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Yingying Huang

Phone: 509-288-1167 Emai : !in"!in"9188#hotmai $%om Objective: To o)tain an entr!- e*e +osition in ,etai -u++ort Asso%iate Current Address: 150 NE Terre View Pu man& 'A 9916(

Education: -outhrid"e .i"h -%hoo & /ennewi%0& 'A& 99((8 o 1raduation e2+e%ted: 3une& 2010 o 4*era 1PA: ($556$0 o ,e ated %oursewor0: o Com+uter A++ i%ation (-6 7A 8ar0etin" introdu%tion 7A 8ar0etin" mana"ement Entre+reneurshi+

'ashin"ton -tate 9ni*ersit!& Pu man& 'A 9916( o 1raduation e2+e%ted: 8a!& 2016 o 4*era 1PA: ($056$0 o ,e ated %oursewor0: 8a%ro E%onomi%s 101 8i%ro E%onomi%s 102 8ana"ement :n;ormation -!stem 250 7usiness E%onomi% 8ath 201 7usiness E%onomi% 8ath 202


Cashier o -tudent -tore at -outhrid"e .i"h -%hoo & /ennewi%0& 'A o -e+tem)er 2007-3une 2008: 8a0e smoothies ,etai -e +rodu%ts

A%%ountin" 8ana"er o -tudent -tore at -outhrid"e .i"h -%hoo & /ennewi%0& 'A o -e+tem)er 2008-3une 2009: <e+osit mone! to the )an0 /ee+ )a an%e on the mone! -et u+ %om+uter +ri%es Trainin" em+ o!ees

Cashier <ai ! 8ana"er o 'o0 /in" :nternationa 7u;;et& /ennewi%0& 'A o A+ri 2007-8a! 2010: Customer -er*i%e /ee+ )a an%e on the mone! ,etai

4rderin" sta;; o 7-E e*en :n%$ o 3une 2011-Au"ust 2011: :n*entor!

=ood -er*er

,estore items Pri%e %he%0 Pa+er wor0

o Northside Ca;> o 4%to)er 2011-<e%em)er 2012 Skills: -o;t -0i s: o Chinese o En" ish .ard -0i s: o Com+uter A++ i%ation: 'ord E2%e Power Point A%%ess 'e) Te%hno o"! ,esto%0 Customer -er*i%e Coo0?s he + Pre+are o; ;ood

o 7A 8ar0etin" o 7A 8ar0etin" 8ana"ement o 7A Entre+reneurshi+

o E%onomi%s o 8ana"ement :n;ormation -!stem o 8ath o Customer -er*i%e Activities: 2008-2009: /ennewi%0& 'A o <ECA 7usiness C u) mem)er o A%%ountin" mana"er 2009-2010: /ennewi%0& 'A o 9N:C= 4r"ani@ation o Vo unteer 2010-2011: Pu man& 'A o :nternationa C u) mem)er o 7usiness C u) mem)er o Chinese C u) mem)er

Honors and Awards: 2007: o 7est -tudent o; the 8onth o -outhrid"e .i"h -%hoo & /ennewi%0 'A 2008: o <ECA Com+etition--+ee%h Award o <ECA 7usiness 4r"ani@ation& /ennewi%0 'A 2009:

o <ECA Com+etition- -+ee%h and 'ritin" Award o <ECA 7usiness 4r"ani@ation& /ennewi%0 'A

Reference: 3u ie 8%:ntur;; 7usiness Tea%her (520 -outhrid"e 7 *d$ /ennewi%0& 'A 99((8 A509B987-(56( Ceisa /a! -%hmidt Ad*isor Ci"ht! -V- 180E Pu man& 'A 99166 A509B((5-6000

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