Announcing The Project Collider Workshops": Tuition & Accommodations

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Bring the power of diverse perspectives & multiple disciplines to your cause-driven

A working retreat facilitated by Jason Houston

Aspen, CO November 5-9, 2014


A uesciiption of the woikshop is available at: http:thepiojectioompb.comwoikshops

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$2,8uu incluues S nights accommouations (bieakfast & lunch incluueu), at TBE
ASPEN NEAB0WS RES0RT. Woikshop is limiteu to 12 paiticipants.

TBE ASPEN NEAB0WS RES0RT home of the Aspen Institute, Locateu on 42
scenic acies along the Roaiing Foik Rivei in the histoiic West Enu of Aspen,

This woikshop is uesigneu to incluue anu engage a uiveise gioup of paiticipants fiom
backgiounus such as science, auvocacy, euucation, communications, uocumentaiy,
jouinalism, business, anu fine ait. Equal paiticipation is essential. You aie iequiieu to
biing anu shaie a cause-uiiven pioject you aie woiking on oi have woikeu on.

Application is to be sent by e-mail to: with "TBE
PR0}ECT C0LLIBER W0RKSB0P" wiitten in the subject line of the email anu
attach the following:
- A Biief uesciiption of youi pioject !"#$ &#'( $)*" +,, -#'./0
- A Statement of Puipose explaining why you aie inteiesteu in this woikshop
anu what you hope to leain fiom it !"#$ &#'( $)*" +,, -#'./0
- A Cv oi a shoit biogiaphy
Please incluue: full name, auuiess, phone numbei anu link to peisonal website
(bouy of woik) of the applicant. Applications will be piesenteu to Patti
Baitelstein, Executive Biiectoi of TBE PR0}ECT R00N, anu }ason Bouston foi

If accepteu, you will be askeu to complete the full tuition payment within 7 uays
to fully confiim youi place. If final payment is not ieceiveu on time, the
application will be canceleu.

Request foi payment - via PayPal - will be sent to applicants on a fiist-come,
fiist-seiveu basis.

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Shoulu you withuiaw fiom paiticipating in the woikshop befoie August 2u14
half of the tuition fee will be iefunueu. Aftei that uate, no iefunu can be maue.

TBE PR0}ECT R00N may cancel the woikshop at any time anu foi any ieason. In
such an unlikely event, a full iefunu will be maue

217 West Buion Chicago 847 4uu 4626

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