Graphic Organizer Direction

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Graphic Organizer Assignment Directions The type of graphic organizer students are going to create is called a concept map.

Read on to learn how to complete this assignment successfully. 1. You will review the resources have included !elow to" # find out what a concept map is !y clic$ing on %oncept &ap nformation # gather mathematical information to include in the graphic organizer !y clic$ing on 'olid Geometry nformation (. You will wor$ in a group of four students each. )ach student will !e randomly assigned to a group. )veryone in the group must wor$ together and contri!ute their part. *. You must cite the resources you use in your concept map to avoid plagiarism. +. The title of your concept map must !e named" The 'phere, %ylinder and %one %oncept &ap. -. On your concept map, you must include the following" # the main topic, placed at the center of the map, is named .'olid Geometry/ # the solid shapes" cone, cylinder, sphere # each shape will contain at least three !ranches, each !ranch will include a fact such as definition, image, formulas for volume and surface area, relationship !etween each shape, or any other relevant information a!out the shape that helps with learning.

0. Your concept map must !e created using a digital organizer. You may also use any other site you wish as well, !ut you must meet all the re1uirements. 2elow are some suggested sites" # Gliffy # )3ploratree # 2u!!lus # %reately

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