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1) What is AQI? What levels are there for air quality?

AQI is the levels of ozone and other common air pollutants. The levels are hazardous, very unhealthy, unhealthy, unhealthy for sensitive groups, moderate, and good; with good the best and hazardous the worst. 2) What is Ozone and why are children most at risk? Ozone in the protection for life from UV lights from the sun. Children are most at risk because they are active outside during the summer and their lungs have not fully developed. 3) How does air speed and wind affect the level of smog in the city? Explain. When the air speed and wind is higher and faster, the levels of ozone are relatively low. 4) How does temperature affect the level of smog in the city? Explain. The higher the temperature, the higher the ozone level if there is not a high speed of air or wind. 5) Which type of emission has the greatest affect on air quality? Identify and explain why. The greatest type of emission is the cars and trucks. They produce large amount of emissions per car and truck. 6) Would you expect there to be more smog on a cloudy day or a clear day? Explain. I would expect a much more smog during a cloudy day due to the clouds not dispersing the smog. Also clear days tend to have low winds and smog would settle into the air. What are the readings for each of your variables to produce the nastiest city air? Discuss. My variables included: lowest setting of wind and ozone, highest temperature; sunny day, highest setting on each emission, and highest population. The city air was at the VERY UNHEALTHY level, advising most people inside. There were many factories and many cars. It would help if the level of smog was risen higher above the city. It would also greatly help if there was strong winds and cloudy skies.

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