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Miss Tone and Miss Miles Rubric and Marking Guide

Outcome Grammar, spelling and punctuation Content Answer each of the questions and statements relating to the activity Multiplicative thinking language used, associated with arrays Variety of arrays recognised and displayed Title, introduction and conclusion Created and displayed partitioned arrays Arrays displayed supported by multiplicative thinking language and/or equations

Mr Arrays Fish Game KidBlog Score /5 /10 /5 Picture Board /15 Array Comic /5 /5 /10


Title, introduction and conclusion Created and displayed standard and partitioned arrays Arrays displayed supported by multiplicative thinking language and/or equations

Animated Film /5 /10 /10

Beginning 1

Developing 2

Accomplished 3

Exemplary 4

S c o r e

Use of Equipment & Software Collaboration Gathers and Shares Information

Does not use font, colour and/or effects in final products

Uses very little font, colour and/or effects in final products

Makes use of font, colour and/or effects in final products

Makes excellent use of font, colour and/or effects in final products

Fulfills role and duties

Does not collect or share any information that relates to the topic to teammate Does not perform any duties of assigned team role

Collects and shares very little information that relates to the topic to teammate Performs very little duties

Collects and shares most information that relates to topic to teammate Performs nearly all duties of assigned team role.

Collects and shares information that relates to topic to teammate Performs all duties of assigned team role

Listens and cooperates with Teammate

Is Always talking never allows anyone to speak. Arguments may occur with teammate

Usually does most of the talking rarely allows teammate to speak

Listens, but sometimes talks too much. Arguments very rare

Listens and speaks in equal proportion. Never argues with teammate

Total Score Overall Feedback


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