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Yo Ki

PWM fed MOSFET controlled street light auto intensity control in 8 steps: White Light Emitting Diode (LED) replaces HID lamps by engaging a programmable microcontroller that controls intensity by pulse width modulation duty cycle which enables energy saving during late nights considering low traffic density. Up and Down controlled speed of DC motor in Embedded System: The speed of motor is directly proportional to the DC voltage applied across its terminals where the voltage is applied to control motor speed with Pulse Width Modulation wave. Here based on the pulse duty cycle provided by microcontroller the speed and direction of motor are controlled. Auto power supply control from 4 different sources: Solar, Mains, Generator & Invertor to ensure no break power: The main scope of the project is to consume the power from supply mains, generator, and wind power and solar optimally by using appropriate programme through microcontroller in most cost effective way. Remote speed control by thyristor trigger angle change with display of delayed firing angle: Using a standard TV remote with IR sensors interfaced to a micro controller, reads the coded data from the remote to activate the corresponding output pin to change the time delay for the thyristor firing in 8 steps that drives with varying speed the induction motor. A low cost microcontroller based system high performance AC motor drives: Based on the principle of firing angle control of two thyristors connected in anti parallel is fed for the output to the control circuit. The firing angle would be manually adjusted to maintain the load power in the event of fluctuating AC voltage from high to low and vice versa. Micro controller based lamp life extender by ZVS (Zero Voltage Switching) using thyristor: Incandescent lamps exhibit very low resistance in clod condition due to which it draws high current, resulting in failure on switching. Engaging two SCRs in anti parallel or a triac the switching on time can be precisely controlled by firing after detecting the zero cross point of the waveform. Solid-state relay with ZVS properties analyzed on CRO: A three phase solid state relay that incorporates three single phase units where each phase is controlled individually by a power triac with optional snuber network and an optically isolated triac driver. The zero crossing feature of an opto-isolator ensures lower generated noise and avoid sudden inrush currents of load.

Integral cycle controlled AC power without generating harmonics:/ntegral cycle control is a method to remove portions of full cycles/one cycle of an AC signal for controlling AC power across AC heater loads interfaced to a programmed microcontroller. This process of power control generates 1% THD as against 61% of firing angle control. High power AC to DC by thyristor firing angle control:DC power is controlled with zero crossing detectors and sending to the microcontroller to fire thyristors using the opto isolator. The ac power is applied to the bridge rectifier comprising of diodes ,triacs and SCRs to get manually controlled DC at the output. Ultra fast acting electronic circuit breaker:The project is to shut down the power supply when it is overload. Conventional circuit breaker is based on thermal bimetal lever trip mechanism is very slow and the trip time is dependant upon the percentage of overload. Here the current sensed from a CT is compared against the preset voltage proportional to the current by a level comparator to generate an output for the contactor to trip the load. Automatic irrigation system on sensing soil moisture content: The circuit comprises of sensor parts built using op-amp and are configured here as a comparator. Two stiff copper wires are inserted in the soil to sense whether it is dry. The Microcontroller turns the motor ON and OFF based on sensors condition that is dry or wet respectively. .Sensor signals are operated with the control of software that is stored in ROM of the MC. Three phase star delta starter using relays and adjustable electronic timer for induction motorStar/Delta starters are probably the most common reduced voltage starters in the 50Hz industrial motor world. This project operates a 3 phase motor at 440 volt AC mains supply 50 Hz with a set of 12 volt DC relays, an electronically adjustable timer and a set of relays. A microcontroller based control of current source converter fed reversing induction motor drive by remote control. Ideal for exhaust fans to throw air out and bring air in by remote as desired: The controller receives the /nfrared Signal from the /R remote, the code of which is identified by the receiver that switches on/off the appropriate relay for a split phase induction motor to achieve desired direction. Low cost Programmable logic control ( PLC) for industrial automation in repetative nature of work:Objective is designing a microcontroller based programmable time setting by the user through microcontroller architecture loaded with an application program. Switches are provided for set mode, auto mode, manual mode and time change mode. Machines will run based on/off sequentially in auto mode in default time settings or set mode time setting or manual mode depending on the user's need and flexibility. Automatic Wireless health monitoring system in hospitals for patients:Monitoring patient health remotely in hospitals over wireless from the patient bed to the doctor's chamber by RF with LCD display at both ends and optionally an alarm on




















Rx Tx bus features of the MC to communicate between 3 MCs. Detecting power grid synchronisation failure on sensing out of range frequency or voltage: This paper presents the development of a microcontroller based islanding detection for grid connected inverter with very simple under/over voltage and under/over frequency islanding detection algorithms. The microcontroller monitors the under/over voltage and under/over frequency from utility grid and the processed value of voltage and frequency for turning on/off the relay between a grid connected inverter and the utility grid. A single-chip based real-time PWM inverter: PWM technology is implemented using Signet SG 3524 for switching from 12 volt DC through a half bridge MOSFET(Z-44) power devices connected to the main inverting transformer that delivers the out put through a RC filter to get appropriate wave and fairly regulated +- 2% AC output having overload / over voltage control by crow bar mechanism control. LED based street light with programmable intensity control using solar power from photovoltaic cells: LED based street light with programmable intensity control using solar power from photovoltaic cells and a programmable microcontroller fed to a Mosfet for varying intensity during late nights automatically with solar charge controller. SCADA ( Supervisory Control and Data Acqisition) for remote industrial plant operation:Supervisor sitting on the PC terminal is able to control plant parameters remotely over Rs. 232 network while monitoring the data acquired through several sensors.The project uses a front end for the control and a backend with microcontroller interfaced to an ADC from temperature sensors for data collection and control.


ECE 3300


EE 8550 9350


CE 5250





EE,ECE 7700



109 Four telephones in parallel but still accessed by only one user at a time to maintain secrecy:This Project can be used in houses and offices in which more than one telephone is connected in parallel through a single telephone line. The project is used to connect a maximum of four telephones in parallel. When any one of the phone is lifted, all the other lines are disconnected from the telephone line. 144 Using TV remote as a cordless mouse for the Computer:A typical TV remote sends coded infrared data that is read by a sensor which is then burnt to a micro controller the output of which shall drive desired operation through serial port connection as conventionally performed by the PC Mouse. All the functions are monitored and controlled by the 8 bit microcontroller AT89c52/51.


EE,ECE,EIE 3100 4350



ECE 2750





Human sensed automatic door opening system: Automatic door opening by sensing any approaching human being by piro IR sensors interfaced to a programmed microcontroller that drives a motor through motor driver IC with locked rotor protection system for door operation. Railway level crossing gate control through SMS by the station master or the driver:Raiway level crossing gate motor,controlled by the station master or the engine driver through GSM modem interfeced to microcontroller for deriving an output to dive a relay for the gate motor operation. GSM based monthly Electricity energy meter billing with SMS and display to the user:Domestic electricity consumed is displayed in rupee terms on daily and monthly basics to the user and billing details sent over GSM network form the user to the department for generating the printed bill.. DTMF based remote industrial load and/or agricultural pump control: The main scope of this project is to send digit commands from one cell phone to be received by another cell phone to receive the tone mode commands which are then DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) decoded. The receiving cell phone codes are then fed to a microcontroller which is programmed to recognize those codes for operating any kind of load duly interfaced through relay drivers and relays (or motor driver and motor) as per the sent command from sender's mobile. Synchronized traffic junction signaling (Get green signal all-through at any street junction)-A new concept to ease traffic congestion in metros: All the traffic junctions in a main road are synchronised for signal lighting such that the vehicle gets green signal at all the junctions while moving at a normal speed.This is achieved by interconnecting through Rs232 protocall all the individual microcontrollers used at each junction to keep tarckling and then adjusting the time accordingly so that once the moving vechile reaches the junction it gets green signal. Theft intimation of the vehicle over SMS to owner who can stop the engine remotely: Theft intimaton of the vehicle over sms using GSM modem to the owner while unauthorised door entry is made. Owner can send command through his mobile to stop the engine by activating the relay interfaced to a microcontroller along with the GSM modem used for the purpose. PID/FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL for a brushless DC motor to run at the exactly entered speed:Precise speed entered through a numeric key pad interfaced to a micro controller maintains the entered speed of a BLDC motor by sensing shaft mounted IR sensors working on a closed loop circuit by a half brige ac to Dc circuit comprising 2 SCRs and 2 Diodes . Open loop speed control of survelliance camera panning from PC: Using pulse width varying technology so generated by the PC with Rs. 232 interface through a Micro controller enables the speed control of motor from the Pc by a motor driver IC controlled from the microcontroller.






















