagonal routing : (45) 7. Layer 8. Layer(Subclass) 9. Horizontal / Vertical 10.Protect :


- Route Automatic - / Routing Passes Tab

Allegro PCB Editor

1. Preroute and route : 1. Check : 2. Pass type : 1 3. Passes : 4. Start : 2. Post Route : , 2 1. Critic : / (Clean VS Critic ) 2. Filter routing passes : / 3. Center wires : Pin Pin 4. Spread wires : -, -Pad 5. Miter Corners : 6. Delete conflicts : Highspeed rule


- Route Automatic - / Routing Passes Tab

Allegro PCB Editor

1. Params : Passtype Parameter 2. Clear : 1

2 Fanout : SMD Pad Fanout Seed Vias : Bus : Bus Clean : Testpoint : Testpoint (Pad, Via TP ) Critic : / (Clean VS Critic ) Filter : , (Filter routing passes )


- Route Automatic - / Routing Passes Tab / Params

Allegro PCB Editor

Fanout Direction : Fanout Via (Component pin ) Via Location : Via (Component outline ) 1 3 5 6 2 4 Maximum Fanout Length : Fanout Enable Radial Wires : (APD ) Fanout Grid : Fanout Blind/Buried Via Depth : BB Via Fanout (Layer)


- Route Automatic - / Routing Passes Tab / Params

Allegro PCB Editor

Fanout 1. Pin Types : Fanout Pin 2. Share Within Distance : Share ( Global ) 1 3. Share Pins : Same net Thru-Hole Pin Fanout Max Share Count : SMD Pin 4. Share SMDs on Way to Via : Same net SMD pin Via Max Share Count : SMD Pin 5. Share Vias : Same net SMD pin Via Max Share Count : SMD Pin

3 4 5


- Route Automatic - / Routing Passes Tab / Params Bus Routing

Allegro PCB Editor

1. Diagonal Routing : 2. Othogonal Routing :

Seed Vias
1. Break-up Connection Longer Than : ( Via ) 2. Place Vias Under SMD Component : SMD Via


- Route Automatic - / Routing Passes Tab / Params

Allegro PCB Editor

1. Testpoint Side : TP Layer 1 2. Testpoint Position : TP Center To Center Spacing : TP (TP ) Center To Component Spacing : Boundary TP (TP ) Component Outline Clearance : Boundary TP (TP ) Testpoint X Grid : TP X Testpoint Y Grid : TP Y Maximum Length : Pad, TP 4 3. Pin Use Allow Pin Use : TP By Component : Pin TP 4. Via Padstacks Specify Testpoint Vias : Via TP


- Route Automatic - / Routing Passes Tab / Params Spread Wires

Allegro PCB Editor

1. Spread (Global ) 2. 1 2 Starting > Ending : Spread , Ending Starting

Miter Corners
1. Miter Passes : 2. Options 1 2 1. Miter Pin and Via Exit : Pin, Via Exit Miter 2. Slant Wrong-way Segments : Segment 3. Miter T Junctions : T Miter 4. Miter at Bends : 90 45


- Route Automatic - / Routing Passes Tab / Params

Allegro PCB Editor

Elongate (Delay Tune) 1. Meander : 2. Trombone : Trombone Minimum Gap : Maximum Run Length : Segment 3. Accordion : Minimum Gap : Minimum Amplitude : Segment Maximum Amplitude : Segment 4. Sawtooth : Minimum Gap : Minimum Amplitude : Segment Maximum Amplitude : Segment 5. Option Pattern Stacking : Elongate


- Route Automatic - / Smart Router, Selection Tab Smart Router Tab
1 2 3 4 1. Grid : Via

Allegro PCB Editor

2. Fanout : , Fanout , Pin Via Fanout via 3. Generate Testpoints : , Testpoint 4. , Miter corner

Selections Tab
Routing Passes Smart Router Entire Design : All selected : All but selected :


- Constraint Rule -

Allegro PCB Editor

: , / Rule(Constraints)



- Target net -

Allegro PCB Editor

Net : Ra10

Net Ra10

: cdsrouted.brd Net : Ra10 Manhattan length : 1460 MIL Rule : (Etch Length) : Auto Router : 2000MIL ~ 2010MIL


- Constraint Rule Online DRC -

Allegro PCB Editor


Etch Length , Total etch length DRC On Note : PCB Editor Rule , Constraint mode .


- Target net Constraint Rule -

Allegro PCB Editor

Constraint Manager , Net(Ra10)

Constraint Manager Rule

Net Properties Constraint Manager


- Target net Constraint Rule -

Allegro PCB Editor

- Rule Rule Net Etch Etch

DRC On , Rule

Constraint Manager

3 Etch : 2000 129

4 Etch : 2010

- Constraint Rule -

Allegro PCB Editor

Route Automatic : Board Net Route Net By Pick : Net Delay Tune Router Setup > Params > Elongation Tab


- PCB Editor Show Element

Allegro PCB Editor

Constraint Manager

( )


- Via Array Generator : Signal Copper Noise GND Via

Allegro PCB Editor


- Via Array Generator - / Normal Generator

Allegro PCB Editor

1 2 3 4 Entire Board
, > Design Shape

Bounding Box

Shape Boundary

- ( : > mil mm)

1. 2. 3. 4.

Via Pad Via Array , Via ( GND) Via Array Via Pad


- Via Array Generator - / Boundary Via Array

Allegro PCB Editor

1 2

- ( : > mil mm)

1. 2.

