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The capacity of a substance to conduct heat is called conductivity. The coefficient of thermal conductivity is defined as quantity of heat flowing normally across unit sectional area of a material of unit thickness in One second, when the temperature difference between its ends is unity. Unit of thermal conductivity (K is cal!cm " sec. #ad conductor of thickness d $ cross sectional area % is placed between cylindrical chamber " of the same diameter $ solid disc &. Two deep holes are bored in the discs "$ &.Thermometers T' $T( are inserted in these holes. )team is passed through the steam chamber ". *eat is conducted across the chamber " to the specimen $ then to the disc &. The temperature gradually increases $ then become steady. +n steady state, the disc & receives the heat conducted through the specimen $ radiates it. The temperatures are recorded. +f K is the conductivity of the specimen, % its area, d its thickness, ', ( the temperatures of the thermometers T' $ T(, then amount of heat conducted across it per second, in the steady state is given by, , t
- K

' . ( d

The disc & alone is heated to a temp. /early '0 " above it1s temp. +n steady state. The top surface of the disc & is covered by the specimen $ it is allowed to cool. The temp. +s recorded at regular intervals of time, till temp. 2alls nearly '0 degree " bellow the temp. &uring steady state. % graph of temp. %gainst time is plotted. 2rom the graph, the rate of cooling (d!dt is determined at ( $ thus the heat lost per second to the surrounding is given by 3) d!dt where 3 is the mass $ ) the specific heat of the disc,. ,uantity of heat radiated by disc & - 3)(( dt ( 3)
d - K%( dt '.( d d

3) 4 d5!dt 6 (


d ' . (

"onductivity K -

3) 4 d5!dt 6 (
r(( ' d . (

7here r - radius of circular specimen disc. AIM: To determine thermal conductivity of a bad conductor using 8ee1s method. APPARATUS: 8ee1s disc apparatus, steam boiler, two thermometers, stop clock, physical balance, micrometer screw.gauge, 3eter scale, card board as a bad conductor. DIAGRAM:

PROCEDURE : (' 3easure the diameter of bad conductor disc (card board disc by centimeter scale or vernier calipers. *ence find out the radius (r of the bad conductor disc. (( #y micrometer screw gauge measure the thickness (d of the bad conductor.(9 2ind the mass (3 of the metal disc (& .(: )et up the apparatus as shown in diagram i.e. suspend the metal disc & with the help of chains. Keep the bad conductor specimen over it. Keep the chamber " on it. "onnect steam chamber " to the steam boiler by means of a rubber tubing. %ttach a rubber tube to steam chamber " outlet tube and dip its other end in cold water contained in a copper calorimeter. (; <ass the steam through the cylinder ", until the thermometers T ' $ T( show steady temp. ' and ( respectively. =ecord them. (> )top the steam supply. =emove the cylinder " and a bad conductor disc, heat the metal disc & alone by stove or gas burner to the temp. about (( ? '00 . =emove the stove. <lace the bad conductor disc again on the metal disc & and record the temp. ( of the disc after every half a minute till the temp. falls nearly '0 0" below the temp. during steady state i.e. till ((.'00 . (@ &raw the graph of temp. ( and time (t sec. 2rom graph determine the slope at (0c. (A "alculate the thermal conductivity K, of a bad conductor using given formula. Ob er!"#$o% T"b&e B (' &iameter of a bad conductor disc. (' (( (9 (: 3ean diameter & cm

R"'$( o) b"' *o%'(*#or r + D,-+

(( Thickness of a bad conductor (' (( (9 (:


Me"% #h$*/%e

' +


(9 3ass of metal disc (& - M + 00000000001. : )pecific heat of metal disc (& - S + 0000000000*"&,1.,2 C (; 7ater equivalent of metal slab 3) - ........... (> Temp. of upper metal plate ' - .........0" 0 (@ Temp. of lower plate ( - ............ " (A 2rom graph . slope (d!dt

- ............

Time in )ec. 0 90 >0 C0 . . . .


Time in sec. Temperature 5

Draph B
<lot a graph of temp. against the time t sec. /ature of the graph is eEponential curve called as cooling curve. &raw a tangent line at ( point &etermine the slope of the tangent. This gives slope, )lope-%#!#"( d
" # dt



C"&*(&"#$o% :
)lope of the tangent line -


)ro. 1r"6h + 000000000000

r + 000000000 *. MS + 00000000000 ' + 000000000000

Thermal conductivity of a bad conductor, 3) 4d!dt6( K-

(7 r- 3 80 -5
' Re (&#: Thermal conductivity of a bad conductor Kcal!gm!sec!0c. )tandard value of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor, K - FFFFF cal!gm!sec!0c. "al!gm! sec!0c

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