Flash Flood intimation over GSM network to the station master:High water level detector interface to micro controller that outputs a signal to a GSM modem for sending a signal to the station master to direct the train driver to stop the train. RFID guided automatic parking permission for vehicles in cellar at commercial complexes:RFID card swiped over the RFID card reader by the vehicle driver enables the motor interfaced through the driver IC to the controller to open the gate for vehicle entry. Sending an SMS for electrical load control that re-sends an acknowledgement of the status:An sms sent through the cell phone to a distant location GSM modem for electrical load interfaced from a micro controller through relay and relay driver to switch on and switch off the same with acknowledgement sent back to the sender on sms upon the action taken and the status of the load. Induction motor protection from Single phasing and over temperature:Protecting a 3 phase induction motor from single phasing, and over temperature using sensors interfaced to comparators for disconnecting the motor. Mobile phone pressed password for home automation door opening:DTMF tones generated by any cell phone is received by an audio sensor interface to a dtmf decoder the output of which is fed to the microcontroller that outputs a relay for door lock operation. Soft start of 3 phase induction motor by using 2 nos. Back to back scrs in each phase:Here we use 6nos of silicon controlled rectifiers in anti- parallel, two in each phase which are phase controlled in a similar manner to a light dimmer, where they are gradually turned on for a part of each cycle to control the voltage by varying the conduction angle of the SCR. Increasing the conduction angle will increase the average output voltage. By variation of the conduction angle, the output voltage can be reduced during start. Precise kilometer calculation by underground cable fault detector:Feeding a voltage through a fixed set of resistors representing distance in kilometers and resulting varying current fed to a ADC interfaced to a micro controller outputs the display in kilometers based on current flow at specific fault created by a set of switches for testing purposes. Three phase fault analysis with auto reset on temporary fault and permanent trip otherwise:six number of step down transformers used for forming one star and another delta at the output with a set of switches to inputs LL, LG, 3L fault that triggers a 555 timer in monostable to reset or permanently trip the output relay connected to another 555 timer in astable. Large digit display of dialled telephone numbers for std billing centers:Dialed telephone numbers are picked up by a dtmf decoder to feed to a micro controller to drive ten numbers seven segment LED displays for better visibility.















167 Single phase induction motor soft start by stepped delay of reducing firing angle:Charge and discharge of a capacitor at the switch on time and generating a saw tooth voltage is then compared by a comparator to reduce the firing angle from 180 degree to 0 degree progressively to achieve soft start of a induction motor. High voltage dc upto 3kv from ac by using diode and capacitors in ladder network:1000 PIV diodes in combination with 100MFD electrolytic capacitors forming a ladder network multiplies the input AC to develop 12 times approximately DC output. 169 Closed loop feedback operated motor speed control:This project uses the IR transmitting and receiving technique by reflection of modulated IR rays from any rotating object such as a motor shaft to send interrupt signal to a programmed microcontroller to enable display of the speed. The display can either be a LCD or simple 7 segment LED type. This becomes a contact less tachometer. 168 170 RFID tag based attendance system:RFID card with details of the employee keep tracking of their attendance while swiped on the RFID reader interfaced to a microcontroller with LCD display for indication. Automatic Dialing to any telephone using I2C protocol on detecting burglary:User Programmable telephone number storing by key pad entry enabling auto dial to the police Station or the person concerned in the event of robery. Auto selection of any available phase, in 3 phase supply system: The project is to provide ac mains supply 230 volt to the single phase load if any of the phases, out of the 3 phases in a house goes missing. Wireless power transfer: The project is to develop a system of wireless power transfer for pace makers battery charging (An electronic device implanted in body that works in place of a defective heart valve) .Otherwise the patient is required to be operated every year to replace the battery . Life cycle testing of electrical loads by down counter:A presetable counter with key pad entry that counts down from the set number till it reaches zero with relay operation connected to a load that switches ON & OFF is used for life cycle test of the gadget under test say a lamp to determine its life. GSM based energy meter billing with load control: The project is to develop a wireless energy meter reading and load control. The reading of the energy meter is also sent by to any cell phone by a message through GSM modem which also receives commands from the cell phone to control the electrical loads. 2 Phase BLDC motor speed control using fuzzy logic control : The Project consists of an input stage, a microcontroller processing stage, and an output stage. The input stage maps sensor to the appropriate membership functions and truth values, processing stage invokes them and the output stage results back into specific control output value.



















A PLD, (PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICE) based BLDC motor operation: The project uses a microcontroller and a EEPROM to store the logic configuration for operation of the motor which is driven by a motor driver /C. The input is set by a set of switches with display. Stamp value calculator for post office: Calculating the weight of the letters & value by a balancing arrangement is used to control a potentiometer the output of which is fed to an ADC interfaced to microcontroller having a display Dish positioning control by stepper motor /geared motor: Programmed microcontroller to enable 180 degree movement of the dish by using a motor for adjustment of the best signal to be received from the satellite. Hidden active cellphone detector: A 555 timer in mono-stable mode along with a high gain op amp is used to detect Giga Hertz induced signals so produced by an active cell phone with in closer proximity to sound a buzzer alarm. A low cost long range FM transmitter with audio modulation: A low cost FM transmitter with audio modulation consisting of 106 MHz oscillator circuit, VFO and RF power amplifier connected to a tuned Yagi antenna to cover about 5 km line of site distance or 1Km by GP antenna. Railway track security system: The system detects for breakage /crack in railway tracks using line loop current break to sense the same to send interrupt to the controller to send an SMS to the station master through GSM. Sun tracking solar panel: Microcontroller interfaced to a stepper motor to rotate the solar panel during day, in steps from zero to 180 degrees to track the sun for maximum power delivery (solar panel not supplied)

















Remote jamming device: The /R rays of standard TV remote frequency at 38 KHz transmitted at a higher intensity to overpower the TV remote signals as they also work on 38 KHz. 201 Wireless elctronic notice board: The microcontroller receives the message from transmitter through GSM interface to be displayed on the LCD at user end interfaces to the microcontroller. 202 IR obstacle detection to actuate load: 38 KHz /R signals generated by 555 timer feeding /R diode received by tuned /R receiver generates an interrupt while obstructed to actuate a load. 203 Automatic dusk to dawn (Evening ON to Morning OFF): LDR input compared op amp turns on the appliances on through relay at falling light intensity in evening and off at the morning light. 193 204 Rhythm following flashing lights: Sound signals sensed by condenser microphone are amplified to feed to triacs to drive the bulbs or LED via opto isolator to increase or decrease the lamp intensity according to the music level. CE,ECE




Mains operated led light in string: A string of LED's are made to operate at 230V AC by series capacitor drop and current limit resistor and then being rectified to DC for maintaining a safe operating voltage for the LEDs.



Thermister based temperature control without micro controller: Negative co-efficient thermister used along with an operational amplifier used as comparator to actuate a relay in the event of temperature going out of range. 208 Step up 6 volt DC to 12 volt DC using 555 timer: A 555 timer used in astable mode outputs twice the AC from 6 volt DC and then by voltage multiplication to generate 12 volt DC by capacitor charge pump method. 206 209 Over voltage or under voltage alert system: Two 555 timers used on window comparator, the output of which gets active LED indication when voltage exceeds or falls the set threshold value.



