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In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful Thanks to Allah S.W.T. because give me strength to finish my assignment on English Languange Proficiency (WAJ3102). This task was assigned to me on 3 February 2013. With gods grace, I was able to complete this assignment on time and perfectly.

This coursework consists of 3 tasks which is discursive essay, forum and reflection. In task 1, I had been assigned to do a group work. My group members and I need to write a discursive essay. We beginned our task by finding all the informations that we need and we had planned what we were supposed to embark on a journey to complete this task. We had gathered all the informations that we need for this course work by referring to the books in the library, surfing the internet and from some ideas by our lecturer. I am equally grateful to my lecturer, Tuan Haji Rosli because he gave me moral support and guided me regarding the topic in this assignment. He had been very kind and patient while correcting my uncertainties.

In task 2, I need to conduct a forum with my group members. We make a lot discussion regarding this task. At first, I felt so nervous and unsure if I can complete this task. English language is not my mother-tongue, so I doesnt feel confident when I need to speak in English. But, day by day, practice by practice and with help from my group members, I gain my confidence to speak in English and I had completed this task successfully. From this task, I have learnt the importance of English language in todays world and how by speaking in English fluently can make you interact with the other people in the world. It is all because English language is an universal language. I also have realised that learning English language is a fun process and begin to love it.

Allhamdulillah, with all the help and guidance from Allah S.W.T, lecturer, parents and colleagues, I had been able to accomplish my coursework successfully. Finally, after accomplishing this coursework I had realized that my ability in reading, writing and speaking English language in daily life had increased tremendously. I sincerely hope that this assignment can encourage my friends and I to become possess in English language from now on. Thank you. (396 words)

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