I Have - : - (Animal)

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I Have _____________

Body part
I have ___________- one, two, three, four
But I cannot ___________across the floor.

______________(adjective)MACDONALD had a ___ ________(noun)E-I-E-I-O

And on that ________________(noun)he had __________________(animal)
With ___________ _____________ (noise) here
And ___________ _________there
Here____________, there __________
Everywhere ___________ ______________
Old _____________(name) had a farm E-I-E-I-O

Im licking my _______________ (noun)

Im _____________(verb) my cake
Im drinking my _______________(noun)
And _________________(adjective) tea that I make

I can _________________ (verb)

And I can _________________(verb)
Going to ______________(noun)
While I walk.

Eu sunt=
Tu nu esti=
Ea poate=
El nu poate=
Noi avem=
Voi nu aveti=
Tu esti=
Ei sunt=
Ele nu pot=
Tu nu ai=
Voi sunteti=
Eu sunt=
Tu ai=
Noi nu avem=

Eu am . Ani.
Eu pot canta.
El nu are o masina.

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