211 Object counter with 7 segment display: An IR sensor receives the interrupt pulses to count and send the data to microcontroller for displaying it on 7-segment LED's. 212 Incoming phone ring light flasher: Phone line is connected through an opto isolator that drives a relay / triac through a transistor whenever ring is detected to switch on a 230V lamp to flash in accordance to ring. 213 Solar power charge controller: A set of comparators used to drive MOSFETs for bypassing the solar panel power in the event of excess charging. Also providing overload and under battery protection to the load used. Wire loop breaking alarm signal: A circuit using transistors to operate a load used to drive the transistor in to saturation while loop breaks to switch on a buzzer.






215 Video activated relay to control the load: A circuit using transistors to operate a load whenever a composite video signal from TV is detected at the input. 216 Touch controlled load switch: A touch sensitive switch with 555 being formed out of a monostable arrangement to switch on relay at output to drive any load. 218 Time delay based relay operated load: The 555 timer based circuit switches the load after certain delay (0 to 20 seconds) which is adjustable by the varying resistance in the RC time constant. Precise illumination control of lamp : Precise percentage of illumination entered through a numeric key pad is interfaced to a micro controller to maintain illumination of a lamp.The firing angle would be automatically adjusted to maintain the load power to the lamp such that the entered intensity matches the required one.








Becon flasher using microcontroller and PWM fed MOSFET: Slow flashig of LED lamps at one second interval for becon light warning system at sea shores. Industrial drafting fan in stepped speed control using BLDC motor:Eight step control of BLDC motor speed by microcontroller fed MOSFETfor meeting industrial needs. Discothec light stroboscopic flasher: Cluster of high power LED replacing strboscopic light flasher driven by microcontroller controlled solid state power switch. Automobile head light lamp intensity dimmer to control glare: 12 volt, 10 watt automobile lamp dimmer by varying pulse width signal. Auto selection of Fan available from multiple supply sources: Uninterrupted supply to critical cooling fans from any available supply source. High power AC lamp flasher for aviation obstruction indication purpose: Aviation obstruction lamp flasher from AC source to warn air crafts for possible crash. Random on/off of lamps to deter burglars for locked houses: Automic switching On/Off of lamps at random intervals in locked house to deter burglar attempt Display turn table speed control for shops: Low speed syncronous AC motor with programmed speed control in four steps using microcontroller and thyristor.
















12A Laser beam controlled garage door opener; Hand held laser light beam sensed door opener using microcontrollerfrom a long distance. 14A TV remote operated curtain closer/opener: Syncronous motor operated either direction movement of curtains remotely by standard TV remotes in commercial complexs. 15A Automatic washing machine control with manual override: Sequential operation of washing machine having programable time for each operation and manual also operation alternatively. 17A Transformer temperature monitoring by wireless to control room: Temperature rise of distribution temperature sent over RF on realtime basis to the control room for approperiate action. 18A Temperature warning system for Nuclear plants: Early waring alarm system of temperature rise in Nuclear plants to avoid future dissasters. 19A Overload alarm warning system in a passenger lift with number of occupants indication: 2 digit 7 segment LED display of occupants ,driven from microcontroller along with warning system on excess people in a lift 21A Smart card based door security system: Security area authenticated entry system by individual smart card identification and reading system 23A PC based wirelss notice board: Text message from a computer keyboard attached to a microcontroller is encrypted with LCD display to have decrypted message at receiver end all controlled by bidirectional RF cmmunication ECE








122 158A

123 159A

RFID security access control system: RF/D card to reader to read the data present on the card and compares the same to match the built in data for stattus display and unlocking the door GSM based supervisory control and status acquisition of industrial loads: Mobile message sent to another sim loaded GSM modem interfaced to microcontroller to drive relays to control the home appliances with a confirmation upon the status of the load. Cell phone /landline based circuit breaker: Remote controlled, password based circuit breaker for industrial load protection. Soft start of 3 phase induction motor by using 2 nos. Back to back scrs in each phase(using lamps only): Understaning soft start of /M by watching the lamps connected in place of the 3 phase motor from low voltage low intensity to full voltage full intensity at the time of start. RFID based passport details: I dentitying the passport holder through data stored in RF/D card by retriving the same through a reader duly interfaced to the microcontroller by a LCD display. Password protected bank locker system with intimation to the owner through cell phone/landline: User Programmable telephone number storing by key pad entry enabling auto dial to the person concerned in the event of robery. Induction heating by high frequency power ouput: 25 KHz power generation for a very low impedance coil to work as instant induction heating for medical steralization applications. Three digit preset counter warning sytem for limit cross operation of industrial loads; A countdown timer with programmable features for meeting industrial load schedule maintainence. Hall effect sensor based speed measurement of DC motor: Hall effect controlled microcontroller based non contact type speed measurement system and display.

124 161A 125 163A

126 170A

127 172A

128 174A

129 178A

130 181A

S.N MOD EL O. NO. 1 28

Product A land rover remotely controlled by hand held IR transmitter/ is a Robot that can move through any path by /R control and while it senses the infrared signals from a handheld TV remote. The receiver is interfaced to a microcontroller to drive motors for its movement. IR controlled sage robot: Land rover robot that moves by hand held TV remote infrared based,being driven by a set of 2 motors duly interfaced through motor driver /C. ECE



Line following robotic Vehicle that does not require any microcontroller interface or program:An array of two pair of photo sensors comprising IR transmitter and photo diode is fitted in front of the car to detect a black path as well as any turns in the path. By reading the outputs from each of the two sensors, Darlington pair of transistors is biased. Two DC motors are connected to the collector of the transistor TIP122. The motors are able to turn the steering left or right, depending on what logic signal the sensor sends. Cell phone operated robotic vehicle: Robotic vehicle that can be operated from any where using cell phone sent commands.Once the contact is established over dialling the cell phone mounted on the robotic vehicle it accepts the tone commands thereafter for the operation of the vehicle.


35A Cell phone operated sage robot: Digit commands from one cell phone sent to another cell phone mounted on the robot to receive the DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) mode commands to feed to a microcontroller, to operate 2nos DC motors through motor driver IC for any direction movement. 149 War field land Rover that alerts on sensing planted Land Mine ahead: Wirelessly controlled land rover mounted with metal detecting sensors to generate alarms on sensing planted land mine.The movement is wirelessly controlled by a hand held RF transmitter to send commands to the RF receiver mounted on the land rover.


149A War field sage robot that alerts on sensing planted land mine ahead: Remotely controled robot using RF mode with encoder nad decoder duly interfaced to a pair of microcontrollers for movement and metal detection by a metal detector (land mine detector) being actuated after the robot reaches the suspected site. 151 Bomb displacing robot with tension controlled soft catching arm:A moving robot control wirelessly to reach the suspected bomb site to relocate the bomb at different place while handling the same carefully by a soft catching arm duly controlled by interrupt monitored motor to avoid extra pressure on the susspected object for safty reasons. 152 Wireless operated Fire extinguisher vehicles with water jet spray:Fire extinguishee vehicle loaded with water tanker and pump controlled remotely over wireless to throw water jet to the fire.The movement and the pump control are wirelessly controlled by a hand held RF transmitter to send commands to the RF receiver mounted on the fire extinguisher vehicle. 153 War field spying Robot with night vision wireless camera:A RF based moving vehicle mounted with wireless night vision camera controlled remotely over wireless to send real time pictures of enemy activities in warfield.The movement is wirelessly controlled by a hand held RF transmitter to send commands to the RF receiver mounted on the moving vehicle.


