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Algebra 2 Section 10.

1: Intro to Conic Sections


Conic sections are formed by the intersection of a plane and a do ble in!erted cone." #oday $e are going to e%plore ho$ to create these conic sections by slicing o r cone &play'doh( $ith a plane &string(. 1.( )orm a cone sing the *lay'doh pro!ided. 2.( +o r goal for this acti!ity is to create all conics sections listed in the chart belo$ by slicing the cone in !ario s $ays. )or ,%ample: #o create a parabola- ma.e a diagonal c t across the cone. Start the c t on the right side. C t to$ard the base of the cone. ,nd the c t thro gh the cone/s base. 0emo!e the portion that has been c t off. #he shape formed by the cross'section of $hat remains is a parabola .

Example sketch of the conic section

Diagram of the intersection of a plane and cone

Description of how to create conic section from cone (s)

Hints: for making the other conic sections (if needed) 1a.e a hori2ontal c t $ith the string across the cone. 0emo!e the top portion that has been c t off. #hen dra$ a pict re of the shape formed by the cross'section of $hat remains. 1a.e a diagonal c t across the cone. 3e s re to start on the left side of the cone and end on the right of the cone. 0emo!e the top portion that has been c t off. #hen dra$ a pict re of the shape formed by the cross'section of $hat remains. 1a.e a diagonal c t across the cone. Start the c t on the right side. C t to$ard the base of the cone. ,nd the c t thro gh the cone/s base. 0emo!e the portion that has been c t off. #hen dra$ a pict re of the shape formed by the cross'section of $hat remains.

1a.e a !ertical c t $ith the .nife across the cone. 0emo!e the right portion that has been c t off. St dy the shape formed by the cross'section of $hat remains. Imagine $hat yo $o ld see if there $ere another cone on top of yo rs &a do ble'cone(- and yo had made the same type of c t. &See diagram belo$( 4ra$ the shape that yo $o ld see in the cross'section after remo!ing the right portion.

Hints: for making the other conic sections (if needed) 1a.e a hori2ontal c t $ith the string across the cone. 0emo!e the top portion that has been c t off. #hen dra$ a pict re of the shape formed by the cross'section of $hat remains. 1a.e a diagonal c t across the cone. 3e s re to start on the left side of the cone and end on the right of the cone. 0emo!e the top portion that has been c t off. #hen dra$ a pict re of the shape formed by the cross'section of $hat remains. 1a.e a diagonal c t across the cone. Start the c t on the right side. C t to$ard the base of the cone. ,nd the c t thro gh the cone/s base. 0emo!e the portion that has been c t off. #hen dra$ a pict re of the shape formed by the cross'section of $hat remains.

1a.e a !ertical c t $ith the .nife across the cone. 0emo!e the right portion that has been c t off. St dy the shape formed by the cross'section of $hat remains. Imagine $hat yo $o ld see if there $ere another cone on top of yo rs &a do ble'cone(- and yo had made the same type of c t. &See diagram belo$( 4ra$ the shape that yo $o ld see in the cross'section after remo!ing the right portion.

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