Via Pad Via Array ,


- Via Array Generator - / Circular Via Array

Allegro PCB Editor

Original 1 2 3

Multi-Ring Shape - ( : > mil mm)

1. 2. 3. Via Pad / Shape Via Pad Via Pad



- Via Array Generator - / Cline Via Array

Allegro PCB Editor


Single Cline mode

Single Cline : T Via Array


- Via Array Generator - / Offset Via Array Shape () Via Array 1 2

Allegro PCB Editor


- ( : > mil mm)

1. 2. Shape / Via Pad Via Pad


Post Process

Allegro PCB Editor

- DB Doctor Tool > Database Check

DRC Update(Batch DRC) Brd file database


Post Process
- Create Artwork (Gerber)

Allegro PCB Editor Gerber files

Allegro Design File (.brd)

Film Control records

SilkTop Smask_top Top VCC GND Bottom Smask_bot SilkBot

To photoplotter

Mylar Film

Parameter file art_param.txt

Aperture file art_aper.txt

Log file photoplot.log

(vector only)


Post Process
- Create Artwork (Gerber) - / General Parameters

Allegro PCB Editor

Device Type - Format

Gerber 6x00 (RS-274D) Gerber 4x00 (RS-274X, divided aperture file = art_aper.txt) Gerber RS274X Barco DPF MDA

Film size limits - Coordinate type - Error action - Format - Output option - Suppress - Output units - (inch, mm) Scale factor for output - /


Post Process
- Create Artwork (Gerber) - / Film Control

Allegro PCB Editor

Available Films - Film File option - Film , , (/) Create Artwork - Film File (*.art) Check database before artwork - Film file DB doctor

Note Films List Design . Drill Film List


Post Process
- Create Artwork (Gerber) - / Film Control

Allegro PCB Editor

Positive (copper = black)

Negative (copper = clear)

Artwork File


Post Process
- Create Artwork (Gerber) - / Aperture wheels

Allegro PCB Editor

Note Film . Auto Aperture wheel .


Post Process
- Create Auto Silk -

Allegro PCB Editor


Ref Des package geometry


Manufacturin g

Autosilk_Top Pins Vias


Post Process
- Create Auto Silk -

Allegro PCB Editor

Subclass Auto Silkscreen (Film) . Silk Screen Auto silk Subclass . Subclass DRC Rule Auto Silkscreen .


Post Process
- Create Drill - / Legend ()

Allegro PCB Editor

, NC-Drill 1-x Subclass .

Drill Symbol Drill Size


Post Process
- Create Drill - / NC Drill (*.DRL)

Allegro PCB Editor

NC Drill file Out-1-4.drl

Auto tool select nc_tools.txt Log file Parameter file nc_param.txt nctape.log


Post Process
- Create Detail - /

Allegro PCB Editor



Post Process
- Report -

Allegro PCB Editor

41 Report Text Html , Html Table , MS-Excel Spreadsheet Tool 100% 149

Post Process
- Report - / Report

Allegro PCB Editor

C:\Cadence\SPB_16.0\share\pcb\text\views C:\Cadence\OrCAD\16.0\share\pcb\text\views text Report

Component Report


Text Load

Post Process
- Report - / Report Customize(ex : Component Report)
# # Property of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # # $Header: cmp_rep_view.txt.v 1.1 12/01/87 ddd Prealpha # # File: cmp_rep_view.txt - Component data extract cmd file for # component list report # # Revision history: # (0.10) ddd 12/01/87 Preliminary initial version # # COMPONENT # # Extract: refdes(sort), refdes, device_type, value, tolerance, # package, x, y, angle, mirror. # REFDES_SORT REFDES COMP_DEVICE_TYPE COMP_VALUE COMP_TOL COMP_PACKAGE SYM_X SYM_Y SYM_ROTATE SYM_MIRROR # # end of cmp_rep_view #

Allegro PCB Editor

Report Report form REFDES_SORT : REFDES Data (REFDES, COMP_DEVICE_TYPE) : Allegro 151

Symbol /
- Padstack - / Layer

Allegro PCB Editor

Through-Hole Padstack
mask top inner anti - pad thermal relief inner bottom mask drill size

Surface-Mount Padstack
paste mask top


Symbol /
- Padstack - / Pad Designer

Allegro PCB Editor

- Parameter Tab Type : Pad Type - / Blind, Buried / Internal Layers : Film (Fixed) (Optional) - Optional PCB Editor Artwork Film . Units : Multiple drill : Drill/Slot hole : Drill/Slot symbol : Drill Chart Symbol


Symbol /
- Padstack - / Pad Designer
- Layer Tab Padstack Layers : Mask Layer - Regular Pad - Thermal Relief - Anti Pad Views : Padstack - Xsection : - Top :

Allegro PCB Editor

Layer Layer Pad .


Symbol /
- Padstack - / Pad Designer

Allegro PCB Editor


thermal relief

anti - pad


Symbol /
- Padstack - / Pad Designer
Layer , .

Allegro PCB Editor

Layer , Layer /.


Symbol /
- Padstack - / Pad

Allegro PCB Editor

Regular Pad
Regular Pad : , , Positive Pad Thermal Relief
Positive : Pin, Via Positive Copper Pad. Regular Pad . Negative : Pin, Via Negative Copper Flash Type Pad

Thermal Pos

Anti Pad : Pin, Via Copper Shape : (, , ) , Pad

Thermal Neg

Note Thermal Relief Positive Negative Plane Layer Copper Positive , Negative . Shape, Flash Pad Pad Designer . Shape, Flash PCB Editor dra .



