Psiii - Inquiry Project - Final

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Piofessional Bevelopment anu

Inquiiy Pioject

!"#$%& ()%*+& ,-./0&" (+$$01+/+%

Completeu by: Liisa Kleemola
0niveisity of Lethbiiuge

}anuaiy - Apiil 2u14

23 4+5&60#- 6# 7+085 6"5 9-:+0$;

What aie the leaining outcomes of an objective baseu English Cuiiiculum
that bettei meets the inuiviuualizeu neeus of bilingual stuuents.

<3 =6)65%5-6 #> ?#1+&

Ny focus foi my Piofessional Inquiiy Pioject is conceineu with the
uevelopment of an objective-baseu English cuiiiculum foi the bilingual school
enviionment of Phoims Campus Bambuig.

(3 (#-65@6 )-8 A)60#-)/5

I have focuseu on the neeu foi a cieation of an English cuiiiculum that
bettei suits the neeus of bilingual stuuents. The school cuiiently uses the Cambiiuge
Cuiiiculum, as they test the stuuents at ceitain stages, piepaiing them foi the
Cambiiuge Ceitification. Bowevei, as all the stuuents aie at vaiieu levels of speaking
anu compiehension, teacheis combine iueas fiom othei cuiiiculums, anu auu in
auuitional suppoit foi the stuuents. Theie has been a lot of tuinovei within the
English Bepaitment in iegaius to the teacheis at the school each yeai. With this
annual change, it can be challenging foi the English teacheis to assess what the
stuuents have alieauy leaineu to foim the base foi new concepts anu wiiting
As many of the stuuents at the school aie inteinational, we have stuuents
that aie leaining two to five languages at once. In the lowei giaues at Phoims, we
focus on English anu ueiman, but staiting in giaue five, Spanish is auueu, anu
Fiench will be auueu in giaue eight. The stuuents will not only be bilingual, but
multilingual upon giauuation. The school's focus on language acquisition is a uiaw
to many ex-pats, which means that theie is a lot of movement with the stuuents.
Baving a stanuaiu expectation foi the giaue level will assist in the piocess of
application anu acceptance of stuuents into the school.
Reuefining the cuiiiculum anu foimatting it into an objective-baseu system
will be piactical foi teacheis, anu simple foi paients anu stuuents to unueistanu.
The expectations foi stuuents at each giaue (S-7) will be laiu out cleaily, anu
teacheis will be able to measuie the knowleuge, skills, anu abilities of each stuuent
foi each objective. The teacheis ieceiving the stuuents the next yeai, will be
confiuent in the knowleuge of what the stuuents alieauy know fiom pievious yeais.
This system of cuiiiculum will hopefully ease the tiansition piocess if the tuinovei
iates continue to be so high.

B3 A5/)658 C065$)6+$5 )-8 A5&#+$15&

Albeita Leaining (2uuu). English language aits cuiiiculum K-9. In !"#$% '()"$*#+
Retiieveu fiom:

Assessment (2u14). Bow to wiite piogiam objectivesoutcomes. In ,-.%%
'//"//0"%*1 2.#(/3 4)5"6*78"/3 #%9 4:*6.0"/+ Retiieveu fiom

Austialian Cuiiiculum (2u1u). English language cuiiiculum F-1u. In ':/*$#(7#%
-:$$76:(:03 '//"//0"%*3 #%9 ;"<.$*7%= ':*>.$7*?+ Retiieveu fiom:

Claxton, C.S. (1992). A Nouel foi Cuiiiculum Bevelopment. '9:(* @9:6#*7.%
A"$/<"6*78"/ B.$ C:9767#( @9:6#*7.%3 Ch.1u 1u.1-1u.24. }.B. Ciceio (Eu.) Athens,
uA: ueoigia Centei foi Continuing Euucation Buman Resouice Bevelopment
Bepaitment. Retiieveu fiom:

Coiues, }., Eckebeig, N., Bellei, T., & Kiatsch, R. (2u12). Beispiel fi ein schulinteies
fachcuiiiculum - Englisch - uymnasium Sekunuaistufe I. In
,%*"$$76>*/"%*D76E(:%= F$"09/<$#6>"%+ Fieie unu Bansestaut Bambuig -
Behoiue fi Schule unu Beiufsbiluung.

Banielson, Chailotte (198S). The outcome-baseu cuiiiculum: Piactitionei's
implementation hanubook (2

Eckebeig, N., Kieienkamp, I., Schnettlei, C., Sonnenbeig, N., & Ziesing, A.N. (2u12).
Beispiel fi ein schulinteies fachcuiiiculum - Englisch- giunuschule. In
,%*"$$76>*/"%*D76E(:%= F$"09/<$#6>"%+ Fieie unu Bansestaut Bambuig -
Behoiue fi Schule unu Beiufsbiluung.

Euucation 0asis (2u12). Leaining objectives: Stems anu samples. In @9:6#*7.% 4#/7/+
Retiieveu fiom: http:www.euucationoasis.cominuex.htm

Nanitoba Euucation (1998). English language aits cuiiiculum - A founuation foi
implementation. In G#%7*.)# @9:6#*7.%+ Retiieveu fiom:

0ntaiio Ninistiy of Euucation (2uu6). The 0ntaiio cuiiiculum giaues 1-8: Language.
In G7%7/*$? .B @9:6#*7.%+ Retiieveu fiom:

0niveisity of Cambiiuge Inteinational Examinations (2u11). Cambiiuge piimaiy
anu seconuaiy I - English cuiiiculum fiamewoik. Cambiiuge: 0niveisity of

