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Linking Clancey and

My interpretation of what
meaning-making entails
 Perception-conception is a couple
 Memory is a process like remembering
 We use tool to mediate understanding of the environment
 Perception-conception is integral to remembering and
comprehending symbol grounding
 Knowledge is active
 Meaning is always in construction
 Trajectory can be highly unpredictable and
 Perception-conceptual (structural level), social/functional
and behavioural levels are a couple and inter-related.
 This process occurs along all points in the trajectory of
meaning making.
 Every cycle of perception-conceptual (coupled
also with social/functional and behavioral levels)
lead to change in participation, roles, identity etc.
 This occurs even when knowledge or conception
is still at pre-linguistic stage.
End of Part 1
For Part 2, let’s think together in terms of how meaning-
making links to the ideas by
 Geertz (culture and the development of the ‘mind’),
 Bourdieu (habitus and infleunce of cultural capital,
 Hayakawa (symbols, language and discourse –
conception at linguistic level)
 Baktin (Multivoicedness)
 Holland (Identity construction)

I hope we can have some time to talk about Part 2 to summarize the
earlier sessions with regards to how humans make meaning. I look
forward to everyone’s inputs (and drawings too :D).

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