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Timeline At the begginning of unit

Assessment Plan Type Entry-Level

Activity Brainstorm

During the unit


Quickwrite Critical Thinking Questions Qui !ame $ro%ect E&am

At the en" of the unit


Task Brainstorm


Critical Thinking Question



Summary #tu"ents will 'air u' with a 'artner( an" "iscuss the )uestion* +,hat can you tell your 'artner about the circle-./ Afterwar"( the teacher will a""ress an" write out the information obtaine" from each 'air on the boar"/ #tu"ents an" teacher work together to "eci"e the relevant information regar"ing the )uestions/ Teacher gets the o''ortunity to see if stu"ents have enough 'rior knowle"ge to start the new unit( or to review 'ast material/ After each $re i lecture 'resentation in class( stu"ents will be given 01 minutes to "o a )uickwrite answering a 'rom't relate" to the lecture/ This )uickwrite is strictly about the lecture of that "ay2 it lets the teacher know if stu"ents fully gras'e" the conce'ts/ #tu"ents will be aske" to write in their own wor"s the logical e&'lanation behin" each of the short geometric 'roofs they learne"/ #tu"ent will also "erive the 'roofs an" 'rovi"e %ustification for each ste'( with a''ro'riate mathematical symbols/ This allows the teacher to see if stu"ents un"erstan" current to'ics at an in-"e'th level/ #tu"ents will be given an online )ui halfway through the unit/ There will be )uestions ranging from "efinitions to short com'utational 'roblems2 stu"ents will nee" to a''ly their knowle"ge of conce't to solve the 'roblems/ After gra"ing( the teacher will go over the solutions in class so stu"ents know how to solve the 'roblems they misse"/ #tu"ents will form small grou's to 'lay a game similar to 3eo'ar"y/ The )uestions will inclu"e everything that has been covere" in the unit( ranging from sim'le to challenging/ The



amount of 'oints for each )uestion is base" on the "ifficulty level/ #tu"ents will work together to solve the 'roblem an" everyone in the grou' must take turns to answer the )uestions/ #tu"ents will get into grou's to work on a soli" sha'e given by the teacher/ The 'ro%ect re)uires stu"ents to 'ossess a soli" gras' on the material covere" in class( as well as a""itional outsi"e research/ #tu"ent will 'resent their work to the class( from "efining the sha'e to e&'laining the 'roof behin" the sha'e4s formula/ #tu"ents will be given a com'rehensive unit e&am/ The e&am will contain )uestions on "efinitions( com'utation( wor" 'roblems( formulas an" their 'roofs/ The test will assess knowle"ge stu"ents gaine"( an" the ty'e of )uestions aske" allow the teacher to see which area nee"s more work/

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