,3 !$#15&& #> B5D5/#*%5-6

I began with ieseaiching how objective-baseu cuiiiculums aie cieateu, to
help ueteimine the piocess anu outcome of my pioject. I woikeu veiy closely with
one of my Nentoi teacheis, meeting with hei weekly to check-in anu collaboiate on
wheie to go next. I took pait in the English Bepaitment meetings, which we hau two
of. I examineu the Cambiiuge cuiiiculum, as well as the expectations Bambuig has
foi its uiunuschule (piimaiy school) anu uymnasium (highest level of Seconuaiy
school) stuuents in English. Ny Nentoi suggesteu looking at Albeita, Nanitoba,
0ntaiio, anu Austialian cuiiiculums to cieate one foi the school that fits the unique
situation foi bilingual stuuents. We chose these specifically, as each English teachei,
cuiiently at the school, has expeiience with one of these cuiiiculums, anu uiaws
fiom them in theii own teaching.
I staiteu pulling ciiteiia fiom my ieseaich in oiuei to cieate a Phoims
English Cuiiiculum. Buiing oui meetings anu woik, we soon iealizeu that this
woulu not be fully completeu in time, to the stanuaiu we hau hope foi. The ie-
oiganization anu uefining of a cuiiiculum is quite a laige pioject that iequiies input
anu assistance fiom all that aie involveu with teaching it. We iewoiueu anu
eliminateu a few of the objectives, as they weie not iealistic foi oui stuuents. Even
now, with how the cuiiiculum is, theie is much to change. Each class is uiamatically
uiffeient with theii knowleuge of English, anu uepenuing on the stuuents, some
teacheis aie woiking faithei aheau, while otheis aie ie-teaching the basics,
ensuiing the stuuents uon't fall even moie behinu. I believe that each yeai will
ueteimine the giammai, ieauing, anu wiiting level neeueu to be ieacheu in the
class, with the funuamentals being taught to all, at vaiying levels of uifficulty. We aie
constantly uiffeientiating the lessons, to assist the stuuents, anu this may be the
case with the cuiiiculum as well. Woik fiom a base foi the funuamentals, anu woik
upwaius, uepenuing on the abilities of the stuuents.
Putting the objectives siue-by-siue in piesentation foimat allows foi the
ieauei to see the uevelopment fiom giaue to giaue. This can assist when
uiffeientiating; going a step highei oi lowei in ceitain aieas can inciease the success
of the stuuents. At the beginning of each giaue, we gave a shoit oveiview of some
objectives stuuents shoulu have achieveu befoie enteiing the piesent giaue level.
These iueas came fiom the English teacheis, as a basic expectation foi the giaue. I
also cieateu an example of what the giaue-book coulu look like, centeieu on the
objectives. It allows foi teacheis to uisplay each assignment, pioject, anu test, anu
highlight which objectives will be achieveu in each. It is a simple way foi both
teacheis anu stuuents to view what objectives have been achieveu by which type of
assessment. This is in a sepaiate, attacheu uocument, anu can easily be ieplicateu in
Excel oi on many uiaue-book systems.

?3 E0%5/0-5

C#%:#$? HI - Fiist Neeting with Nentoi
C#%:#$? HJ - Began ieseaich on the cieation of 0bjective-Baseu Cuiiiculums
anu the cieation of objectives
C#%:#$? KL - Began analysis of othei cuiiiculums anu Neeting with Nentoi
C#%:#$? KM - Check-in Neeting with Nentoi
C#%:#$? IL - Planning Neeting with Nentoi
F")$:#$? I - Neeting with English Bepaitment
F")$:#$? KL N Check-in Neeting with Nentoi
F")$:#$? KO - Neeting with English Bepaitment anu Check-in Neeting with
G#$6> HM N Check-in Neeting with Nentoi
G#$6> KL N Check-in Neeting with Nentoi
G#$6> KM - Check-in Neeting with Nentoi
G#$6> IH - Neeting with Nentoi
'<$7( M N Neeting with Nentoi

73 A5&+/6&

Phorms English Curriculum
(Grades 3-7)

Grade 3 Grade 4
Stuuents enteiing uiaue S aie expecteu
to be able to speak anu unueistanu
English foi iegulai use in the classioom.
They aie able to use anu iemain in the
coiiect tense when speaking, as well as in
wiiting. They shoulu begin biainstoiming
iueas befoie wiiting, iecognizing this
type of wiiting stiuctuie. Stuuents shoulu
be capable of wiiting shoit paiagiaphs
(S-S sentences), anu use the coiiect
spelling of woius, accoiuing to giaue
level. Stuuents shoulu be capable of
ieauing 48-64 page chaptei books.