Symbol /
- Padstack - / Pad Selection Guide

Allegro PCB Editor

Pad Type h109p h109u m43b m43t p50c32 p50s30 pga s25_48 s25_48b sq55 via

Describtion hole; 109 Mils; plated hole; 109 Mils; unplated multi-bus connector; 43 Mils; BOTTOM mount multi-bus connector; 43 Mils; TOP mount pad; 50 Mils; circle shape; 32 Mil drill size pad; 50 Mils; square shape; 30 Mil drill size pin grid array surface mount pad; 25 x 48 Mils pad size; TOP mount surface mount pad; 25 x 48 Mils pad size; BOTTOM mount pad; square shape; 55 Mils ---


Symbol /
- Padstack - / Flash Symbol

Allegro PCB Editor

Flash Symbol Pad 0,0 Origin Symbol . ADD -> Flash , Symbol .


Symbol /
- Component Symbol - / Drawing Setting

Allegro PCB Editor

Setup > Drawing Size

new datum 0,0


default datum 0,0



Symbol /
- Component Symbol - / Symbol Type

Allegro PCB Editor

package symbol (.psm)

mechanical symbol (.bsm)

format symbol (.osm)

shape symbol (.ssm)

flash symbol



Symbol /
- Component Symbol - / Symbol

Allegro PCB Editor

Part Ref(Silk, Assy Layer)

Padstacks () Package Boundary

() Assembly Outline

Assy Ref
Silkscreen Outline

Device Type

Minimum/Maximum Package Height 162

Symbol /
- Component Symbol - / Pin

Allegro PCB Editor

or... Layout> Pins Layout Pins 1 100 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 12 11 10 9 8 14


Symbol /
- Component Symbol - /

Allegro PCB Editor

Add > ...

Add > 3pt Arc

Add > Line


Symbol /
- Component Symbol - / Text

Allegro PCB Editor

Silk Ref
Layout > Labels > Refdes

Assy Ref
Layout > Labels > Device

Device Type


Symbol /
- Component Symbol - /

Allegro PCB Editor

Setup > Areas

Silk Ref

Assy Ref Device Type




Symbol /
- Component Symbol Note Symbol , .

Allegro PCB Editor

*.dra - , . *.psm - , .

dra , psm .


Symbol /
- Board Symbol - /

Allegro PCB Editor

package keepin

mounting holes

via keepout

route keepin chamfer outline 168

Symbol /
- Board Symbol - /
ix -850 ix -4100 (0, 4100) iy -200

Allegro PCB Editor

iy 4500

Add > Line ( )

x 1000 0 iy -4100 ix 850 drawing origin (0,0) center of mounting hole


iy -200

ix 4100


Symbol /
- Board Symbol - / Hole ,

Allegro PCB Editor

Layout > Pins

Drill Symbol (square)

Soldermask (outer circle) 170

Drill hole (inner circle)

Symbol /
- Board Symbol - / (Chamfer)

Allegro PCB Editor

Dimension > Chamfer


Symbol /
- Board Symbol - / Dimension

Allegro PCB Editor

Dimension > Linear Dim


Symbol /
- Board Symbol - / Ki,Ko

Allegro PCB Editor

Edit > Z-Copy

Setup > Areas

route keepin (offset 50 mils) package keepin (offset 70 mils) outline

mounting hole


Symbol /
- Board Symbol - /

Allegro PCB Editor

File > Save

.bsm + .dra

Note Symbol , .

*.dra - , . *.bsm - , .

dra , psm . Shape Z-Copy . , User Preference .


- PCB Editor Command Index - / File
File File - New File - Open File - Recent Designs File - Save File - Save As File - Create Symbol File - Import - Logic File - Import - Artwork File - Import - Stream File - Import - IPF File - Import - DXF File - Import - IDF File - Import - IFF new open opencd save save_as create symbol (Symbol Editor ) netin param load photoplot load stream load plot dxf in idf in iff in File

Allegro PCB Editor

File - Import - Router File - Import - PADS File - Import - PCAD File - Import - Sub-Drawing File - Import - Techfile File - Import - Active Times File - Import - Placement File - Import - Annotations File - Import - Pin Delay File - Export - Logic File - Export - Netlist w/Properties File - Export - IPF File - Export - DXF

specctra in pads in pcad in clppaste techfile in signal atimes plctxt in annotation in pin_delay in feedback netout create plot dxf out


- PCB Editor Command Index - / File
File File - Export - IDF File - Export - Router File - Export - Sub-Drawing File - Export - Libraries File - Export - Techfile File - Export - Placement File - Export - Annotations File - Export - InterComm File - Export - IPC 356 File - Export - ODB ++ inside File - Export - Save Design to 15.0 File - Export - Save Design to 15.2 File - Export - Pin Delay idf out specctra_out clpcopy dlib techfile out plctxt out annotation out icm_out ipc356 out odb_out downrev downrev2 pin_delay out File File - Viewlog File - File Viewer File - Plot Setup File - Plot Preview (Windows only) File - Plot File - Properties File - Change Editor File - Script File - Exit

Allegro PCB Editor

viewlog . plot setup plot preview plot file_property toolswap script exit


- PCB Editor Command Index - / Edit
Edit Edit - Undo Edit - Redo Edit - Move Edit - Copy Edit - Mirror Edit - Spin Edit - Change Edit - Delete Edit - Z-Copy Edit - Split Plane - Parameters Edit - Split Plane - Create Edit - Vertex Edit - Delete Vertex undo redo move copy mirror spin change delete zcopy shape split plane param split plane create vertex delete vertex Edit Edit - Text Edit - Groups Edit - Properties

Allegro PCB Editor

text edit groupedit property edit net_properties

Edit - Net Properties


- PCB Editor Command Index - / View, Add
View View - Zoom By Points View - Zoom Fit View - Zoom In View - Zoom Out View - Zoom World View - Zoom Center View - Zoom Previous View - Color View Save View - Color View Restore Last View - Refresh View - Customization - Display View - Customization - Toolbar zoom points zoom fit zoom in zoom out zoom world zoom center zoom previous colorview create colorview restore redisplay display param . Add Add - Line