11 171

Line following robotic Vehicle using microcontroller interface:Using IR reflected light falling on photodiodes form as input to IO parts of MC to drive a robotic vehicle motor through motor driver IC in a specified black path by reflection from the white surface and then by disabling any one motor in the event of reflection being stopped while going away from the blackpath to take turn till the reflection resumes. ECE


All All Do I All Readymade Yourself Project Kit(Rs.) Product(Rs. Kit(Rs.) )

1 PIC104 RFID based device control & authentication:RFID card swiped over the card reader by the vehicle driver enables the motor interfaced through the driver IC to the controller to

1. Auto Control of three phase Induction motor (AT89S52) 2. Automatic College Bell (AT89S8252 & DS1307) 3. Automatic plant Irrigation (AT89C2051) 4. Automatic Room light Controller with Visitor Counter (AT89S52) 5. BIOMEDICAL MONITORING SYSTEM (AT89C2051 + TX/RX) 6. Device control through Bluetooth from Symbian OS Mobiles 7. Device Controlling through PC (Visual Basic) 8. Digital Calendar (AT89C2051) 9. Digital Countdown Timer (AT89C2051) 10. Digital IC Tester for 74 series 11. Digital Visitor Counter (AT89C2051) 12. DS1620 Based Temperature Controller (AT89S52) 13. DS1820 Based High Precision Temperature Indicator 14. Electronic Cash Register (ECR) 15. Electronic Voting Machine (AT89S8252) 16. Electronics Components Tester (AT89C52) 17. Fingerprint Based Electronic Voting Machine 18. FingerPrint Based Security System 19. Fire Fighting Robot (AT89S52) 20. Gates Emulator (AT89C2051) 21. Home Security System(AT89S52) 22. Infrared Interruption counter (AT89C2051) 23. InfraRed Remote Switch (6 devices + 1 fan) -AT89S52

24. InfraRed Remote Switch (AT89C2051) 25. Interactive Voice Response System For College Automation (IVRS) 26. Line Following Robot (AT89C2051) 27. Microcontroller Based Caller ID (AT89C2051) 28. Microcontroller Based Digital Clock with Alarm 29. Microcontroller Based Digital code Lock (AT89C2051) 30. Multipattern Running Lights (AT89C2051) 31. Parallel Telephone with auto secrecy (AT89C2051) 32. Password Based Door Locking (AT89C2051) 33. PC -MC communication (AT89C2051 + Tx/Rx) 34. PC BASED DATA LOGGER (AT89S52 + VB) 35. PC Based Digital IC Tester 36. PC Based GPS 37. PC Based Robot (AT89C2051) 38. PC Remote Control 39. Prepaid Energy Meter (AT89S52) 40. REMOTE CONTROL VIA INTERNET (AT89S52 + Ethernet Adaptor)) 41. Remote Controlled Digital Clock with DS1307 & AT89C2051 42. RF based Automatic meter reading 43. RF Based Remote control (AT89C2051) 44. RFID Based Attendance System (AT89S52 + RFID) 45. RFID Based Security System (AT89S52 + RFID)

46. SECURED WIRELESS DATA COMMUNICATION (AT89S52) 47. SMS through Telephone (AT89S8252) 48. Solar tracking System (AT89C2051) 49. Telephone Controlled Motor 50. Telephone controlled Remote switch (AT89S52) 51. Temperature controlled Fan (AT89S52) 52. TIME OPERATED ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE CONTROLLING SYSTEM 53. Traffic Light Controller (AT89C2051) 54. Two Line Intercom (AT89C2051)

PROJECT TITLE MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED AUTO SPEED LIMITER WITH AUTO BREAKING: The project is to read the rpm of a automobile and according to that it limits the speed as Speed Governor. One can change the speed with variable control. 1. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED AUTO GEAR SHIFTING SYSTEM: The circuit shows the demo of auto shifting of gears using stepper motor with the change in speed of vehicle. One can change the speed of DC motor as actual vehicle running wheel. 2. MICROCONTROLLER AVR ATMEGA-8535 BASED SECURED ROOM ACCESS WITH RELAY DOOR WITH OPTION TO CHANGE THE PASSWARD: This is an access control system in which one can open the door/ control a device motor with the help of a specific code and anytime one can change this to save in system memory.

3. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C52 BASED SMART CARD FOR AUTO PARKING: The amount will be debited the from smart card whenever the person enter at parking lot. 4. ELECTRONIC LOCK: - The keys in the range 0 to 9 are used to store the key code as well as to enter the code for opening the lock. The maximum five-digit number can be stored in the memory 5. LED SCOPE: - Conventional CRO is replaced by this LED scope. Using 150 LEDs at display module. The all types of waves viz. square, triangular and sine can be easily seen on this. 6. WIRELESS HOME SECURITY SYSTEM: - It has an intruder sensor cum transmitter and a receiver. The sensor reacts to light, sound and mechanical movements 7. OPTICAL FIBRE / LASER COMMUNICATION: The one way voice communication system using optical fibre as mode. One can speak from one end and listen the voice at other end using IR as transmitter and photo-diode as receiver 8. MULTITESTER: - It can test audio equipment with built in multivibrator as well as transistor, capacitor, and diode or as a continuity tester. 9. Robo Control using Bluetooth 10.USB Microcontroller,Keil Compiler, Interfacing with USB Blue tooth module

11.Smart Card Reader for Student ID Card 12.8051,Keil Compiler,RTC,NVRAM,Serial Communication Interfacing Concepts with PC

13.MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED METRO TRAIN PROTOTYPE USING LCD: The project shows resemblance as you are traveling in metro train. It will display three station at LCD and a stepper motor to rotate clock or anti-clock wise.

14.MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED VOTING 15.MACHINE: The voting system for four candidates with 16.memory backup to restore the results to be viewed with password 17.MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED FULL FUNCTION STEPPER MOTOR CONTROLLER :The project will operate the stepper motor in almost all modes viz. clock, anticlock, speed and frequency control with time duration for both directions. 18.MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED SAFETY GUARD FOR BLIND: This embedded safety guard system with voice processor to play the prerecorded message in case of any obstacle is detected by the blind person. 19.MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED FASTEST FINGER FIRST: Useful for Quiz games, dumb charades. It display the player no. along with the beep for seven players.






EIGHT TEMERATURE SENSOR MONITOR + AUTONOMOUS ARM 33.Auto monitor the same sensor at a time, with microcontroller interface + LCD display to display all zone temperature,if temperature is to be raised of any one then alarm is on and autonomous robotic arm go there and cool down the temperature of particular zone. AUTO GUIDED VEHICLE 34.New advance concept in robotic by using this project we set the target and robot move to the target automatically by measuring the step. Now if there is any interruption then robot changes the path to avoid the interruption but immediate return to the main path automatically. AUTONOMOUS ROBOT WITH MAIZE OPTION 35.Robot enters in the maize and exit from the maize automatically by using three sensor on three side. PH CONTROL UNIT 36.By using this circuit we measure the chemical content of liquid by using conductometer probe, if the level is above the limit then controller activate and immediate insert the fresh water in the container and auto exit the dirty water from the tank and monitor the current level on LCD. AUTONOMOUS METRO 37.Small autonomous metro with station display on the LCD auto stop + auto reverse + auto braking NEW AUTONOMOUS METRO + VOICE PROCESSOR 38.Small autonomous metro with station display on the LCD auto stop + auto reverse + auto braking +5 per recorded message.

AUTO TIME RECORD MACHINE FOR TEACHER ATTENDENCE 39.Teacher enter in the class room, enter its card and immediate time counter is on, show the lecture time at the same this data is to be transfer to the main unit with teacher name + room no + total time.