Stuuents enteiing uiaue 4 shoulu be
able to use English to explain
themselves 9u-1uu% of the time.
Biiect tianslation, anu the use of
uictionaiies is accepteu at this giaue
level. Stuuents shoulu be capable of
shoit paiagiaph wiiting, with tense
iemaining the same thioughout, as
well as keeping in context in both
theii wiiting anu speech.
'B*"$ 2$#9" I3 :/7%= *>"7$ !"#$%&'(
*+,--%$.( /$0 1#&/23-/45 *6%--'3
/*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
'B*"$ 2$#9" J3 :/7%= *>"7$ !"#$%&'(
*+,--%$.( /$0 1#&/23-/45 *6%--'3
/*:9"%*/ D7(( P)" #)(" *.Q1
Recognize common spelling patteins,
e.g. vowel phonemes, uouble
consonants, silent letteis, common
piefixes anu suffixes.
Confiim all paits of the veib *. )" anu
know when to use each one.
Apply phonicspelling, giaphic,
giammatical anu contextual
knowleuge in ieauing unfamiliai
Iuentify syllabic patteins in
multisyllabic woius.
Spell woius with common lettei stiings
but uiffeient pionunciations, e.g.
*.:=>3 *>$.:=>3 *$.:=>3 <(.:=>+
Investigate spelling patteins; geneiate
anu test iules that govein them.
Recognize the spelling of woiu-final
unstiesseu vowels, e.g. the
unstiesseu 'ei' at the enu of buttei
anu unstiesseu 'ee' at the enu of
Recognize a iange of less common
lettei stiings in woius that may be
pionounceu uiffeiently.
Spell anu make coiiect use of
possessive pionouns, e.g. *>"7$3
*>"7$/3 0?3 07%"+
Iuentify 'silent' vowels in polysyllabic
woius, e.g. (7)$#$?3 7%*"$"/*+
0se effective stiategies foi leaining
new spellings anu misspelt woius.
Know spelling iules foi woius enuing
in R" anu R?3 e.g. *#E"S*#E7%=3
Revise iules foi spelling woius with
common inflections, e.g. -ing, -eu, -s.
Recognize commonly useu piefixes anu
Natch spelling to meaning when woius
sounu the same (homophones), e.g.
*.S*D.S*..3 $7=>*SD$7*"+
Know iules foi uoubling consonants
anu investigate patteins in the use
of single anu uouble consonants,
e.g. -full-ful.
Recognize spelling patteins foi
pluialization, e.g. R/3 R"/3 R?SR7"/3 RBSR
Recognize that uiffeient spelling iules
apply foi suffixes which begin with
vowels anu those that begin with
Know ways of cieating opposites, e.g.
:%R3 70R anu compaiatives, e.g. -ei, R
Know giammatical homophones, e.g.
*>"?T$"3 *>"7$3 *>"$"+
0se uictionaiies efficiently anu caiiy
out ICT spell checks.
Iuentify unfamiliai woius, exploie
uefinitions anu use new woius in
0nueistanu the use of auveibs to
qualify veibs, e.g. in uialogue.
Collect synonyms anu opposites anu
investigate shaues of meaning.
0se known spellings to woik out the
spelling of ielateu woius.
Iuentify woiu ioots anu ueiivations to
suppoit spelling anu vocabulaiy,
e.g. /7=%3 /7=%#(3 /7=%#*:$"+
Recognize the oiigin anu appiopiiate
use of iuiomatic phiases.
74/88/4 /$0 !3$&93/9%#$ *6%--'
U% *>"7$ :,/0%$.3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )"
#)(" *.1
U% *>"7$ :,/0%$.3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )"
#)(" *.1
0se theii knowleuge of punctuation
anu giammai to ieau with fluency,
unueistanuing anu expiession.
Iuentify all the punctuation maiks anu
iesponu to them when ieauing.
Leain the use of the apostiophe to
Iuentify how uialogue is set out anu
Iuentify piepositions anu use the
0nueistanu conventions of stanuaiu
English, e.g. agieement of veibs.
show possession, e.g. =7$(T/3 =7$(/T+
Piactice using commas to maik out
meaning within sentences.
Iuentify auveibs anu theii impact on
Iuentify past, piesent anu futuie tenses
of veibs.
Recognize the giammai of uiffeient
sentences: statements, questions anu
0nueistanu the use of connectives to
stiuctuie an aigument, e.g. 7B3 #(*>.:=>+
0nueistanu the uiffeience between
uiiect anu iepoiteu speech.
Finu clauses within sentences anu
iuentify how they aie connecteu.

U% *>"7$ ;4%9%$.3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )"
#)(" *.1
U% *>"7$ ;4%9%$.3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )"
#)(" *.1
0se a iange of enu-of-sentence
punctuation with accuiacy.
0se speech maiks anu begin to use
othei associateu punctuation.
0se vaiying tenses within texts, e.g. in
0se a wiuei vaiiety of connectives in an
incieasing iange of sentences.
Re-ieau theii own wiiting to check
punctuation anu giammatical sense.
0se the comma to sepaiate clauses
within sentences anu claiify
meaning in complex sentences.
0se apostiophes foi both possession
anu shoiteneu foims.
Set out uialogue appiopiiately, using
a iange of punctuation.
0se an incieasing iange of
suboiuinating connectives.
Combine simple sentences anu ie-
oiuei clauses to make compounu
anu complex sentences in a
vaiiety of ways.
0se pionouns, making cleai to what
oi to whom they iefei.
Piactice pioofieauing anu euiting
own wiiting foi claiity anu
V>" B.((.D7%= ="%$"/ #%9 *"W* *?<"/ #$"
$"6.00"%9"9 B.$ 2$#9" I1
<%&9%#$ /$0 !#,945= >7/*.$76#( /*.$7"/3
/*.$7"/ /"* 7% 70#=7%#$? D.$(9/3 /*.$7"/
B$.0 .*>"$ 6:(*:$"/3 $"#( (7B" /*.$7"/
D7*> 7//:"/S97("00#/3 <."*$? #%9 <(#?/
7%6(:97%= 70#="$?+
>#$ <%&9%#$= newspapeis anu
magazines, iefeience texts,
V>" B.((.D7%= ="%$"/ #%9 *"W* *?<"/ #$"
$"6.00"%9"9 #* 2$#9" J1
<%&9%#$ /$0 !#,945= %.8"(/ #%9 (.%="$
/*.$7"/3 B#)("/3 0?*>/ #%9 ("="%9/3 /*.$7"/
B$.0 .*>"$ 6:(*:$"/3 .(9"$ (7*"$#*:$"
7%6(:97%= *$#97*7.%#( *#("/3 <."*$?3 #%9
<(#?/ 7%6(:97%= B7(0 %#$$#*78" #%9
9$#0#*76 6.%8"%*7.%/+
>#$ <%&9%#$= 7%/*$:6*7.%/3 $"6.:%*/
explanations, peisuasion incluuing
P7%6(:97%= )7.=$#<>?Q3 <"$/:#/7.%+
,/7%= <%&9%#$ /$0 !#,945 *"W*/(
/*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
,/7%= <%&9%#$ /$0 !#,945 *"W*/(
/*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
Reau 1uu-1Su page chaptei books.
Iuentify anu use the uiffeient
piocesses of ieauing silently anu
ieauing alouu.
Connect how settings anu chaiacteis
aie built up fiom uetails anu
iuentify key woius anu phiases.
0nueistanu implicit as well as explicit
meanings within a text.
Recognize meaning in figuiative
0nueistanu the main stages in a stoiy
fiom intiouuction to iesolution.
Iuentify naiiative oiuei anu the focus
on significant events.
Retell oi paiaphiase events fiom the
text in iesponse to questions.
0nueistanu how expiessive anu
uesciiptive language cieates
Expiess a peisonal iesponse to a text
anu link chaiacteis anu settings to
peisonal expeiience.
Reau auuitional stoiies oi poems by a
favouiite wiitei, anu compaie
Reau anu peifoim play-sciipts,
exploiing how scenes aie built up.
Iuentify anu acknowleuge the impact
of imageiy anu figuiative language
in poetiy, incluuing alliteiation
anu simile, e.g. #/ +++#/ #+++
Compaie anu contiast poems anu
investigate poetic featuies.
Reau wiuely anu exploie the featuies
of uiffeient fiction genies.
Pioviue accuiate examples fiom the
text fiom moie than one point in a
stoiy to suppoit answeis to
Compaie the stiuctuie of uiffeient
Comment on a wiitei's use of
language anu explain ieasons foi
wiitei's choices.
Inteipiet imageiy anu techniques at
a basic level, e.g. metaphoi,
peisonification, simile, auuing to
unueistanuing beyonu the liteial.
Biscuss metaphoiical expiessions
anu figuies of speech.
Iuentify the point of view fiom which
a stoiy is tolu.
Besciibe how a wiitei expiesses
theii own point of view, e.g. how
chaiacteis aie piesenteu.
Reau anu iuentify chaiacteiistics of
myths, legenus anu fables.
Compaie anu evaluate the piint anu
film veisions of a novel oi play.
Compaie uialogue anu uiamatic
conventions in film naiiative.
Reau anu peifoim naiiative poems.
Reau poems by significant poets anu
compaie style, foims anu themes.