Allegro PCB Editor

add line add rarc add arc add circle add rect add frect add text

Add - Arc w/Radius Add - 3pt Arc Add - Circle Add - Rectangle Add - Frectangle Add - Text


- PCB Editor Command Index - / Display
Display Display - Color/Visibility Display - Color Priority Display - Element Display - Measure Display - Parasitic Display - Property Display - Highlight Display - Dehighlight Display - Waive DRCs - Waive Display - Waive DRCs - Show Display - Waive DRCs - Blank Display - Waive DRCs - Restore Display - Waive DRCs - Restore All color192 color color priority show element show measure show parasitic show property hilight dehilight waive drc show waived drcs blank waived drcs restore_waived drc restore_waived drcs Display Display - Show Rats - All

Allegro PCB Editor

rats all rats component rats net unrats all unrats component unrats net

Display - Show Rats - Components Display - Show Rats - Net Display - Blank Rats - All Display - Blank Rats - Components Display - Blank Rats - Nets


- PCB Editor Command Index - / Setup
Setup Setup - Drawing Size Setup - Drawing Options Setup - Text Sizes Setup - Grids Setup - Subclasses Setup - Cross-section Setup - Vias - Define B/B Via Setup - Vias - Auto Define B/B Via Setup - Constraints Setup - Electrical Constraint Spreadsheet Setup - DFA Constraint Spreadsheet Setup - Property Definitions Setup - Define Lists drawing param status define text define grid define subclass define xsection define bbvia auto define bbvia cns cmgr dfa_spreadsheet define property define list Setup

Allegro PCB Editor

Setup - Areas - Package Keepin Setup - Areas - Package Keepout Setup - Areas - Package Height Setup - Areas - Route Keepin Setup - Areas - Route Keepout Setup - Areas - Via Keepout Setup - Areas - Probe Keepout Setup - Areas - Gloss Keepout Setup - Areas - Photoplot Outline Setup - User Preferences

keepin package keepout package package_height keepin router keepout router keepout via keepout probe keepout gloss keepin photo enved


- PCB Editor Command Index - / Layout
Layout Layout Symbol Editor . Layout - Pins Layout - Connections Layout - Slide Layout - Labels - RefDes Layout - Labels - Device Layout - Labels - Value Layout - Labels - Tolerance Layout - Labels - Part Number add pin add connect slide label refdes label device label value label tolerance label part

Allegro PCB Editor


- PCB Editor Command Index - / Shape

Allegro PCB Editor

Shape Shape - Polygon Shape - Rectangular Shape - Circular Shape - Manual Void - Polygon Shape - Select Shape or Void Shape - Manual Void - Rectangular Shape - Manual Void - Circular Shape - Manual Void - Delete Shape - Manual Void - Element Shape - Manual Void - Move Shape - Manual Void - Copy Shape - Edit Boundary Shape - Delete Islands


shape add shape add rect shape add circle shape void polygon shape select shape void rectangle shape void circle shape void delete shape void element shape void move shape void copy shape edit boundary island_delete

Shape - Change Shape Type Shape - Merge Shapes Shape - Check Shape - Compose Shape Shape - Decompose Shape Shape - Global Dynamic Params

shape change type shape merge shapes shape check compose shape decompose shape shape global param


- PCB Editor Command Index - / Logic

Allegro PCB Editor

Logic Logic - Net Logic Logic - Net Schedule Logic - Assign Differential Pair Logic - Identify DC Nets Logic - Assign RefDes Logic - Auto Rename RefDes Rename Logic - Auto Rename RefDes - Design Logic - Auto Rename RefDes - Room Logic - Auto Rename RefDes - Window Logic - Auto Rename RefDes - List Logic - Change Parts Logic - Part Logic... Logic - Terminator Assignment

net logic net schedule diff pairs identify nets assign refdes rename param rename area design rename area room rename area window rename area list partedit partlogic ecl param


- PCB Editor Command Index - / Place

Allegro PCB Editor

Place Place - Manually Place - Quickplace Place - Router Place - Autoplace - Insight Place - Autoplace - Parameters Place - Autoplace - Top Grids Place - Autoplace - Bottom Grids Place - Autoplace - Design Place - Autoplace - Room Place - Autoplace - Window Place - Autoplace - List Place - Interactive Place - Swap - Pins


place manual quickplace specctra place insight place param place set topgrid place set bottomgrid place area design place area room place area window place area list place interactive swap pins

Place - Swap - Functions Place - Swap - Components Place - Autoswap - Parameters Place - Autoswap - Design Place - Autoswap - Room Place - Autoswap - Window Place - Autoswap - List Place - Evaluate - Parameters Place - Evaluate - Design Place - Evaluate - Room Place - Evaluate - Window Place - Evaluate - List Place - Update Symbols

swap functions swap components swap param swap area design swap area room swap area window swap area list eval param eval area design eval area room eval area window eval area list refresh symbol


- PCB Editor Command Index - / Place

Allegro PCB Editor

Place Place - Replace SQ Temporary - Devices Place - Replace SQ Temporary - Symbols Place - Design Partition - Create Partitions Place - Design Partition - Workflow Manager Place - Design Partition - Guideports

replace temp_device replace temp_symbols partition workflow guideport


- PCB Editor Command Index - / Route

Allegro PCB Editor

Route Route - Connect Route - Slide Route - Delay Tune Route - Custom Smooth Route - Router Checks Route - Fanout by Pick Route - Route Net(s) by Pick Route - Elongation by Pick Route - Route Automatic Route - Router Editor Route - Miter by Pick Route - Unmiter by Pick Route - Spread Between Voids


add connect slide delay tune custom smooth specctra checks fanout_by_pick route_by_pick elong_by_pick auto_route specctra miter_by_pick unmiter_by_pick spread_between_voids

