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S£rya Namask¡r I

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

1. T¡·¡sana. Stand straight, feet together. Hands in prayer position in front of the chest. Tuck
the tail bone under. Keep the head and back straight. Relax the body.
In 2. Back bend. Raise and stretch the arms above the head. Arch backward and look up.
Ex 3. Forward Bend. Bend forward from the hips without bending the knees and try to place
the hands on the floor. Go down as much as possible, keeping the back straight.
In 4. Lunge. Place the palms on the ground either side of the feet and stretch the left leg back
as far as possible. Rest it on the ball of the foot, keep the leg straight. The right knee is bent
under the chest. Hold the body in a straight line.
Ex 5. Plank. Reach the right leg back beside the left. Hold the body in a straight line and tighten
the abdominals. The arms are straight. Do not raise the abdomen, or allow it to sag.
Hold 6. Stick. Bend the elbows and lower the entire body to within a few inches of the floor. Keep
the arms close to the body,
In 7. Cobra. Lower the body to the floor then lift the chest up and arch the back, using the back
muscles and pressing gently with the hands. The elbows are bent and pressed into the ribs.
Ex 8. Downward Dog. Tuck the toes under and lift the buttocks. Bring the body into an inverted
‘V’ position. Take the head towards the knees. The heels descend towards the floor.
In 9. Lunge. Lift the head and place the right foot forward between the hands. Keep the left leg
straight behind the body.
Ex 10. Forward Bend. Bring the left foot up to meet the right and bend forward, keeping the legs
straight. Drop the head to the knees.
In 11.Back bend. Slowly come up and bring the arms above the head and arch backward.
Ex 12. T¡·¡sana. Lower the hands to prayer pose in front of the chest.
Repeat the entire sequence on the opposite side.

Surya Namaskar I Apr-2009

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