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Student Engagement Daily Observation Rubric

Deep Engagement


Students take ownership of learning activities, display high levels of energy, willingly ask questions, pursue answers to questions, consider alternatives, take risks, and strive for understanding and high-quality work. Students begin to take ownership of learning activities. They exhibit concentration and effort to understand and complete tasks. Students work actively to improve performance. Students participate and stay on task when completing learning activities. However, their work has a rote or routine quality. Signicant thought or commitment to quality is not evident. Students follow directions in a routine or rote manner. Students may be mildly distracted and may need teacher attention or direction to remain on task. Students participation and attention uctuate. Students often appear distracted and stall out easily when questions emerge. Signicant teacher attention and direction is required. Students appear impeded, unable, or unwilling to participate in learning activities.

Active Compliance

Passive Compliance

Periodic Compliance


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