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(To be submitted to the project steering committee)

PART A: Synopsis Registration.

I. Student Details: 1. Name of the program 2. Name of the Student 3. Roll Number . Session ! "ear #. Name and address of learning centre : : : : :


Project Details $. Title of the %roject &. %roblem Statement ('bout #(( )ords) : :

*. +ethodolog, to be used


Guide Details: -. Name of %roposed .uide 1(. .uide registration No. (/f a0ailable) 11. 1esignation 12. 'ffiliation 13. 2ualification 1 . Total 34perience 1#. 5ommunication 'ddress 1$. 5ontact No. 1&. 36mail /1 : : : : : : : : :

PART B: Guide Acceptance

/ 1r.7+r.7+rs. 88888888888888888888888888888888 )or9ing as 888888888888888888888888 )ith 88888888888888888888888888 hereb, confirm m, )illingness to guide +r.7 +s. 8888888888888888888888888 RollNo. 888888888888888888888: attached to ;earning 5entre (code)88888888888888888888 (Name) 888888888888888888888888 (5it,) 8888888888888888888888888 in the topic 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 (title of the project) during the Spring7 Summer7 <all7 =inter session of 8888888888 (,ear) period 88888888888888888 (month7,ear) to 8888888888888888888888888 (month7,ear). / agree to this timeline and also to submit the project status7 /nternal 'ssessment mar9s to the >ni0ersit,. %lace: 1ate:

(Signature of the .uide)

(Note: ' .uide needs to get registered )ith the >ni0ersit, if he7 she is guiding a S+>13 project for the first time. .uide Registration form can be do)nloaded from the >ni0ersit, =ebsite)

DECLARATION / hereb, declare that this project s,nopsis is an original )or9 carried b, me and )ill not submitted to an, other >ni0ersit, for fulfilment of an, course of stud,.

Place: Date:

(Signature o t!e Student"

(?<illed in 'pplication forms to be signed b, both student and the .uide. <orms must be scanned in either .pdf 7 .doc format and submitted through the 3duN4t student@s ;ogin. <or uploading please refer section 3.1.1 of this document)

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