Route - Gloss - Excute Route - Gloss - Design Route - Gloss - Room Route - Gloss - Window Route - Gloss - Highlight Route - Gloss - List

gloss param gloss area design gloss area room gloss area window gloss area highlight gloss area list


- PCB Editor Command Index - / Analyze

Allegro PCB Editor

Analyze Analyze - SI/EMI Sim - Initialize Analyze - SI/EMI Sim - Library Analyze - SI/EMI Sim - Model Analyze - SI/EMI Sim - Model Dump/Refresh Analyze - SI/EMI Sim - Preferences Analyze - SI/EMI Sim - Audit - Design Audit Analyze - SI/EMI Sim - Audit - Net Audit Analyze - SI/EMI Sim - Audit - Audit One Library Analyze - SI/EMI Sim - Audit - Audit List of Libraries Analyze - SI/EMI Sim - Probe Analyze - SI/EMI Sim - Xtalk Table Analyze - EMI Rule Checker Analyze - Transmission Line Calculator

signal init signal library signal model signal model refresh signal prefs signal audit signal audit net signal lib audit signal libs audit signal probe signal xtalktable emcontrol tline calculator


- PCB Editor Command Index - / Manufacture

Allegro PCB Editor

Manufacture - Dimension/Draft Manufacture - Dimension/Draft - Parameters Manufacture - Dimension/Draft - LineFont Manufacture - Dimension/Draft - Linear Dim Manufacture - Dimension/Draft - Datum Dim Manufacture - Dimension/Draft - Angular Dim Manufacture - Dimension/Draft - Leader Lines Manufacture - Dimension/Draft - Diametral Leader Manufacture - Dimension/Draft - Radial Leader Manufacture - Dimension/Draft - Balloon Leader Manufacture - Dimension/Draft - Chamfer Leader Manufacture - Dimension/Draft - Chamfer Manufacture - Dimension/Draft - Fillet Manufacture - Dimension/Draft - Create Detail

draft param linefont dimension linear dimension datum dimension angular leader only leader diametral leader radial leader balloon leader chamfer draft chamfer draft fillet create detail

PCB Manufacture - Dimension Draft Symbol Dimension


- PCB Editor Command Index - / Manufacture

Allegro PCB Editor

Manufacture Manufacture - Artwork Manufacture - Stream Out Manufacture - NC - Drill Customization Manufacture - NC - Drill Legend Manufacture - NC - Backdrill Setup and Analysis Manufacture - NC - NC Parameters Manufacture - NC - NC Drill Manufacture - NC - NC Route Manufacture - Cut Marks Manufacture - DFx Check (legacy) Manufacture - Create Coupons Manufacture - Silkscreen

film param stream out ncdrill customization ncdrill legend backdrill setup ncdrill param nctape_full ncroute cut marks dfa create coupons silkscreen param


- PCB Editor Command Index - / Manufacture

Allegro PCB Editor

Manufacture Manufacture - Testprep - Automatic Manufacture - Testprep - Manual Manufacture - Testprep - Properties Manufacture - Testprep - Fix/unfix testpoints Manufacture - Testprep - Create FIXTURE Manufacture - Testprep - Create NC drill data Manufacture - Testprep - Density Check Manufacture - Testprep - Resequence Manufacture - Thieving Manufacture - Variants - Create Assembly Drawing Manufacture - Variants - Create Bill of Materials

testprep automatic testprep manual testprep properties testprep fix testprep createfixture testprep ncdrill testprep density testprep resequence thieving variant assembly variant bom


- PCB Editor Command Index - / Tools, Help
Tools create module padeditdb padeditlib replace padstack multpadedit refresh padstack editpad boundary editpad restore editpad restore all silkscreen param derive connectivity reports techfile compare Help Help - Help

Allegro PCB Editor

Tools Tools - Create Module Tools - Padstack - Modify Design Padstack Tools - Padstack - Modify Library Padstack Tools - Padstack - Replace Tools - Padstack - Group Edit Tools - Padstack - Refresh Tools - Pad - Boundary Tools - Pad - Restore Tools - Pad - Restore ALL Tools - Silkscreen Tools - Derive Connectivity Tools - Reports Tools - Technology File Compare

Tools - Setup Advisor Tools - Database Check Tools - Update DRC

setup advisor dbdoctor drc update

cdsdoc cdsdoc about

Help - Manuals Help - About


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: artwork

Allegro Artwork Artwork


15.5 Arc , art_circvects . Arc, Circle Line Segment . 15.7 , arc_oldvectorize . Artwork Film Comment , . Manufacture -> Artwork . , photoplot.log .





Artwork Film 14.2 . Film Stackup , Film Stackup . Gerber 4x/6x Film , Flash Symbol(Triangle) . C-Point size(80mil), . (mil, micron) .



- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: autosave autosave autosave_dbcheck autosave_name autosave_time autosave . DB . ( !!) . AUTOSAVE.brd( dra) (10 ~ 300) . 30.


