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Name_______________________ Answer all questions given. 1


The human skeleton has several major functions. It provides shape and support, enables you to move, protects your internal organs and produces blood cells. Which of the following is NOT the function of human skeleton? A B C D Enable movement Produce blood cells Protect external organs Provide shape and support

Some parts of the endoskeleton store minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, and also produce blood cells . What are the minerals stored in endoskeleton? A B C D Ferum and calcium Calcium and carbonate Phosphorus and ferum Calcium and phosphorus

Support in animals is provided by a framework called a skeleton. They are exoskeleton, endoskeleton and hydrostatic skeleton . How many types of skeletons in animals? A Two B Three C Four

Tendon is tough, strong and does not have elastic strands. Its function is to join skeletal muscle to the bones. Ligament is tough sheets of elastic fibres. Its function is to join bone and bone.

Which is the function of ligament? A B C D Holding bones together Producing elastic fibres Join skeletal muscle to the bones Reducing friction between the end of bones

Figure shows the types of plant tissues and their characteristics. Type of plant tissues Sclerenchyma Collenchyma Aerenchyma Characteristics Very thick, rigid, non-stretchable cell walls The thickening of the cell walls with cellulose and pectin Spongy tissues with large air sacs between the cells

What is the type of tissue that has space between the cells? A Sclerenchyma B Aerenchyma C Collenchyma There is a tendency for fish to become unstable in water while swimming. To overcome this instability, fish have fins. Dorsal and ventral fins help the fish to stay without yawing .Paired pectoral and pelvic fins help to overcome pitching while rolling is prevented by the median and paired fins. Which of the following helps the fish to overcome yawing in water? A B C D Dorsal fins Pectoral fins Dorsal and ventral fins Pectoral and pelvic fins

Figure below shows a part of the skeletal system.

This part is called A B C D ribs sternum vertebrae thoracic cage

Which organism has a hydrostatic skeleton?

Figure below shows the action of a pair of muscles that work together to allow coordinated movement.

Triceps Relaxed

Biceps Contracte d

The action of these muscles is called A B C D Antagonistic Relaxation Movement Contraction


The ability of animals to move from one place to another is called.. A B C D locomotive locomotion transportation translocation


Figure below shows three species of plants.

What type of plants are they? A B C D 12 Aquatic plant Climbers plant Herbaceous plant Terrestrial plant

Which of the following system consist of bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons? A B C D excretory system reproductive system circulatory system musculoskeletal system


Figure shows the muscles of a grasshopper. X

Name the muscles X and Y. X Flexor Extensor Biceps Triceps Y Extensor Flexor Triceps Biceps



Which bone is part of the appendicular skeleton?

A The rib B The skull C The sternum D The pectoral girdle The bones become thinner, more brittle and more porous. These symptoms refer to A B C D arthritis osteoporosis muscle cramp muscular dystrophy



Which of the following features help in the movement of a bird? I II III IV Small brain Hollow bones Streamlined body Aerofoil-shaped wings

A I and II only B II and IV only C I, II and IV only D I, II, III and IV


How many vertebrae in a vertebral column. A B C D 12 19 30 33


Figure below shows the fore-limb of a human body. P Q

What are the parts labelled P, Q, R and S ? P Ulna Scapula Scapula Humerus Q Ligament Ligament Tendon Tendon R Humerus Radius Radius Ulna S Biceps muscle Biceps muscle Triceps muscle Triceps muscle

A B C D 19

Figure below shows a vertebra from a vertebral column.

What is this vertebra called? A B C D Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacrum


Figure below shows an aquatic plant . P Q R S Which part of the plant helps it to float? A B C D P Q R S


Figure below shows a human joint.

Bone Y

What is the function of Y ? A B C D To join bone and bone To join bone and muscle To protect the bones from wearing away To reduce friction between the ends of the bones


Figure below shows a fish having difficulty while swimming. P Q

Which of the following help to overcome this difficulty? A B C D P and T Q and T R and S T and S


Animals mainly move to A B C D search for food support their body trap sunlight for photosynthesis maintain a healthy musculoskeletal system


How does the earthworms skeleton system help it to move? A B C D By antagonistically contracting its myotomes muscles By antagonistically contracting its biceps and triceps muscles By antagonistically contracting its flexor and extensor muscles By antagonistically contracting its longitudinal and circular



Figure shows a humerus , radius-ulna and scapula bone. S T

U R Which of the following forms the ball-and-socket joint? A B C D R and T S and U R and V V and U V


Figure below shows the cross section of a plant stem.

What is the most likely habitat of this plant? A B C D Pond Desert Forest Swamp



X Based on the figure above, what will happen to the fish if X is cut off. A B C D Facing difficulty to stop Rotating when swimming Yawing when swimming Diving to the bottom of the pond


Figure below shows a human arm. X

What will happen if X is torn? A B C D The fingers cannot grip The arm cannot be bent The lower arm cannot twist The elbow joint cannot move



Figure below shows the abnormal bone condition of a person who is suffering from one of skeletal disorders.

The condition above is called A B C D arthritis osteoporosis muscle cramp muscular dystrophy



Figure below shows two stages in weightlifting.

Stage 1

Stage 2

What is the correct sequence of muscle and joint action when moving from Stage 1 to Stage 2? A Triceps contracts Contracts Biceps contracts relaxes lower arm rotates biceps

lower arm rotates


Biceps contracts triceps contracts Triceps contracts moves in one plane

lower arm moves in one plane

triceps relaxes

lower arm



Figure shows four postures.

Which postures are good to maintain a healthy musculoskeletal system? A B C D P and Q only Q and S only R and S only P, R and S only


Why the contractions of muscles need a sufficient supply of blood? I To transport oxygen and glucose for cellular respiration II Because muscle need energy from the cellular respiration III To avoid getting muscular dystrophy disease A B C D I only II only I and II only I, II and III



Figure below shows a floating aquatic plant.

State two adaptations found in the aquatic plant

Explain the adaptations found in aquatic plants.

(2 marks)

. . . .



Figure below shows the muscles involved in the straightening of a leg.

Bicep femoris

Quadriceps femoris

Calf muscle (i) (ii) State the condition of the muscles to make the right leg moves from position (i) to position (ii)? Muscle a) Bicep femoris Position (i) Position (ii)

b) Quadriceps femoris c) Calf muscle

[6 marks]


Write ONE importance of the skeleton in human being. [1 mark] ..



Figure below shows three incorrect sequence of movements of an earthworm.


Z Rearrange the correct sequence of the movements of the earthworm above.

[1 mark] 37

Questions 37 and 38 are read by the teacher.

What is a disease that is caused by the progressive degeneration and weakening of the skeletal muscles that control movement?




Osteoporosis Muscle cramps Muscular dystrophy


During locomotion, the circular and the longitudinal muscles contract and relax rhythmically to produce a peristaltic waves.

Based on the statement above, which of the following animals uses this type of locomotion? A. B. C. D. 39 Fish Frog Earthworm Grasshopper

Figure below shows a human skeletal system.



Draw ONE circle in the figure above to show a hinge joint that causes a movement in one plane. [1 mark]

Match the structure below with the correct answer.


Sinovia fluid

Acts as a lubricant which reduces friction between the ends of the bones


One part of the axial skeleton



A type of flexible connective tissue. It protects the bones from wearing away

It also call caudal vertebrae, part of vertebral column


W-shaped muscle blocks that make up each side of the body of a fish

[5 marks]


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