SOUND POLLUTION CONTROL WITH PASSWORD CONTROL 40.Set the upper limit of public address system by setting a set value of password control keyboard + if the sound level is to. SMART BUS STOP FOR BLIND PERSON 41.Blind person go to the bus stop ask question by sending a code by remote unit using RF module bus stand receive this signal and respond with the acknowledgement sound. If blind ask a arrival time of any bus, then bus stand provide a audio message when the bus came on the bus stand. INDUSTRIAL BLACK BOX (MEASURE MACHINE FAILURE WITH TIME RECOR SYSTEM) 42.If any machine or system is failed then transducer provide a warming signal and this particular time period is save with the digital clock timing DIGITAL TRAFFIC LIGHT WITH RED LIGHT JUMP 43.Concept of the future car, if any cross car the red light then the data base of the car is to be store in the traffic light control machine with particular car number + particular crossing time. ROOM LIGHT CONTROL WITH PHOTO SENSOR LOGIC 44.By this technology measure the light of the room with lux meter and auto control the light of the room and check the total number of person in the room. If no person I the room then auto controls the light. AUTO ENERGY SAVER FOR COMPLETE HOME WITH DIFFERENT SENSOR ON GATE 45.Control the light of the room if any person enters in the room, as the person enter into second room then second room light is on, so by this way control the light of different sensors and save the valuable energy. DIGITAL FUNCTION GENERATOR 46.Generation of sine wave + square wave +triangular wave with the help of microcontroller using D to A converter BLIND STICK+ VOICE PROCESSER 47.Same as above plus advancement of self recording voice reply any time when any sensor is activate. ULTRASONIC BLIND STICK 48.Blind with interruption sensing radar using ultrasonic sensor. Produce sound and as well vibrations when detect interruption. ULTRASONIC PARKING RADAR

49.Install on the back side of the car. Sensors send a signal and get a reflective signal. Compare with the CPU and show the distance on ascending i.e.d graph. GREEN BEE ENVIORMENT CONTROL 50.I this project we show how measure and control multi-sensor at a time. In this project we measure and control, temperature + light(LCD) +soll moisture and control the internal environment of the green house. VEHICLE COMPUTER 51.In this measure the speed of RPM of the vehicle and at the same time automatic control the gear of the vehicle. Along with the automatic gear control we measure the temperature and water content of radiator water. If some thing is not correct then we show the result on L.C.D ULTRSONIC RADAR FOR DISTANCE + DIRECTION 52.Ultra- sonic sensor (TX and RX) mount on the rotated antenna. Antenna rotates and sends a ultrasonic signal and get a reflected signal. Stop automatically when get a interruption and show the distance with the direction also.

SPEED CONTROL OF DC MOTOR WITH R-2-R METHOD 53.Speed control of DC motor via infra red remote. In this project we not only control the speed of DC motor by R-2-R method in nine step but at the same time we control the direction of the motor for clock wise and anti clock wise. SPEED CONTROL OF DC MOTOR VIA SCR FIRING 54.Speed control of dc motor with the help of four SCR and firing control. SPEED CONTROL OF DC MOTOR VIA DUTY CYCLE CONTROL 55.In this project we control the speed of motor in different step by duty cycle variations. STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL 56.In this project we control the direction of stepper motor manually and remotely via infra red remote. SPEED CONTROL OF AC MOTOR + 4 CHANNEL ON/ OFF CONTROL

57.Speed control of AC motor via infra red remote. In this project we control the speed of dc motor by THYRISTOR FIRING. In this project we control two load at a time plus 4 channel of on/off control. SMART LIGHT SENSTIVE DIGITAL CLOCK WITH TEMPERATURE INDICATOR 58.Special L.E.D based digital clock is interface with the temperature sensor to display the time as we as temperature one by one. LDR is connected with the clock to auto dim the light of clock in night. DISTRIBUTION CONTROL SYSTEM ACCORDING TO TME 59.In this control distribution system we set the on/off time for different outputs in RTC based digital colander. Data is to be store in external memory. Unit is to be on/off according to time as per the presentable time. WIRELESS LOCAL SENSOR MONITORING SYSTEM 60.We use this system in any home, office or for any security reason. We install two or more sensor with the RF transmitter unit. As the sensor is active, RF transmitter send its signal and signal is received on the receiver. WIRELESS SECURITY SYSTEM EITH PASSWARD PROTECTION 61.Unique concept is security automation. Four sensors install in the home. With the help of password we enable/ disable the sensor for transmission. As the password is active and if any sensor is activate then alarm is activate and at the same time this data and particular address is transfer on the receiver display. WIRELESS FLOOD MONITIORING SYSTEM 62.By using this project we monitor the flood level in step by RF module. As the level is raise in the river data is to be transmit via RF signals. On the danger level alarm is on the near by area and pump connected with the river is automatic on to fill the outer area tank for extra water waving. 63.In this project we monitor the level of water in overhead tank by RF transmission line. No only monitor and display but at the same time we automatic on/off the pump motor. AUTO BUS NUMBER IDENTIFICATION WITH VOICE ANNOUNCEMENT ON BUS STOP 64.New concept in wireless monitoring system. As any bus arrives on the bus stand, bus sends its code by RF waves. This particular signal is receive by bus stand receiver system and produce a arrival welcome sound.

MULIT SENSOR BLIND STICK 65.Special project for blind person .stick is converted into small robotic hand. Stick checks the hot item with temperature sensor. Water with the water sensor, interruption by infra red sensor and produce a different beep sound every time. ULTRASONIC DISTANCE METER + LINIT ALARM 66.Ultrasonic sensor to check the distance continuously. If the measure distance is less then preset value then circuit raise a alarm. WIRELESS PERSONAL ENQUIRY SYSTEM FOR BLIND 67.In this system blind equipped with the RF module based keypad. As he want to know the any enquiry of the place then he ask a particular requirement by the keypad number. As he enters the code of place enquiry then nearby receiver respond with the sound.

HUMIDITY MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL 68.Humidity sensor is very unique sensor. In this project we use resistive based humidity sensor to control any spray system for auto irrigation. As the humidity level is low down connected pump is automatically on. TEMPERATURE CONTROL 69.Using LM 335 sensor to measure the temperature + ADC + 89s51 controller + LCD display to show the temperature on LCD, external set value. Cur measured value cross the set value then unit is off. TEMPERATURE BASED AUTOMATIC FAN 70.Auto control the speed of the fan as per temperature in four steps. + LCD display+ 89s51 controller + 0809 ADC.

CENTRALIZED TEMPERATURE MONITOR AND CONTROL INCUBIMETER 71.In this project we use four separate temperature based incubi meter and monitor the temperature of all zone separate o LCD. As the temperature of any zone raise from the set limit then buzzer is on and at the time coolant fan is on. HEART BEAT MONITOR VIA RF MODULE 72.In this project it is possible to measure the pulse rate of the patent wireless by RF module 433 MHz. by using the technique we continuous measure the pulse rate of different patient at a time. 26. PATENT MONITORING SYSTEM

73.Here in this concept we measure the body temperature as we as pulse rate and continuous monitor the glucose bottle for empty. LUNG CAPACITY MEASUREMENT 74.We digital the lung capacity of any person by converted the blowing power of person into digital code and compare with the preset limit using 89s51 controller + ACD + LCD display. L.E.D BASED MOVING DISPLAY 75.Smart moving display with AT keyboard interface to transfer the data from keyboard to external eerom of the project. Data is to be scroll from left to right. DIGITAL OPTICAL FIBRE COMMUNICATION 76.(Data is to be transfer from one side to another side using optical fiber, voice + DTMF data) DIGITAL OPTICAL FIBER + CONTROL 77.(Data is to be transfer from one side using optical fiber, voice +DTMF data + provide a 10 point control mechanism to interface with electrical point or different audio output system) LASER LINK COMMUNICATION 78.(Data is to be transfer from one side to another side using LASER LIGHT, voice+ DTMF data) LASER COMMUNICATION +CONTROL 79.(Data is to be transfer from one side to another side using LASER LIGHT; voice+ DTMF data Provide a 10 point control mechanism to interface with electronic point or different audio output system). RF COMMUNICATION +CONTROL 80.(Same as above but with the radio frequency module). SMS DATA TRANSMISSION WITH INFRA RED +ENCRYPTION+ PASSWORD PROTECTED 81.Data enter by a keyboard is to transfer from one side to another side by infra red rays with encrypted data + password protected on receiver side 89s51 controller + LCD ON BOTH SIDES.


