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Primary and Supporting Cusps for Specific events 1. Events relating First House.

Type of Query Proneness to disease Unnatural Death Accident Success in self efforts Status and es!ect Primary cusp 1 1 1 1 1 Supporting or Linked cusps 6,8,12 2,7,Badhaka,12 (8) 4 (8) 11 (6) 1",11

. Events relating Second House. Type of Query #inancial Status $%tainin& 'oans (n)est*ent+,-!enditure $%tainin& .e/eller0 Defect in S!eech, 1ision (nsurance clai*s 2edical clai*s $!enin& %ank account Primary cusp 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Supporting or Linked cusps 6,11 11 (6) As !er nature of (n)est*ent (12) 11 12,8 8,11 6,8,11 6,11

!. Events relating T"ird House. Type of Query Si&nin& a contract 2eetin& Bank officer for o)erdraft #ilin& a court case 5ettin& Pass!ort, 5reen card, 1isa Startin& 6ourne0 Primary cusp 3 3 3 3 3 Supporting or Linked cusps 6,4,11 6,4,11 6,11 4,11,12 7,4,11

8e&otiations 9han&e of !lace+ :ransfer ;oun&er co+%orn !roneness to sickness 9o*!uter !ro&ra**er Pu%lication as Profession

3 3 3 3 3

4,11 and the cus!al !osition that re!resents the !ur!ose 1",11 8,1",2 2,11 (1") 2,11 (1")

#. Events relating Fourt" House. Type of Query Basic education Purchase of !ro!ert0, )ehicle, furniture Sale of !ro!ert0 etc< :akin& !ossession of flat, =uarter etc< 'a0in& foundation of a house $ccu!0in& a ne/ house 2other>s !roneness to sickness ,n&ineerin& as su%6ect of stud0 2edicine as su%6ect of stud0 'a/ as su%6ect of stud0 #ine arts as Su%6ect of stud0 :eachin& as Profession $. Events relating Fift" House. Type of Query 9hild Birth Pre&nanc0 'o)e 2arria&e a!e Success in s!orts S!orts, fine arts, fil*, Primary cusp 7 7 7 7 7 7 Supporting or Linked cusps 2,11 2,11 7,11 8,12 6,11 2,11 (1") Primary cusp 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Supporting or Linked cusps 11 11,12 3,7,1" 4,11 11 11 4,11,3 1" 6 6 or 4 7 2,6,1" (4)

s!eculation as !rofession 9aesarean 7 2,8

%. Events relating Si&t" House. Type of Query Disease+ 8ature ? Part Pro*ise of 'oan Secret acti)ities of Partner Success in co*!etition Success in 'iti&ation eco)er0 fro* disease Disease unkno/n in *edical science 2edical Practitioner 'e&al !rofession Primary cusp 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Supporting or Linked cusps (n)ol)ed cus! 2,11 7 1,11 1,11 7,11 7,11 2,11 (1") 2,11 (4,1")

'. Events relating Sevent" House. Type of Query 2arria&e Second child Partnershi! :heft Dan&er fro* o!!onents 'oans fro* Bank 2arria&e+en&a&e*ent Primary cusp 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Supporting or Linked cusps 7,11 2,11 7,11 2,12 8,12 6,2,11 3,4,11

(. Events relating Eig"t" House. Type of Query 9ri*inalit0 as Profession Une-!ected 5ains Primary cusp 8 8 Supporting or Linked cusps 2,11 (1") 2,11

Une-!ected 'oss ecei!t of 5ifts $rna*ents or cash fro* inheritance Pro!ert0, )ehicle fro* inheritance eco)er0 of lost articles Unnatural death Death due to sickness Death due to accident De!ression 9o**ittin& ra!e Sur&eons ). Events relating *int" House. Type of Query 'on& .ourne0s @i&her education Second 2arria&e :hird 9hild #ather>s !roneness to sickness Success in s!iritual disci!line Politics as Profession 1+. Events relating Tent" House. Type of Query Ser)ice or Business 9o**ission as Business 8a*e ? #a*e etire*ent Pro*otion in Ser)ice or Business Break in Ser)ice Pro%le*s in Business or Ser)ice Sus!ension in Ser)ice

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

7,12 6,11 2,11 4,11 2,6,11 1,12 6,12 4,12 1,3,12 7,12 2,11 (1")

Primary cusp 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Supporting or Linked cusps 3,12 11 (4) 7,11 2,11 2,4,8 6,11 2,6,11 (1")

Primary cusp 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1"

Supporting or Linked cusps 6,7 3,11 1,11 7,4 2,6,11 7,4 7,8 7,6 (8)

9o*!ulsor0 etire*ent 1oluntar0 etire*ent e*o)al fro* ser)ice ,-!ort Business 2edical Practitioner Pu%lications as Profession 'e&al Profession Politics as Profession :eachin& as Profession 9o*!uter Pro&ra**er 11. Events relating Elevent" House. Type of Query Ainnin& in 'o)e Satisfaction of Desires Se-ual relationshi! /ith friend 1 . Events relating T,elft" House. Type of Query e!a0*ent of 'oan eco)er0 of 'ost article Secret acti)ities as !rofession 5ain in (n)est*ent 'oss in (n)est*ent Dan&er fro* in)ol)e*ent in secret acti)ities (*!rison*ent ecei!t of secret docu*ents A%scondin& Success in research ,-!ort Business

1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1"

7,4 (8) 1,7,4 7,4 (8) 2,6,11 (12) 2,6,11 (8) 2,6,11 (3) 2,6,11 (4) 2,6,11 (4) 2,6,11(4,4) 2,6,11 (3)

Primary cusp 11 11 11

Supporting or Linked cusps 7,7 1 7,7

Primary cusp 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Supporting or Linked cusps 7,8 2,6,11 2,11 (1") 2,6,11 7,8 7,8 3,8 4,11 3,8 6,11 2,11 (1")

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