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Photosynthesis the limiting factors

a) Light intensity , duration and wavelength At low light intensity , there is no photosynthesis There is insufficient energy to excite electrons in the magnesium atoms of the chlorophyll molecules to higher energy levels No ATP and NADPH is formed O2 is absorbed and CO2 is released via respiration At constant temperature , as light intensity is increased , photosynthesis begins The compensation point is reached when the rate of respiration is balanced by the rate of photosynthesis photosynthesis until the photosynthetic pigments have become saturated with light or limited by other factor.

b) Concentration of CO2 The average atmospheric CO2 level is 0.04% CO2 is required in the light dependent reactions (calvin cycle) However farmers found that high level of CO2(0.05%) can cause dizziness or lack coordination to human beings , cause necrosis to old tomato and cucumber leaves CO2(0.05%) burner is used to provide the heat required by the greenhouse , and thereby generating excessive CO2

c) Temperature The optimum temperature is 350 c - 400 c for c4 plants ; and 200 c -250 c for c3 plants Beyond the optimum temperature , the photosynthetic rate is decreases until there is no photosynthesis at all photosynthesis High temperature denatures the enzymes

d) Water Water is required in photosynthesis Water is also required in plants physiology processes As plants wilt , the stomatal openings closed and inhibits diffusion of gases.

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