,/7%= >#$ <%&9%#$ *"W*/3 /*:9"%*/
D7(( )" #)(" *.1
,/7%= >#$ <%&9%#$ *"W*/3 /*:9"%*/
D7(( )" #)(" *.1
0nueistanu how points aie oiueieu Look foi infoimation in non-fiction
to make a coheient aigument.
0nueistanu how paiagiaphs anu
chapteis aie useu to oiganize iueas.
Iuentify uiffeient types of non-fiction
text anu theii known key featuies.
Reau newspapei iepoits anu
consiuei how they engage the ieauei.
Recognize how peisuasive wiiting is
useu to convince a ieauei.
Note key woius anu phiases to
iuentify the main points in a passage.
Bistinguish between fact anu opinion
in piint anu ICT souices.
texts to builu on what is alieauy
Locate infoimation confiuently anu
efficiently fiom uiffeient souices.
Skim ieau to gain an oveiall sense of
a text anu scan foi specific
Bevelop note-taking to extiact key
points anu to gioup anu link iueas.
Note the use of peisuasive uevices,
woius anu phiases in piint anu othei
Know the featuies of texts that aie
about events anu expeiiences, e.g.
0nueistanu the use of impeisonal
style in explanatoiy texts.
Reau anu evaluate non-fiction texts
foi puipose, style, claiity anu
Compaie wiiting that infoims anu
U% <%&9%#$ D$7*7%=3 /*:9"%*/ D7((
)" #)(" *.1
U% <%&9%#$ D$7*7%=3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )"
#)(" *.1
0tilize uiffeient ways of planning
stoiies (biainstoiming), anu wiite
longei stoiies fiom plans (1-S
Elaboiate on basic infoimation with
some uetail.
Wiite chaiactei piofiles, using uetail
to captuie the ieauei's
0tilize alteinative openings anu
enuings foi stoiies.
Auopt a viewpoint as a wiitei,
expiessing opinions about
chaiacteis oi places.
0se paiagiaphs moie consistently to
oiganize anu sequence iueas.
Nap out wiiting to plan stiuctuie,
e.g. paiagiaphs, sections, chapteis.
Wiite new scenes oi chaiacteis into
a stoiy, oi wiite fiom anothei
Wiite own veisions of legenus,
myths anu fables, using stiuctuies
fiom ieauing.
Choose woius anu phiases caiefully
to convey feeling anu atmospheie.
Establish links between paiagiaphs
using auveibials in a basic foim.
Wiite a play-sciipt, incluuing
piouuction notes to guiue
0se imageiy anu figuiative language
Choose anu compaie woius to
stiengthen the impact of wiiting,
incluuing some poweiful veibs.
to evoke imaginative iesponse.
U% >#$ <%&9%#$ D$7*7%=3
/*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
U% >#$ <%&9%#$ D$7*7%=3 /*:9"%*/
D7(( )" #)(" *.1
vaiy the layout anu piesentation of
wiiting, accoiuing to its puipose.
Show awaieness of the ieauei by
auopting an appiopiiate style oi
Wiite newspapei-style iepoits,
instiuctions, anu non-
chionological iepoits.
Piesent an explanation oi a point of
view in oiueieu points, e.g. in a
Collect anu piesent infoimation fiom
non-fiction texts.
Nake shoit notes fiom a text anu use
these to aiu wiiting.
Summaiize a sentence oi a
paiagiaph in a limiteu numbei of
Recoiu iueas, ieflections, anu
pieuictions about books, e.g. in a
ieauing log.
Biaft anu wiite letteis foi ieal
0se a moie specializeu vocabulaiy to
match the topic.
Wiite non-chionological iepoits anu
Wiite a commentaiy on an issue,
setting out anu justifying a peisonal
Nake notes foi uiffeient puiposes,
using simple abbieviations anu
wiiting 'in youi own woius'.
0nueistanu the use of notes in
wiiting 'in youi own woius'.
U% !4,',$9/9%#$ PX#%9D$7*7%=
/E7((/Q3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
U% !4,',$9/9%#$ PX#%9D$7*7%=
/E7((/Q3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
0se cuisivejoineu-up hanuwiiting in
all wiiting, using a fountain pen.
Review, ievise anu euit wiiting in
oiuei to impiove it, using ICT as
Wiite in cuisivejoineu-up wiiting
with a fountain pen.
U% *+,/6%$. /$0 ?%'9,$%$. *6%--'3
/*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
U% *+,/6%$. /$0 ?%'9,$%$. *6%--'3
/*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
Speak cleaily anu coheiently,
oiganizing theii iueas
appiopiiately foi theii listenei.
vaiy use of vocabulaiy anu level of
uetail accoiuing to puipose.
0nueistanu the gist of an account oi
the significant points anu iesponu
to main iueas with ielevant
Shape anu oiganize iueas cleaily
when speaking to aiu listenei.
Piepaie anu piesent an aigument to
peisuaue otheis to auopt a point of
Talk confiuently in extenueu tuins
anu listen puiposefully in a iange of
suggestions anu comments.
Beal politely with opposing points of
Listen caiefully in uiscussion,
contiibuting ielevant comments
anu questions.
Auapt the pace anu louuness of
speaking appiopiiately when
peifoiming oi ieauing alouu.
Auapt speech anu gestuie to cieate a
chaiactei in uiama.
Comment on uiffeient ways that
meaning can be expiesseu in own
anu otheis' talk.
Besciibe events anu convey opinions
with incieasing claiity anu uetail.
Recall anu uiscuss impoitant
featuies of a talk, possibly
contiibuting new iueas.
Ask questions to uevelop iueas anu
extenu unueistanuing.
Repoit back to a gioup, using notes
to piesent finuings about a topic
stuuieu. Evaluate what is heaiu anu
give ieasons foi agieement oi
Take uiffeient ioles anu
iesponsibilities within a gioup.
Convey iueas about chaiacteis in
uiama thiough choice of speech,
gestuie, anu movement.
Biscuss how anu why language
choices vaiy in uiffeient situations at
a basic level.

