TR-IPECL-01 - Eclipse IP Radio Access Network

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Eclipse IP Ra adio Acces ss Network k

Maintenance M e and Opera ation Course e T TR-IPECL-01 1 Cours se Specifics s
Duratio on: Class capacity: on(s) for pre-sc cheduled class s: Locatio Materi ials provided: Target t Audience: 3 days 12 studen nts N/A uction Manual Instru Stude ent Guide The Cour rse is intended for anyone requiring basic theory, of o updating ent Eclipse netw work to all their curre IP archite ecture, including g how to maintain the t network.

Prere equisite
Basic digital kno owledge Basic modulation knowledge Digital communications formats Basic Ethernet knowledge k Eclipse installation, operation and a maintenance course (TE-ECL-01) Each student mu ust bring an IBM compatible laptop l PC and have ad dministrator rig ghts on the PC. . The PC must have minimum m pa arameters of: o o o o o Pe entium class laptop l compute er Microsoft Window ws 98, 2000 Pr ro, XP D ROM CD Ne etwork card DB B9 Serial Port connection c (or adapter)

Objec ctives
At the end of this cou urse, participan nts will be able to: n to an all a IP solution. Understand the concepts involved in upgrading an existing Eclipse TDM network Understand Eclipse IP terms and a features In nstall, configure e operate and maintain m Eclips se IP radios Diagnose and tr roubleshoot Eclipse IP radios

April 20 011

Vis sit our website at t: WWW.AVIATN NETWORKS.CO OM


Cours se Content
Overv view of Eclipse e system R Recap from ECL L course Description Fe eatures Sy ystem Lay Out t In ntroduction to Eclipse E Etherne et modules, IP fun ndamentals IP P Addressing Sub netting witches and Ro outers Sw VLAN Prioritisation R RSTP Carrying Synchr ronisation over Ethernet ynchE vs. IEEE E 1588v2 vs EDS Sy IP P Throughput Optimization O IF FG and Preamb ble Suppression IP Ra adio Access Network E Example config gurations H How to upgrade e an Eclipse sy ystem to all IP

Eclip pse Ethernet Overview/basi O c operation C Capacities M Modes of opera ation C Combining with h TDM P settings Port P Prioritisation of Ethernet traffic c F Flow control M frame size and address le Max earning L Latency V VLAN tagging A Aggregation options R RWPR RAC60/6X and Dat ta Packet Plan ne (DPP) In ntroduction to RAC60/6X R Capabilities C C Configuration U of DPP for Gbps Ethernet Use U Using the RAC6 60/6X with the DAC GE Eclip pse DAC GE3 3 Configuratio on and Capabi ilities Using g Portal to conf figure the DAC GE3 DAC GE3 Portal scr reens guring a new in nstallation Config Priorit tisation options s Synch hronous Ethern net configuratio on Insta allation Comm missioning and d Troubleshoo oting RFC 2544 2 commiss sioning tests DAC LEDs Portal Alarms descriptions, probab ble cause(s) an nd recom mmended actio ons. Interp preting Etherne et alarms

Eclips se Node Co-channel Opera ation Using DA AC GE Aggre egation option ns CCDP concepts s XPIC Co-channel operation h DAC GE L1 and a L2 aggrega ation Using XPIC with to o get to higher capacities c Eclips se Protection and a RWPR Protection option ns for Eclipse Node N DACGE3 protec ction options Building Etherne et rings using RWPR R (R RSTP) and sett tings

Eclips se Ethernet Diagnostics In ntroduction to Portal P diagnosti ics for DAC Et thernet cards -S System summa ary -E Event Browser -S System Control ls -H History screens s -P Performance sc creens -A Alarm screens -P Parts

April 20 011

Vis sit our website at t: WWW.AVIATN NETWORKS.CO OM

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