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CH201:EnergyResourcesandConservation TutorialSheetI (DistributionDate:Aug11,2011) 1. Whataredifferentmeasuresforassessingtheenergyutilizationofacountry?Thefollowing table gives the energy consumption and total GDP for three countriesA, B and C. Calculate GDP per capita and Energy Intensity for each of these countries and also comment on EconomicEnergyEfficiencyofthesecountries. Energyconsumption TotalGDP Population Country (inquads) (in$) (million) 12 A 99.84 11.8x10 291 12 B 29.79 1.4x10 143 12 C 0.67 0.3x10 144 2. What are various sources of energy? Discuss the importance of renewable sources in contextoftheglobalwarming. 3. DescribetheelectricitygenerationscenarioinIndia. 4. Enumerate different sectors of economy in India and describe the use of different sources ofenergybyeachsector. 5. Write down the different basic forms of energy? Elaborate the available energy conversion routeswithsuitableexamples. 6. Discusstheconversionofplantresiduesintocoal. 7. DeterminetheheatingvalueofacoalsampleforwhichUltimateanalysisisasbelow: Moisture : 8.12% Ash : 17.71% Carbon : 55.29% Hydrogen : 3.11% Oxygen : 13.37% Nitrogen : 1.25% Sulphur : 1.15% 8. Discuss different routes for generating heat and electricity from coal with the help of suitablediagrams. 9. Writeshortnoteson i. Proximateanalysis ii. Ultimateanalysis iii. Heatingvalue iv. FischerTropsch(FT)process v. Bergiusprocess

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