82.(TX and RX on both sides. Data transfer with radio frequency module on both side + encryption facility + password protected.

SECRET CODE TRANSMISSIONVIA TELEPHONE LINE ON LAND LINE 83.In this project we show that how we transfer any code by using normal telephone keypad any transfer this code from one side to another on telephone line. MULTI CHANNEL INFRA RED CONTROL 84.In this project we show that how we control many electrical appliances via infra red remote. MOBILE CONTROL ELETRICAL APPLIANCES 85.By using this project we can control many electrical appliances via mobile phone from any distance with DTMF tones. MOBILE CONTROL ELETRICAL APPLIANCES +PASSWORD + ACK 86.In this project we perform a same action as above with additional features of ACK + password protection. MOBILE CONTROL AUTOMATION + MEMORY INTERFACE 87.Same as above with memory interface to store the data in the case of power failure. MOBILE CONTROL IRRIGATION 88.Control the on/off of water pump of any field but at the same time if the field is wet t5hen pump is off automatically. AUTO IRRIGATION CONTROL 89.(By using this concept we measure the moisture level of field. If the filed is dry or moisture level is below the preset limit then control circuit switch on the pump). AUTO IRRIGATION CONTROL WITH CLOCK INTERFACE + RAIN SENSOR ALSO 90.In this project we measure the field conductivity of field and if the moisture level is low then pump is on, if the raining is on then that time pump is off + we set the irrigation time by digital clock.

AUTOMATIC ROOM LIGHT CONTROLLER 91.(In this project we show that room light is automatic off if no person in the room. When one person enter in the room then counter store the number and switch on the light. When all enter person leave the room then room light is automatic off.) AUTOMATIC ROOM LIGHT + ROOM LIGHT + LCD 92.This project is more advance with the above project. In this project we continuous monitor the total enter person and at the same time we monitor the total intensity available in the room. We also set the parameter o the light. As the intensity of the room is varying, connected lights are also varying. AUTOMATIC ROOM LIGHT + INTENSITY CONTROL 93.In this logic room light is to be increase automatically as the person in the room is to be increase and room light is automatic low down when person leave the room. AUTOMATIC ROOM LIGHT + SET THE LIMIT + AUTO DOOR CONTROL + CAMRA 94.This is one of the advances + fully secures project wit auto door open + close at the entry and exit. We set the maximum limit of the room + every time camera is on when any person enter in the room. One secure room with password protects entry. 95. ENERGY FROM BUSY ROAD + STREET LIGHT + ROAD SENSOR Energy from busy road is a very useful and very interesting project also. By using this project we not only generate the voltage from moving traffic but at the same time we charge the battery. As the battery is fully charged, street light is automatic on in the night. We also provide a road sensor on the road to monitor the traffic density on the road. AUTO TOLL TAX WITH THREE LANE 96.By this project we decide the main lane into two lanes and on every lane we use two coin operated system foe each car. TOLL TAX WITH LCD DISPLAY 97.Check the car by length and then display the amount required for car. Voice processor is also added with project. As we center the coin then door is open. Count total car.

AUTO DIALER SECURITY 98.By using this project we secure the home with two/three sensor +access control logic for door open. If something is wrong then circuit provide a auto dial the pre-decide number and send a voice message. DIGITAL FUEL METER 99.With the help of A to D convert and microcontroller circuit we convert the normal fuel meter into digital fuel meter. One the fuel meter is converted into digital then it is possible to check the distance. CAR SECURITY DIAL UP 100. Car security with the auto dial up logic provides a automation when any one open the car. As the car is open by unwanted person then circuit is on and makes a call to authorized person. Person receives the call and switch off the car immediately by the mobile phone. COLOUR SENSOR IDENTIFIER COLOUR SENSOR BASED ROBOTIC ARM ROBOTICS:

INFRARED TRACKING ROBOT 101. In this project we show the design a small robot with three infra red sensor ROBOT follow the infra red rayes.

INFRARED CONTROL ROVER 102. Small robot is to be control by the infra red remote for left, right, forward and reverse direction. INFRA RED ROVER + ROBOTIC ARM 103. ROBOTIC ARM (THREE MOTOR) + BASE MOVEMENT (TWO MOTOR) CONTROL By the infra red remote. GSM CONTROL ROBOTIC ARM 104. M CONTROL ROBOTIC ARM (THREE MOTOR) + BASE MOVEMENT (TWO MOTOR) CONTROL by any mobile phone. 105. R.F CONTROL ROVER ROBO is to be control by the RF module +encoder + decoder circuit AUTO REJECTION ROBOTIC ARM+ CONEYER BELT WITH INFRA RED SENSOR

106. In this project we design a autonomous robotic arm, auto pick + auto through the object from the conveyer belt to the any place. SOLOR SEEKER 107. In this project we design a system that follows the sun light. One photo sensor is fitted on the surface. Photo sensor follows the sun and move to the either direction. PENCIL VENDING MACHINE 108. Special machine to deliver a one pencil every time when we insert a coin in the coin box. COIN OPERATED TOLL BRIDGE 109. Coin operated toll bridge+ coin system + slow speed motor, as we insert the coin in the system then motor open the door automatically and automatically after a certain period of time.

TRAIN POSITION MONITORING SYSTEM (like gps) 110. In this project we monitor the position of the train by magnetic sensor and display the position on L.E.D PATTERN USING 89C2051 microcontroller. TRAIN POSITION MONITORING SYSTEM + AUTO CROSSING SYSTEM 111. In this project we not only monitor the train position but at the same time we close and open the crossing system automatically.

I.R CONTROL + RAILWAY CROSSING + LCD DISPLAY 112. Auto crossing system + display the station name on lcd + movement of train is control by infra red rays on pole stand. AUTO STOP + AUTO REVERSE SMALL METRO + DOOR OPENER 113. Small micro controller based metro + stop on particular position by sensing a white line + auto reverse at the end of the track.

AUTO STOP + AUTO REVERSE + STATION NAME DISPLAY + ABS METRO 114. Small micro controller based metro + stop on particular position by sensing a white line + auto reverse at after all station finished + anti collision system.

ANTI COLLISION SYSTEM USING TWO TRAIN ON ONE TRACK 115. Small micro controller based metro + stop on particular position by sensing a white line + auto reverse at after all station finished + anti collision system.

AUTO PATH FINDER ROBOT 116. In this project we show the design a small robot for auto path finder. Two infra red sensor on left and right side + two slow speed motor + 8051 base micro-controllers.

AUTO PATH FINDER + ANTI FALLING ROBOT 117. Same as above + anti falling logic, if the robotic sense the depth then robot stop automatically + auto back and auto change in position . AUTO PATH + FIRE SENSTIVE ROBOT 118. Same as auto path + fire sensor to monitor the fire + stop there and try to stop the fire.

LINE FOLLOWER ROBOT 119. Using to infrared sensors + micro controller 89c2051 + tow slow speed motor + follow the black and white lines automatically. LINE FOLLOWER + ABS SYSTEM 120. Using two infra red sensors + AUTO BRAKE + micro controller + two slow speed motor. GSM ROBOT 121. Control the movement of the robot with the help of any mobile phone network. In basic robot we move the robot for forward, reverse, left and right movement. GSM ROBOT + AUTO PATH FINDER + CCTV CAMRA 122. Control the movement of the robot with the help of any mobile phone + Changeover system from GSM to auto path finder + get the live picture on CCTV with wire and without wire.