Grade 5 Grade 6
The switch fiom uiaue 4 to uiaue S can
be a big jump in ueimany, as the stuuents
aie uiviueu into thiee uiffeient school
stieams. uymnasium stuuents aie
acauemically focuseu, anu the English
expectations aie iaiseu. The stuuents
shoulu have a stiong base in English,
iecognizing the fact that spelling,
sentence stiuctuie, anu oiganization of
thoughts play a much laigei iole in theii
wiiting. Stuuents shoulu have ieau a few
novels in English, anu completeu a
teachei-leu novel stuuy befoie enteiing
uiaue S.
In uiaue 6, the stuuents shoulu be at a
comfoitable level in theii knowleuge of
English. These stuuents will begin
having moie in-uepth uiscussions anu
wiiting assignments, cieating the neeu
foi stuuents to compiehenu small
uetails. The use of uictionaiies anu
using woiu stiategies (synonyms,
explaining aiounu the woiu) aie
encouiageu at this stage, iathei than
stiaight tianslation.

'B*"$ 2$#9" Y3 :/7%= *>"7$ !"#$%&'(
*+,--%$.( /$0 1#&/23-/45 *6%--'3
/*:9"%*/ D7(( P)" #)(" *.Q1
'B*"$ 2$#9" Z3 :/7%= *>"7$ !"#$%&'(
*+,--%$.( /$0 1#&/23-/45 *6%--'3
/*:9"%*/ D7(( P)" #)(" *.Q1
Iuentify anu use woiu enuings with - Coiiectly spell most woius useu.
uiffeient spellings but the same
pionunciation, e.g. -tion, -cian, -sion, -
ssion; -ance, -ence.
- Confiim coiiect choices when
iepiesenting consonants, e.g.
'ck''k''ke''que''ch'; 'ch''tch';
- Recognize anu apply patteins to
impiove accuiacy in spelling.
- Iuentify spelling iules anu exceptions,
incluuing iepiesenting unstiesseu
- 0se theii knowleuge of woiu ioots,
piefixes anu suffixes, incluuing
iecognizing vaiiations, e.g. im, in, ii,
il; au, ap, af, al anu knowing when to
use uouble consonants.
- Know how to tiansfoim meaning
with piefixes anu suffixes.
- Finu uefinitions anu use new woius
in context.
- Know uiffeient pioveibs, sayings,
anu figuiative expiessions.

- Bave a laige knowleuge base of woiu
families, ioots, ueiivations,
moiphology anu iegulai spelling
- 0se a uictionaiy anu thesauius
effectively to fuithei uevelop
- Leain a iange of vocabulaiy
appiopiiate to theii neeus, anu use
woius piecisely in speech anu wiiting
to claiify anu extenu meaning anu to
inteiest theii auuience.
- Leain to use the teims 'image',
'simile', 'metaphoi', 'onomatopoeia',
'setting' anu 'genie'.

74/88/4 /$0 !3$&93/9%#$ *6%--'
U% :,/0%$.3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( P)" #)(" *.Q1
U% :,/0%$.3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( P)" #)("
- Iuentify uses of the colon, semi-
colon, paienthetic commas, uashes
anu biackets.
- Revise uiffeient woiu classes.
- Investigate the use of conuitionals,
e.g. to expiess possibility.
- Show awaieness of the impact of
wiiteis' choices of sentence length
anu stiuctuie at a basic level.
- Revise language conventions anu
giammatical featuies of uiffeient
types of text.
- 0se active anu passive veibs within a
- 0nueistanu the conventions of
stanuaiu English usage in uiffeient
foims of wiiting.
- Bistinguish the main clause anu
- Comment on the use of foimal anu
infoimal language anu uiscuss the
wiitei's motivation foi making the
- Show awaieness of the ieasons foi
using longei anu shoitei sentences.

othei clauses in a complex sentence.
U% ;4%9%$.3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( P)" #)("
U% ;4%9%$.3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( P)" #)("
Punctuate speech anu use
apostiophes accuiately.
- 0se a wiuei iange of connectives to
claiify ielationships between iueas,
e.g. howevei, theiefoie, although.
- 0se connectives to stiuctuie an
aigument oi uiscussion.
- Bemonstiate giammatical contiol of
complex sentences, manipulating
them foi effect.
- Bemonstiate incieasing accuiacy in
using punctuation effectively to maik
out the meaning in complex

- 0se a wiue iange of punctuation to
make meaning cleai, incluuing
geneially accuiate use of commas in
complex sentences anu to piesent
- 0se coiiect giammai, incluuing
aiticles, woiu oiuei anu tenses in a
iange of genies anu text types.
- Pioviue claiity anu emphasis in
wiiting, using a vaiiety of sentence
lengths, stiuctuies anu subjects.
- 0se a iange of incieasingly complex
sentence stiuctuies to communicate
meaning anu to give fluency to theii
- Builu up uetail anu convey shaues of
meaning thiough sentence stiuctuie,
e.g. contiolling oiuei of clauses,
expanuing veib phiases.