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: browser browser_nodircheck change directory . , File->Open Browse , File->scripts Browse . Browse . Browse , . Windows 3.1 . Sub_Drawing clpcopy command Windows 3.1 . (13.6 ) Unix OS . MS-Windows OS . explorer.exe %%/pcbenv/allegro.ini , . 12.0 , unnamed.brd . 12.0 SCRIPTPATH Allegro data browser , 13.6 File Browser . padeditlib(Tools->Padstack->Modify Library Padstack) library path browser , file browser .

browser_nosticky browser_win31 clip_filebrowser filemgr_unix filemgr_windows nolast_directory nolast_file old_scriptbrowser padlib_filebrowser


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: config_paths aptpath artpath clippath devpath dfaauditpath materialpath ncdpath scriptpath textpath viewpath wizard_template_path xtalk_table_path Aperture flash .(*.fsm, *.bsm) Artwork aperture/param (art_aper.txt, art_param.txt) SubDrawing(*.clp) (*.txt) DFA (Audit) (*.arl, *.rle) materials.dat(Allegro) mcmmat.dat(Allegro Package Designer) NC Drill (*.txt) (*.scr) extracta (*.txt) (*.color) Allegro (*.brd,*.dra Wizard) (*.xtb)


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: control_panel (Option, Find Filter, Visibility), WorldView Option add pin , , Symbol unit .



Color and Visibility Group Option Group Group Visibility Views Artwork Film , (Option, Find, Visibility) ,




Reject , Reject List (Always), (1~5) reject list (none, blink, highlight, : blink)



World View VOLTAGE net .(14.0 ) net , pin .


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: design_paths Design Search Path Settings dclpath dfacnspath ldfpath modulepath padpath pcell_lib_path psmpath techpath tilepath topology_template_path (*.dcf) DFA constraints spreadsheet (*.dfa) (*.ldf) Design Reuse (*.mdd) Padstack (*.pad) pcell (*.il *.ile) Symbol (*.psm, *.osm, *.bsm, *.ssm, *.fsm) (*.tech) Reusable die pin tile (*.til) (*.top)


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: display bug_solaris_hlt_lines display_backingstore display_drcfill display_manual_colorpriority display_no_auto_hide_boundary display_nocolor_dynamics display_nodynamicarcwidth display_nohilitefont display_nolinewidth display_norefdes display_norepair display_nosaved_geometry display_noskeletal_draw 7 . , repainting . (UNIX X ) Solid type DRC marker , Active Layer Color priority , autopriority(Layer Color priority ) , dynamic shape boundary layer . . , , arc 1 Solid , () 1mm ( ) , RefDes (, Rats..) (Repaint) Allegro Skeleton Display ( )


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: display display_raster_ops display_readonly_intensity display_shapefill display_shapefill_analysis display_thintext , ( on) Shadow mode , 40% Solid type Shape Fill , 5 ( 4) Analysis Shape Fill Text 1


* SOV : Segment Over Void Highlight SOV application

sov_active_only sov_spacing

Highlight SOV application active layer Highlight SOV application


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: drawing DB db_tier_nomsg drawing_4mils Product (Command .) mil 3~4 , 2


mil 2

multiboard_always no_symbol_onsave noconfirm_uprev

System design , *.dra *.dra , *.bsm,psm uprev


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: drc DRC cns_noviasort drc_diff_pair_overide Constraints / Physical Rule Set Current via list Sort (13.6 ) Diff pair net primary spacing , DRC ( - 0(DRC), 100(accuracy 1),200, 15.0 ) Primary separation ( : "10MIL:20MIL", 15.0 ) Net Fillet DRC Check DRC Check Shape, Copper ,Via Rule Antipad (Shape ,Via Regular Pad ) Delay Rule Check Terminator length ( : Terminator length ) Multi-drill padstack drill Error , padstack ( Warning ) 12.0 / Delay Rule 45 , segment jog DRC (45 ) impedence / delay , Shape / Plane Hole Cut-out ( , Plane layer Shield )

drc_diff_pair_primary_separation_tole rance drc_fillet_samenet drc_old_pad_pad include_terminators padstack_hole_outside pre_12.0_delay_rule same_net_traps



- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: etch (Etch) acon_diag 45 (45) , ( ) Add connect impedence rule ( impedence rule ) Add connect Bubble (Hug, End point , ) Add connect (From to - , All - Net , Off, : NO_RAT POWER_AND_GROUND Net ) Group Route mode Current Space , Space Layer , Option Active Subclass , Constraint Manager Dynamic timing feedback Dynamic timing feedback ,

acon_no_impedance_width acon_offnet_snap acon_oldhlt acon_restore_space_mode acon_route_on_active_subclass allegro_dynam_timing allegro_dynam_timing_fixedpos allegro_etch_length_on


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: etch (Etch) bubble_no_display_invisible bubble_shove_bondpads no_show_dynam_elec_errors padentry_factor rats_factor ratt_off_if_connected slide_no_snap , , Bubble ( : Bubble ) (Via Shove )Bond Pad Shove ( : Bond Pad Shove ) Center line DRC Net Pin/Via Spacing Rule % (Pin/Via Space = 100%) Rats Nest 0.0 ~ 1.0 (0.0 - Manhattan Length(), 1.0 - / ) Rat Ts (on : , Unhighlight : ) Slide mode Cline Segment Cline Snap( ) , Snap


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: file_management , ads_autosaverevs ads_boardrevs ads_logrevs ads_sdart ads_sdlog ads_sdplot ads_sdreport ads_textrevs journal_nobuffer journal_prefix ( : 0) (*.brd, *.) ( , : 1) artwork film Plot( ) (*.brd, *., *.log) ( : 2) ( : ) (ex : _allegro.jrl) - pcbenv ( Home , env( ) global Home local . x:\document and settings\ , , .)



- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: gloss Gloss cbd_check gloss_pad_shape Gloss DRC

CATEGORY: idf IDF (Mechanical Interface) idf_ignore_comp_height idf_ignore_part_number idf_nodelete idf_place_bounds_bottom idf_out comp_height ( height value ) ifd_out PART_NUMBER ( device type ) IDF .PLACEMENT .NOTES import (= Data ) (Package Geometry ) (IDF_PLACE_BOUNDS_TOP .) (Package Geometry ) (IDF_PLACE_BOUNDS_BOTTOM .)



- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: input , cancel_key ( : CTRL+C, : /, CTRL+,<ESC>)


funckey , Enter (15.0 , Enter . : Enter )


Enter Tab (OK , ) (CTRL+ -> ),



( ) dynamic zoom ( , memorized zoom in, zoom out ) Find ,



- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: misc all_license_choices allegro_old_report autosilk_disregard_solder_mask dcnets_delete_norat draft_retain_class_subclass fst_ref_des icpkg_unplace_comps_on_delete ignore_external_highlight logic_edit_enabled 15.2 text report ( : HTML report, , consol old_reports text report . old_reports ) AutoSilk , Solder_mask via clear DC net Power and Ground Net NO_RAT Dimension/Draft , Layer Layer ( : Board Geometry / Dimension layer ) Auto rename Refdes die package symbol .(15.5 , : symbol symbol ) Cross-Probe net logic ( )


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: misc nclegend_file NC Drill Legend() ( , config path ncdpath ) (Component Swap , : ) 14.0 Thermal Flash Symbol Backannotation , function Text Block Size Board Text Block Size (12.0 , Text Board Text , : Text )) Swap (15.0 ) PCB SI cross-section ( : Layer , Xsection , 6xx )

noswapripup old_style_flash_symbols pcb_baf_pin_number preserve_symbol_textblocks schematic_editor swapcomp_acrossmodules xsection_modern


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: plot noplotmargins plot_shape_spacing plot_vectext_width ( : 1 , MS-Windows ) Shape ( ) Vectorized text Line width ( : plot_vectorize_text . *.ini plot_setup .) Text (plot setup IPF setup plot_vectext_width , *.ini .) MS-Windows : ( : txt , .) UNIX : Print Device lp


print_nt_extension print_unix_command

CATEGORY: roam Roam - pcb_autoroam roaminc (ex : 1000(ms) 1 , : 250(ms)) (16px , : 16 ~ 256px, : 96px)


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: shape Shape - dynamic / static av_endcapstyle Cline Void (Static shape , : octagon) ( Pin )Pin Void (Static shape , : 0 ~ 100(mil), : 100(mil), : Static shape Parameter -> Void Control -> Create pin Voids In-Line ) Thermal Relief , Shape Pin Line (Static shape , : 5(mil)) Cline Void (Dynamic shape , : octagon) Shape Shape Net MS-Windows , stipple() shape ( : Line hatch, 16Bit ) Shape (Shape ) Shape Line Hatch ( , shape parameter DRC ) Shape , Shape ( Shape , Shape .) Shape Route keepin Shape DRC ( : Route keepin Shape , 15.5 )


av_thermal_extend dv_endcapstyle highlight_shape_net new_shape_fill_nt no_shape_fill old_shape_fill_style pad_drcplus shape_add_filltype shape_drag_move shape_noclip_rki


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: show_element Show Element noshow_current_selections ( ) , Show Element net Manhattan Length Pin ( : 0 , : 50, net 50 , Show Element Manhattan Length . NO_RAT PIN Manhattan Length )


showelement_autoavoid showelement_basearea showelement_brief showelement_highspeed

Element ( : Element ) Board Unit Inch^2 Cm^2 PCB SI (Allegro Allegro Package Designer )


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: signal_analysis anl_min_void_area anl_show_coupled_trace directconvolutionwithapproximation enforce_welement_simulation frequency_at_max_loss_tangent_in_g hz sig_mapfile_orgpath sig_pinuse_frozen signal_install_dir signal_optlib_dir signoisepath Shape Void mil ( : 99(mil), 99(mil) 99x99 mils^2 Shape Void ) (Display -> Parasitic) (, ) , Cross-Talk multi-trace . S Timestep Cline Segment Loss Tangent ( : 1 Ghz, (Loss Tangent) ) Signal Model Assignment "Include ORIGINAL Model Path in Map File" ( : 0 1, : 0( )) component device model , pin use code ( : ) signoise (optional) signoise Signoise (*.dat, *.wave, *.ibs, *.ctl)


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: signal_analysis sigxp_allowoldrevs SignalXP Constraint Manager import ( ) T-line ( : ) SignalXP circuit file ( : , circuit file ) Shape Trace Trace ( : 40(mil)) Diff-pair , Diff-pair Net Net topology ( : Diff-pair Net topology ) ( 90=) Shield Layer Hole delay

sigxp_length_mode sigxp_tier simsavefiles sn_maxwidthlimit sq_enable_udiff_extraction

trapezoidal_angle_in_degree use_accurate_delay_calculation


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: skill SKILL skill_height skill_linebuffer skill_old_ilinit skill_width telskill MS-Windows , telskill ( : 10 ~ 50, : 24) MS-Windows , telskill ( : 40 ~ 2500, : 24) ilinit Load( : (% %/pcb/etc/skill $HOME/pcbenv $ALLEGRO_SITE/skill) ilinit Load) MS-Windows , telskill ( : 40 ~ 140, : 80) Skill

CATEGORY: title , 20 title_allegro title_apd title_sigxp PCB Editor PCB SI


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: ui allegro_html browser_text_size fontface fontfixedface fontsize fontweight http_netscape http_newwindow noabout noconfirm noformscriptbutton pcb_cursor pcb_cursor_angle HTML ( : medium) ( : MS Sans Serif, !!) ( : Courier, !!) ( : 12) ( : 400) UNIX , HTML ( : ) UNIX , HTML , / , add/reset ( ) ( : 0 ~ 90)


