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Research Question/Topic: Does reading comprehension increase when the use of pictures than numbers are used to help

students remember key facts within a story. Data Collection Plan Preliminary! Timeline/Plan for Collection Purpose/Intended Learning February 28 To gat er information on o! students feel about reading and ! at t ey !ant to learn" 'arc ()* Find baseline data on o! students are preforming on reading compre ension !it out given interventions" To be able to evaluate student reading and o! t ey are progressing !it t e given intervention To be able to reflect on student learning and ! ere ad0ustments need to be made" T is !ill allo! t e researc er to modify t e level of support and see o! t e students are progressing" %eading articles t roug out my researc pro0ect !ill give me a broader vie! on reading compre ension" 2sing t ese articles !ill allo! me to ma3e t is pro0ect !ell rounded" T is !ill allo! me to see ! at t e students learned t roug out t e pro0ect" T is !ill also allo! me to find out information t e student !ants to s are about t emselves" + transcript of t e student tal3 !ill allo! me to see if t e students are using t e strategies $going bac3 and

Data Source Student Survey

#aseline $%eading Compre ension& Pictures/+udio/,ideo

'arc -.)28

/ournal 'idterm compre ension test

Continuing 'id 'arc

/ournal +rticles/%evie! of Literature


Personal Student Survey

4nd of pro0ect

Transcript $T is transcript !as broug t about because of anot er 'asters level course t at

4nd of 'arc /#eginning of +pril

re5uired a reading group to be transcribed& Final Compre ension 5ui6

Start of +pril

loo3ing at pictures t ey t oug t of& T is !ill give me my final data point to see ! ere t e students may ave progressed to or ! at strategy is used by t e student"

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