V>" B.((.D7%= ="%$"/ #%9 *"W* *?<"/ #$"
$"6.00"%9"9 #* 2$#9" Y1
<%&9%#$= 8#$7.:/ ="%$"/ 7%6(:97%=
/67"%6" B76*7.%3 "W*"%9"9 %#$$#*78"/3 /*.$7"/
D7*> B(#/>)#6E/3 <."*$? #%9 <(#?/
7%6(:97%= 70#="$?+
>#$ <%&9%#$1 7%/*$:6*7.%/3 $"6.:%*/
P7%6(:97%= )7.=$#<>? #%9 #:*.)7.=$#<>?Q3
97#$7"/3 5.:$%#(7/*76 D$7*7%=3 #$=:0"%* #%9
97/6://7.%3 B.$0#( #%9 70<"$/.%#( D$7*7%=+
V>" B.((.D7%= ="%$"/ #%9 *"W* *?<"/ #$"
$"6.00"%9"9 #* 2$#9" Z1
<%&9%#$ /$0 !#,9451 /:/<"%/" #%9
>.$$.$ /*.$7"/3 /67RB7 #%9 B#%*#/? %.8"(/3
6.%*"0<.$#$? B.(E #%9 B#7$?R*#("/3 />.$*
/*.$7"/ P7%6(:97%= *>./" /"* 7% 97BB"$"%*
*70"/ #%9 <(#6"/Q3 .(9"$ (7*"$#*:$"
P7%6(:97%= 9$#0#Q3 %#$$#*78" #%9 %.%R
%#$$#*78" <."0/3 /7=%7B76#%* <."0/ B$.0
)"B.$" H[LL+
>#$ <%&9%#$1 6.%*"0<.$#$? )7.=$#<>?3
#:*.)7.=$#<>?3 ("**"$/ #%9 97#$7"/3
5.:$%#(7/*76 D$7*7%=SD$7*7%= D7*> )7#/3
%"D/ D")/7*"/+
,/7%= <%&9%#$ /$0 !#,945 *"W*/3
/*:9"%*/ D7(( P)" #)(" *.Q1
,/7%= <%&9%#$ /$0 !#,945 *"W*/3
/*:9"%*/ D7(( P)" #)(" *.Q1
- Be familiai with the woik of - Bemonstiate unueistanuing of
establisheu authois anu poets,
iuentifying featuies, which aie
common to moie than one text.
- Consiuei how the authoi manipulates
the ieaction of the ieauei, e.g. how
chaiacteis anu settings aie
- Look foi implicit meanings, anu make
plausible infeiences baseu on moie
than one point in the text.
- 0nueistanu aspects of naiiative
stiuctuie, e.g. the hanuling of time.
- Analyze the success of wiiting in
evoking paiticulai moous, e.g.
- Paiaphiase explicit meanings baseu
on infoimation at moie than one
point in the text.
- Comment on wiitei's use of language,
uemonstiating awaieness of its
impact on the ieauei.
- Bevelop awaieness that the context
foi which the wiitei is wiiting anu
the context in which the ieauei is
ieauing can impact on how the text is
unueistoou on a basic level.
- Take account of viewpoint in a novel,
anu uistinguish voice of authoi fiom
that of naiiatoi.
- Biscuss anu expiess piefeiences in
teims of language, style anu themes.
- Aiticulate peisonal iesponses to
ieauing, with close iefeience to the
- Exploie how poets manipulate anu
play with woius anu theii sounus.
- Reau anu inteipiet poems in which
meanings aie implieu oi multilayeieu
featuies of naiiative anu non-
naiiative texts by explaining anu
ueveloping these featuies in theii own
uiscussion anu wiiting.
- 0se infeience anu ueuuction to
iecognize implicit anu infeiieu
- Iuentify anu unueistanu the main
iueas, viewpoints, themes anu
puiposes in a text. Suppoit comments
by quotations fiom moie than one
location in the text.
- Iuentify anu uesciibe the effect of
wiiteis' anu poets' use of liteiaiy,
ihetoiical anu giammatical featuies,
incluuing imageiy anu figuiative
- Comment on a wiitei's use of
language, uemonstiating an
unueistanuing of the implication of
theii use of vocabulaiy.
- uive an infoimeu peisonal iesponse
to a text anu pioviue some textual
iefeience in suppoit.
- 0nueistanu how ieaueis make
choices about the texts they like
ieauing, e.g. by authoi oi genie anu
know a iange of ways in which to
iesponu to texts.
- Compaie poems, showing awaieness
of poets' use of language anu its
intenueu impact on the ieauei.
- 0nueistanu the uiffeient ways texts
can ieflect the social, cultuial anu
histoiical contexts in which they weie

,/7%= >#$ <%&9%#$ *"W*/3 /*:9"%*/
D7(( )" #)(" *.1
,/7%= >#$ <%&9%#$ *"W*/3 /*:9"%*/
D7(( )" #)(" *.1
Iuentify how paiagiaphs anu
chapteis aie stiuctuieu anu linkeu.
- Recognize key chaiacteiistics of a
iange of non-fiction text types.
- Extiact the main points anu ielevant
infoimation fiom a text oi ICT
souice, using a iange of stiategies
such as skimming anu scanning.
- Recognize autobiogiaphy anu
biogiaphy wiiting, anu fiist anu thiiu
peison naiiation.
- Iuentify featuies of balanceu wiitten
- Compaie the language, style anu
impact of a iange of non-fiction
- Bistinguish between fact anu opinion
in a iange of texts anu othei meuia.