123. In this project we show that how we control the electrical appliances with the help of PC parallel port.

SPEED CONTROL OF DC MOTOR USING PC 124. In this project we control the speed of the dc motor using PWM technique.

CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF THE METRO USING C++ 125. In this project we design one wireless metro with the display on the monitor. With the help of the PC we control the movement of the metro. P.C CONTROL STEEPER MOTOR 126. Three steeper motor control direction + speed + steps + sequence control

P.C CONTROL WIRELESS CAR 127. In this project we show that how we control the movement of the car using PC with RF transmitter. P.C CONTROL ROBOTIC ARM 128. In this project we show that how we control the movement of the robotic arm using c++. P.C CONTROL ANTENNA POSITIONING SYSTEM 129. In this project we show that how we control the position of the antenna through PC. When antenna gets a signal then antenna stop automatically and display the result on the PC. CONTROL PC WITH TV REMOTE 130. In this project we show that how we interface the PC with the help of the RS 232. Control the movement of the cursor with the help of RC5 remote.

AUTOMATED PARKING SYSTEM WITH PC 131. Printed ticket with every car, charges according to time, parking status, auto door open, check for theft and crime car.


132. College or school bell is program through the PC. Set all the details of total period, start time etc, bell is connected with the PC with parallel port. Voice + manual control the movement of the robot wireless by radio frequency module using micro soft SDK kit. VOICE CONTROL ELETRICAL APPLIANCES 133. Voice control electrical appliances via visual basic software. Manual + voice control. REGENERATIVE BRAKING SYSTEM 134. In this project we show that how we generate a valuable voltage with the help of the braking system.

AUTO START + AUTO MOVE + AUTO DIPATCH MATERIAL HANDLING LIFT 135. In this project we design the lift for material handling. As we place the object lift is start and move up wards. Stop at the top and slide out the material on the top RAIN PROTECTOR 136. In this project we design one conveyers belt logic with one rain sensor, as the rain is detected by the sensor then conveyer belt is on and keep all the cloth under the shelter automatically.

SHINE WAVE DISPLAY ON THE GRAPHIC DISPLAY 137. Display the sine wave + square wave +triangular wave on the graphic lcd display. MOVING DISPLAY WITH AT KEYBOARD + MEMORY 138. Moving i.e.d display on 7 into 64 i.e.d display + enter the data through keyboard + save the data content in NV ram.

DIGITAL TECHOMETER 139. Measures the speed on any motor by infra red sensors and display the speed of the motor on seven segment display. COLLEGE HOOTER PRROGRAMMING WITH RTC + MEMORY 140. College hooter programmer with digital clock interface + three different tables called + edit option.

TECH 1. Power Saving Street Light with fog light switching Microcontroller based project Utilizes LDR on street light poles Street light get on through vehicle head light Pressure sensors for pedestrian Humidity sensors for fog light detection 2. High Tech Toll Tax System Microcontroller based project Issue of money card of maximum RS 50 Display of balance in card on the insertion

3. PID controller Proportional integrator and differentiator controlling Temp ,light, humidity controlling PIC microcontroller based controlling 4. Range Finder through Distance sensor PIC microcontroller based Displays the range of any object FND display 5.Proxy Prevention System Microcontroller based project Random number generation for each card entry Communication between two controllers LCD display for attendance 6. Automatic Jack Lifting through RF Lifting of mechanical jack through relay Eliminates manual effort 7. Electronics Eye Microcontroller based project Three zone security system RF,IR,LDR technologies employed Day/night mode also available Reset facility

8. Laser Communication Microcontroller based project Data transfer using laser LCD display 9. RF based data transfer Microcontroller based project Two microcontrollers, transmitter and receiver sections Two LCD, transmitter and receiver sections 10. Automatic Water Tap Utilizes solenoid for controlling the flow of water Microcontroller based project IR sensors for hand detection FND display 11. Atmosphere humidity controller Sense humidity using humidity sensor Controls humidity Using PIC Microcontroller 12. Safe distance guard system for blinds Measure distance using distance sensor Indicates accordingly using sound alarm Microcontroller based project 13. Computer controlled temperature meter Sense temperature for controlling Controls accordingly using relays Using PIC Microcontroller 14. Obstacle sensing robot Detects obstacles at certain range Turns automatically Microcontroller based project 15. RFID based animal tracking system Microcontroller based project FND Display Tracking of vehicle using high frequency RF 16. Developing Agriculture Conditions On Planet PIC microcontroller based project Controls temperature, light intensity & Humidity for agriculture Indication using LCD

17 Solar cell based ups Converting solar energy to electricity using solar cell Making 220 volts ac from 12 volt dc battery with very small delay Microcontroller based project
18. High tension transformer protection PIC Micro Controller based project Voltage control on field Temperature control on field Automatic pump on when temperature increase Automatic pump off when temperature decrease after a certain limit LCD based project 19. Online ups

Microcontroller based project Making 220 volts ac from 12 volt dc battery with very small delay LCD Display

20. Web based home appliance control

Controls home appliance using computer Can also switch devices from different places using internet Microcontroller based project.

21. Microcontroller based vehicle security system.

Cut off ignition when password is not entered Indicates using buzzer if somebody try to steal Microcontroller based project

22. Speed control of stepper motor

Driving stepper motor in both directions Controlling speed of stepper motor Microcontroller based project

23. Eco friendly car

Runs on solar panel RF based controlling Microcontroller based project

24. RF based wireless identification system

Identify different container without contact using rf technology Display container no. Microcontroller based project

25. Speed change of DC motor with switch

Microcontroller based project FND display Utilizes PWM technique

26. Speed change of DC motor with RF

Microcontroller based project FND display Utilizes PWM technique Utilizes high freq transmitter and receiver

27. Speed change of DC motor with computer

Microcontroller based project FND display Utilizes PWM technique Utilizes parallel port for speed change

28. Turbine protection system using microcontroller for electrical power plant Senses basic condition for proper working of turbine and alarms for hazardous Condition Microcontroller based accurate sensor controlling Cut of the turbine in critical failure condition 29. Fault analysis and detection

Using PIC Microcontroller for ADC Voltage detection Current detection High volt cut Low volt cut Overload cut

30. Two Phase Changeover and Automatic Generator Start Stopper Micro controller based project

If any phase is gone then automatic changeover to another phase

If both phases are gone then automatic changeover to the generator If any phase comes back then automatic changeover of generator to that phase. Automatically switch on/off the generator according to the two input phase Helps in easy handling of the generators.

31. Microcontroller based fire protection system using LDR

Check for smoke for fire detection Automatically turns on water supply for stopping fire Microcontroller based project

32. Automatic car parking system

This projects indicate whether the parking is full Pressure sensing Microcontroller based project

33. Field parameter loop controller PIC Micro Controller based project Industrial field parameter control on site Voltage control on field Temperature control on field Level control LCD based project

34. GSM to GSM Contest Voting Machine

Microcontroller based project Connectivity between voting machine and the mobile phone Utilizing DTMF technology Sensing of voting signal using microcontroller

35. Infrared based telemetry system Infrared based data transferring from one controller to another. Microcontroller based project. Transmit complete alphabets and numerals 36. Solar cell based universal inverter

Converting solar energy to electricity using solar cell Making 220 volts ac from 12 volt dc battery Microcontroller based project

37. Solar cell based spy robot

Converting solar energy to electricity using solar cell A complete rf controlled car Microcontroller based project

38. Traffic light signaling controller with micro controller based count down timer display Total time remaining for green light Light indication also FND display 39. Advanced security system with unique feature Micro controller based project On security breach following actions occurs Display warning on FN Automatically dial any number Switch on the buzzer Various levels of security can be implemented like Door ; smoke ; open space ; pressure 40. Walking Robot Radio frequency based project Walking straight Move 360 Micro controller based neck control

41. Mobile phone controlled electronic voting machine

Detect connectivity between voting machine and your mobile phone Sensing of voting signal using microcontroller Also include Password protection

42. Mobile phone controlled Land rover robot GSM based control signal carrier Microcontroller based project

Move quad directional motion control

43. Mobile Controller Switching of any electrical or electronic equipment control with the help of mobile FND display Ring sensing section Phone off hook section DTMF ( dual tone multiple frequency based project )


Liquid Level Controller Micro controller based project Detect liquid level & perform control action Display on /off status on FND Used in household water tanks

45. Prepaid energy meter using PIC MICROCONTROLLER Measure electrical current and Voltage of supply Calculate the power consumed by appliances Calculate units consumed Deducts the cost from units purchased in advance 46. Display Timer for Compressor Micro controller based project Monitor the input ac line & switch on the ac after 2 min. in case of line discontinuity. Helps in protection of compressors in ac & refrigerators.