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: ui readme_never recentfilelist report_height script_keepformopen script_startup , README (15.0 ) (Recent Files) ( : 10) () ( : 20 ~ 70) , (ex : myscript , , allegro_myscript.scr, pad_designer_myscript.scr )


- PCB Editor Preference Index / Categories Description

Allegro PCB Editor

CATEGORY: ui_paths UI ( ) formpath menupath prfeditpath UI

CATEGORY: undo Undo/Redo max_undo_memory undo_depth Undo/Redo ( : 0 ~ 100MB, : 4MB) Undo ( : 0 ~ 50, 10)

CATEGORY: z_early_adopter ( , ) datatips datatips_delay datatips_fixedpos ,


- DRC Error code description Code B-B B-L B-S C-C D-C D-I D-P D-S D-U E-D Constraint Violation Bond Pad to Bond Pad Bond Pad to Line Bond Pad to Shape Package to package Soldermask to soldermask DFA Package to package Negative plane islands Phase Tolerance - Tolerance Line to Line Spacing Max

Allegro PCB Editor

Max Final Settle Max, Min First Switch Min, Noise Margin Min, Overshoot Max, Propagation Delay Max, Propagation Delay Min, Propagation Delay Path Type, Relative Propagation Delay Delta, Relative Propagation Delay Path Type, Relative Propagation Delay Scope


- DRC Error code description Code E-L E-P E-S E-T E-V E-X F-C F-F Constraint Violation

Allegro PCB Editor

Layer Sets, Max Exposed Length, Total Etch Length Max, Total Etch Length Min Parallelism Max Stub Length Verify Schedule Max Via Count Active Window, Max Xtalk, Max Peak Xtalk, Sensitive Window, Maximum Inter Crosstalk, Maximum Intra Crosstalk Bond finger to component, Bond Pad to Component Edge Bond Pad to Bond Pad (same net) Bond Pad to Component Edge


- DRC Error code description Code I-M J-N K-B K-C K-L K-P K-S Constraint Violation Single-line Impedance Target and Tolerance Allow - Ts

Allegro PCB Editor

Bond Pad to Route Keepin, Bond Pad to Route Keepout, Bond Pad to Via Keepout Package to place keepin, Package to place keepout Line to Route Keepin, Line to Route Keepout Thru Pin to Route Keepin, Thru Pin to Route Keepout, SMD to Route Keepin, SMD to Route Keepout, Test Pin to Route Keepin, Test Pin to Route Keepout, Test Pin to No Probe Shape to Route Keepin, Shape to Route Keepout


- DRC Error code description Code Constraint Violation

Allegro PCB Editor


Via to Route Keepin, Via to Route Keepout, Via to Via Keepout, BB Via to Route Keepin, BB Via to Route Keepout, BB Via to Via Keepout, Test Via to Route Keepin, Test Via to Route Keepout, Test Via to Via Keepout, Test Via to No Probe Line to Line Shape to Line Line Width - Max, Line Width - Min, Neck - Max Length, Neck - Min Width


- DRC Error code description Code L-W M-A M-C M-L M-M M-P M-S M-V P-B P-L Constraint Violation Line Width - Max, Line Width - Min, Neck - Max Length, Neck - Min Width

Allegro PCB Editor

Soldermask alignment, Pad Soldermask Alignment, Symbol Soldermask Alignment Symbol Soldermask to Pad Soldermask Soldermask to pad and cline Pad Soldermask to Pad Soldermask Soldermask to Pin Soldermask to shape Soldermask to Via Bond Pad to SMD Pin, Bond Pad to Test Pin, Bond Pad to Thru Pin Line to SMD Pin, Line to Test Pin, Line to Thru Pin


- DRC Error code description Code P-P P-S P-V R-C S-N S-S Constraint Violation

Allegro PCB Editor

SMD Pin to SMD Pin, SMD Pin to Test Pin, Test Pin to Test Pin, Thru Pin to SMD Pin, Thru Pin to Test Pin, Thru Pin to Thru Pin Shape to SMD Pin, Shape to Test Pin, Shape to Thru Pin SMD Pin to BB Via, SMD Pin to Test Via, SMD Pin to Thru Via, Test Pin to BB Via, Test Pin to Test Via, Test Pin to Thru Via, Thru Pin to BB Via, Thru Pin to Test Via, Thru Pin to Thru Via Package to room Allow - Etch Shape to Shape


- DRC Error code description Code T-C V-B V-G V-L V-N V-S V-V Constraint Violation

Allegro PCB Editor

Testpoint loc. to component, Testpoint pad to component, Testpoint under component Bond Pad to BB Via, Bond Pad to Test Via, Bond Pad to Thru Via Allow - Pad-Pad Connect, BB Via Stagger - Max, BB Via Stagger - Min, Min BB Via Gap Line to BB Via, Line to Test Via, Line to Thru Via Vias Shape to BB Via, Shape to Test Via, Shape to Thru Via BB Via to BB Via, BB Via to Test Via, Test Via to Test Via, Thru Via to BB Via, Thru Via to Test Via, Thru Via to Thru Via


- DRC Error code description Code W-A W-D W-E W-F W-I W-P W-W W-X X-D Constraint Violation Min. bonding wire length, Wire to die edge angle Bonding wire diameter Wire end to wire end Wire to bond finger Max. bonding wire length Wire to pin Wire to wire (same profile) Wire to wire (different profile) Externally Determined Violation

Allegro PCB Editor


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