As You Sow - Doc222

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As you sow, so you reap

This proverb has great significance in every day life. It means as the action is, so is the result. A good action has a good result, and an evil action has a bad result. A result is the natural fruit of man's action. Happiness or misery in life does not depend upon the deeds of man and neither any accident, nor a mischance is responsible for our troubles. Grapes cannot be gathered from thorny bushes. If you sow wheat, what harvest you can expect. It is thus the man who is responsible for his failure. In the golden period of youth, if you sow the seeds of idleness, bad habits, you will reap nothing, but misery, hardship and humiliation but if you sow the seeds of industry, patience, strong will, life will be bright and fruitful. The actions of man shape his life to come. !o everybody must beware that he builds his future life in the right way. !o let our field of life is strewed with the seeds of virtue and good deeds, so that we may reap a rich harvest of happiness here and here after.

As you sow, so you reap

The proverb means that we have to bear the conse"uences of our own actions. If our actions are good, the results will also be good. If we help others, we will be helped by them. If our actions are bad, the results will also be bad. Id we sow hatred and disunity, we will be hated. #ne is punished or rewarded according to his own $ust or un$ust deeds. !o we have to be careful in our actions, a farmer who sows good seeds in the proper way good soil can expect a good crop. #ne who sows inferior seeds on unprepared ground will not have anything to harvest. This is true of all our words and actions. %ind words spo&en to others will bring us &ind words from many. 'hen we do evil things, we can expect only evil as reward. #ur $oy multiplies when our good deeds bring good results. A hardwor&ing person will attain success in life. A la(y man will get only failures. If students study well, they will get high mar&s and will secure a high position in life. If they are la(y and do not wor& hard, they will have to face failure not only in the examinations but also in life. Thus we &now that all human achievements are the fruits of pains and sufferings. A bad seed cannot produce a good fruit. If we want a good fruit, we should sow a good seed. Thus the proverb gives us the warning that we should be very careful in our actions.

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