- Nake ielevant notes to select, collate
anu summaiize iueas fiom texts.
- Iuentify a iange of uiffeient ways
wiiteis use layout, foim, anu
piesentation in a vaiiety of texts.
- Iuentify the vaiiety anu iange of
ways in which the content of texts
can be oiganizeu, stiuctuieu anu

U% <%&9%#$ D$7*7%=3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )"
#)(" *.1
U% <%&9%#$ D$7*7%=3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )"
#)(" *.1
Plan plot, chaiacteis anu stiuctuie
effectively in wiiting an extenueu
- Nanage the uevelopment of an iuea
thioughout a piece of wiiting, e.g.
link the enu to the beginning.
- Establish anu maintain a cleai
viewpoint, with some elaboiation of
peisonal voice.
- 0se uiffeient genies as mouels foi
- 0se paiagiaphs, sequencing anu
linking them appiopiiately to
suppoit oveiall uevelopment of the
- 0se a iange of uevices to suppoit
cohesion within paiagiaphs.
- Bevelop some imaginative uetail
thiough caieful use of vocabulaiy
anu style.

- 0tilize uiffeient ways of geneiating,
oiganizing anu shaping iueas, using a
iange of planning foimats oi
- 0nueistanu the conventions of
stanuaiu English anu how to use
them consistently in wiiting.
- Wiite to expiess a peisonal
- Shape the oveiall oiganization,
sequence anu piesentation of a text
to convey iueas cleaily anu
- 0se vocabulaiy piecisely anu
imaginatively to claiify anu extenu
meaning anu cieate specific effects.
- vaiy sentence length anu stiuctuie
in oiuei to pioviue appiopiiate
uetail anu claiify ielationships
between setting, chaiacteis, themes,
plot, etc.
- Bevelop chaiactei anu voice in
fiction wiiting in basic foim.
- Analyze some of the key linguistic
anu liteiaiy techniques useu by
wiiteis, anu begin to use them foi
intenueu effect.
- 0nueistanu anu use uegiees of
foimality in a iange of texts
accoiuing to context, puipose anu
U% >#$ <%&9%#$ D$7*7%=3 /*:9"%*/
D7(( )" #)(" *.1
U% >#$ <%&9%#$ D$7*7%=3 /*:9"%*/
D7(( )" #)(" *.1
- 0se the styles anu conventions of
jouinalism to wiite iepoits on
- Auapt the conventions of the text
type foi a paiticulai puipose.
- Select appiopiiate non-fiction style
anu foim to suit specific puiposes.
- Wiite non-chionological iepoits
linkeu to woik in othei subjects.
- 0se skills to wiite a biogiaphy anu
autobiogiaphy in iole.
- Aigue a case in wiiting, ueveloping
points logically anu convincingly.
- Wiite a balanceu iepoit of a
contioveisial issue.
- Summaiize a passage, chaptei oi text
in a given numbei of woius.
- 0se featuies anu conventions of a
wiue vaiiety of text types in oiuei to
wiite to infoim, explain, uesciibe,
aigue, peisuaue anu comment.
- Piactice note taking using uiffeient
styles foi uiffeient puiposes.

U% !4,',$9/9%#$3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )"
#)(" *.1
U% !4,',$9/9%#$3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )"
#)(" *.1
- 0se IT effectively to piepaie anu
piesent wiiting foi publication.
U% *+,/6%$. /$0 ?%'9,$%$. *6%--'3
/*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
U% *+,/6%$. /$0 ?%'9,$%$. *6%--'3
/*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
- Expiess anu explain iueas cleaily,
making meaning explicit.
- 0se spoken language well to
peisuaue, instiuct oi make a case, e.g.
in a uebate.
- vaiy vocabulaiy, expiession anu
tone of voice to engage the listenei
anu suit the auuience, puipose anu
- Stiuctuie talk to aiu a listenei's
unueistanuing anu engagement.
- Speak confiuently in foimal anu
infoimal contexts.
- Pay close attention in uiscussion to
what otheis say, asking anu
answeiing questions to intiouuce
- Speak foi a vaiiety of puiposes, such
as to explain, uesciibe, naiiate,
exploie, analyze, imagine, uiscuss,
aigue anu peisuaue.
- Belibeiately shape talk foi claiity
anu effect anu to engage listenei.
- 0se a iange of vocabulaiy
appiopiiate to context, anu use
language to claiify meaning anu to
inteiest anu convince theii auuience.
- Piactice speaking fluently anu cleaily
at an appiopiiate pace anu volume.
- Bevelop the ability to listen
couiteously to otheis anu be
sensitive to tuin taking.
- Begin to make significant
new iueas.
- Belp to move gioup uiscussion
foiwaiu, e.g. by claiifying,
- Piepaie, piactice, anu impiove a
spoken piesentation oi peifoimance.
- Convey iueas about chaiacteis in
uiama in uiffeient ioles anu
scenaiios thiough uelibeiate choice
of speech, gestuie anu movement.

contiibutions to gioup uiscussions,
engaging with complex mateiial,
making peiceptive iesponses anu
showing awaieness of a speakei's
- Woik in solo, paiieu anu gioup
assignments, incluuing iole-play.
- Show insight into texts anu issues
thiough choice of speech, gestuie
anu movement, all thiough iole-play.
- Explain featuies of own anu otheis'
language, showing unueistanuing of
the impact of vaiying language foi
uiffeient puiposes anu situations.

Grade 7
In uiaue 7 anu 8, theie shoulu be no majoi issues with communicating in English.
Stuuents have a stiong anu confiuent giasp on the language, allowing them to wiite
essays, uebate, expiess theii opinions, anu have in-uepth uiscussions. As this giaue
only has 4 houis of English a week, time is valuable, anu must be useu to its fullest.
'B*"$ 2$#9" M3 :/7%= *>"7$ !"#$%&'( *+,--%$.( /$0 1#&/23-/45 *6%--'3
/*:9"%*/ D7(( P)" #)(" *.Q1
Spell most woius coiiectly, incluuing some complex polysyllabic woius anu
unfamiliai woius.
- Spell uifficult anu commonly misspelt woius anu use stiategies foi coiiecting
- Know a wiue iange of vocabulaiy appiopiiate to theii neeus.
- Explain, using accuiate teiminology, how language is useu to cieate effect, e.g.
peisonification, figuiative language, imageiy, patteins anu stiuctuie in the use
of language, use of uialect oi infoimal language.
- Cieate consiueieu anu appiopiiate effects by uiawing inuepenuently on the
iange anu vaiiety of theii own vocabulaiy, anu extenuing theii vocabulaiy by
noting uown poweiful woius in books ieau.