47. Telephonic control using DTMF decoding Microcontroller based project Control up to five electrical & electronics equipments by the telephone line Utilizes DTMF detection & decoding Password features available with different password for switching on & switching off the device.

48. Grid failure protection system using microcontroller

Senses all the critical conditions of transformer failure and alarms for hazardous condition Accurate Sensor controlling through microcontroller Switch of the GRID in critical failure condition

49. Request Monitoring System Micro controller based project Request can be taken from 16 locations Display request on LED & FND display Separate keys are available to make & complete request Used in hotels & nursing homes .

50. Caller ID Microcontroller based project Display the phone number of calling party on FND

51. Boiler Controller

Micro controller based project Motor on / off with the help of relay If temperature rises at setting points then the boiler will be off If temperature down at setting points then the boiler will be start

52. Electronic Voting Machine Micro controller based project LCD based display Memory Backup is available

53. Automatic Railway Crossing Controller Micro controller based project LCD based project Three inferred used Railway crossing controller used


Infrared Based Industrial Gates Entry Management System Micro controller based project Record Incoming & Outgoing persons


E-Card entry system Micro controller based project 5 card issue 4 card for right candidate 1 card for wrong candidate If card insert then system check identification If card valid then relay on after some time relay off

56. Advance Home Automation Micro controller based project Infrared based Electricity save Automatic appliances control FND display

57. Rapid event selector . Designed for industrial purpose where multiple signals come simultaneously . Distinguish which signal or interrupt has arrived first . Microcontroller based decision control . Functional numerical display included

58. Automatic Railway Signaling Through RF

Microcontroller based project RF based signal generation Red signal frequency generation and automatic braking Green signal frequency generation for continuous operation

59. Automatic Voltage Corrector Stabilizing the voltage Micro controller based project ADC based Controlled output automatically

60. Metro Train Micro controller based project LCD display . 61. Micro controller based Inverter 89C51 based project Frequency generation with the help of micro controller LCD Display 62. Micro controller based Volt Meter FND display ADC to BCD conversion

63. Micro controller based Temperature Meter

FND display ADC to BCD conversion

64. Micro controller based Current Meter FND display ADC to BCD

65. Micro controller based D.C Volt Meter FND display ADC to BCD

66. Micro controller Based Auditorium Seat Management System Micro controller project Infrared based Automatic counter Automatic barrier FND display


Train Collision Prevention and Signaling using RF Prevents collision of trains using switch mechanism Microcontroller based decision control Alarming for dangerous condition Both side indication Both side buzzer FND display

68. Computer controlled home appliance control Microcontroller based project Home appliance control using relay mechanism Parallel port control 69. Contactless swap card system Checks for card for user identity. Display if card is verified (for single card) Microcontroller based project

70. Vehicle tracking system Microcontroller based project 3 RF zones for vehicle tracking

71. Computer controlled path finder robot Controlled through parallel port of pc Parallel port controlling program Controlled through radio frequency Microcontroller based code protection system (OPTIONAL WIRELESS CAMERA AND T.V MODULES)

72. RF controlled robotic arm Controlled through parallel port of pc parallel port controlling program

Controlled through radio frequency Microcontroller based code protection system

73. Next generation home appliance control using mobile phone GSM based control signal carrier Sensing through microcontroller Radio Frequency based Wireless home appliance control 74. Voice recognition system This system sense human voice and take decision according to the command Complete voice module Microcontroller based project

75. Fuel level indicator This project uses an indicator sensor for producing analog value No risk of spark Microcontroller based project.

76. Disco Light

Micro controller based project Various display formats available on LEDs Used in DJs, chaser etc.

77.High Frequency Remote System Micro controller based project Remote control any equipment at high frequency (30-50MHz) 78. Fastest Finger First Micro controller based project Participated by 6 candidates 79. Heart rate monitoring system through Radio Frequency Sense heart beat rate Indicate at a distance place using RF Using PIC microcontroller

80. Microcontroller based Elevator System. Controls elevator according to commands entered Controls door of the elevator

81.Wind mill based electricity generator Converts wind energy to electrical energy Stores electrical energy in battery Convert this energy to 220 volts ac

82. Automatic Propeller Clock PIC microcontroller based project Displays analog and digital clock L ED Based project

83. Co-ordinate system Displaying the xy coordinates Microcontroller based project FND display

84. Field programmable low cost PLC

PIC microcontroller based project. Lcd Interface for parameter control and setting. Keyboard Interface for logic setting. Motor speed control according to temperature. Light Intensity control. Programmable I/O setting.

85. Railway bridge protection system Bridge detection through high frequency. Automatic speed control of train. 8051-Microcontroller based project. Four channel RF transmitter.

86. Mobile phone controlled examination paper leakage prevention system 8051-microcontroller for mobile signal decoding. Time stamping for failure prevention. Mobile phone based password. Good for remote password protection.

87. Automatic Vehicle breaking system. High frequency based Danger zone detection. Instant Breaking or speed control depending upon danger. Back to normal control at the end of danger zone. Microcontroller based detection.

88. Contact less frequency measurement system. Measures frequency of Motors, shafts etc. Laser diode based speed detection system. Calculates number of revolutions per minute. 8051-microcontroller based project.

89. High frequency based telemetry system. Reception of data through high frequency. Lcd interface for data manipulation. PIC-microcontroller based project. Ultrasonic based Distance Monitoring and Fuzzy based Collision Avoidance.

90. PIC microcontroller based Displays the range of any object FND display Buzzer for Alarming

Micro controller Based Standalone Temperature Measurement System.

91. Micro controller based project Motor on / off with the help of relay If temperature rises at setting points then the boiler will be off If temperature down at setting points then the boiler will be start 92. Motor Speed Control using Cell Phones. Microcontroller based project Connectivity between Motor and the mobile phone Utilizing DTMF technology Sensing of speed control signal using microcontroller.

93. An ultrasonic obstacle avoidance system for fire fighting robot. Detects obstacles at certain range Turns automatically Microcontroller based project

94. Mobile Password Activation System for industrial applications 8051-microcontroller for mobile signal decoding. Time stamping for failure prevention. Mobile phone based password. Good for remote password protection.

95. Data compression using Matlab. Compress data using Huffman coding. Make two files compressed and table file. Decompress the data into original form.

96. face detection in image file using matlab take normal jpg image as input do processing through matlab encircle face in the image in red box 97. Finger print Identification using Matlab. Finger print Identification module. Microcontroller for communication. Signaling for correct and incorrect fingerprint identification.

98. ATM Door lock system using finger print identification. Finger print Identification module. Microcontroller for communication. Signaling for correct and incorrect fingerprint identification.

99. Finger print Identification system based voting machine. Finger print Identification module.

Microcontroller for communication. LCD display for votes calculation.

100. Automobile security system using Finger print module Finger print Identification module. Microcontroller for communication. Buzzer indication for successful identification.

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