74/88/4 /$0 !3$&93/9%#$ *6%--'
U% :,/0%$.3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
- Comment on the use of a wiue iange of punctuation to convey uiffeiences of

U% ;4%9%$.3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
- 0se accuiate punctuation incluuing commas in vaiious situations, incluuing
paienthetical commas, colons, semi-colons, uashes anu biackets.
- 0se foimal anu infoimal language foi specific puiposes in the basic foim.
- Bemonstiate contiolleu use of a vaiiety of simple anu complex sentences to
achieve puipose anu contiibute to oveiall effect.
- Confiuently use a iange of sentence featuies to claiify oi emphasize meaning,
e.g. fionteu auveibials, complex nouns oi piepositional phiases.

V>" B.((.D7%= ="%$"/ #%9 *"W* *?<"/ #$" $"6.00"%9"9 #* 2$#9" M1
<%&9%#$ /$0 !#,945= <.(7*76#( %.8"(/S/*.$7"/ D7*> /.67#( 7//:"/3 0?*>/ #%9
("="%9/ B$.0 #$.:%9 *>" D.$(93 >:0.:$3 />.$* /*.$7"/3 /7=%7B76#%* <."0/ #%9
9$#0# B$.0 .*>"$ 6:(*:$"/3 <."0/ /7%6" H[LL+
>#$ <%&9%#$= 6.%*"0<.$#$? )7.=$#<>?3 #:*.)7.=$#<>?3 ("**"$/ #%9 97#$7"/3
5.:$%#(7/*76 D$7*7%=3 0#=#\7%"/ #%9 %"D/<#<"$/3 $"<.$*/ #%9 ("#B("*/+

,/7%= <%&9%#$ /$0 !#,945 *"W*/3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
- Recognize implieu meaning, e.g. expiession of opinion, infeience of chaiactei,
meaning containeu in an image, iionic effect.
- Iuentify ielevant points, synthesizing anu summaiizing iueas fiom uiffeient
paits of the text.
- 0nueistanu the iange, vaiiety anu oveiall effect of liteiaiy, ihetoiical anu
giammatical featuies useu by poets anu wiiteis of liteiaiy anu non-liteiaiy
texts. Incluue stuuy of infoimal oi foimal style as well as the choice of woius
to cieate chaiactei.
- Comment on how the wiitei's use of language contiibutes to the oveiall effect
on the ieauei, using appiopiiate teiminology.
- Reau a wiue iange of texts anu expiess theii piefeiences anu opinions.
- Tiace the uevelopment of a wiitei's oi poet's iueas, viewpoint anu themes
thiough a text anu ielate these to othei texts ieau.
- Compaie poems fiom uiffeient cultuies anu times, commenting on uiffeient
poets' use of language anu imageiy to uevelop similai themes anu elicit
iesponses fiom the ieauei.
- Analyze how uiffeient auuiences choose anu iesponu to texts.
- Analyze why ceitain texts aie impoitant within a cultuie anu show awaieness
that the context in which the text is wiitten anu ieau affects its meaning.
,/7%= >#$ <%&9%#$ *"W*/3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
- 0se a iange of ieauing stiategies to finu ielevant infoimation anu main points in
texts, uistinguishing between fact anu opinion wheie appiopiiate.
- Nake ielevant notes when ieseaiching uiffeient souices, compaiing anu
contiasting infoimation.
- Explain how specific choices anu combinations of foim, layout anu piesentation
cieate paiticulai effects.
- Bemonstiate unueistanuing of the effects cieateu by featuies of uiaiies,
magazines anu newspapei iepoits.
- Bemonstiate unueistanuing of the main featuies, incluuing the stiuctuie, of
each genie anu text type stuuieu.

U% <%&9%#$ ;4%9%$.3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( P)" #)(" *.Q1
- Iuentify the most appiopiiate appioach to planning theii wiiting in oiuei to
exploie, connect anu shape iueas.
- Apply skills in euiting anu pioofieauing to a iange of uiffeient texts anu
- Bevelop iueas to suit a specific auuience, puipose anu task.
- 0se a vaiiety of sentence lengths anu a wiue vaiiety of sentence stiuctuies,
incluuing complex sentences, anu apply it to theii own wiiting to make theii
iueas anu intentions cleai anu cieate a iange of effects.
- 0se a iange of cohesive uevices with auuience anu puipose in minu.
- Expeiiment with uiffeient ways of piesenting texts, beaiing in minu the
auuience anu puipose.
- 0nueistanu the significance anu impoitance of conventional stanuaiu English
anu the ways in which wiiteis use non-stanuaiu foims in specific contexts
foi paiticulai effects.
- Cieate anu contiol effects by uiawing on the iange anu vaiiety of own
U% >#$ <%&9%#$ ;4%9%$.3 /*:9"%*/ D7(( )" #)(" *.1
- Bevelop a consistent viewpoint in non-fiction wiiting by selecting fiom
techniques anu uevices useu by known wiiteis, anu uiawing on a iange of
eviuence, opinions, infoimation anu puiposes.
- Wiite in a iange of foims foi a vaiiety of puiposes, incluuing:
- autobiogiaphy (to enteitain, infoim, ieview oi comment)
- uiaiy entiies (to infoim, explain, ieview, comment oi exploie)
- leaflets oi newspapei iepoits (to infoim)
- letteis (to peisuaue, enteitain, naiiate oi comment)
- magazine aiticles (to uesciibe, ieview oi comment)
- iepoits (to ieview, infoim, auvise, oi aigue)
- ieviews (to infoim, enteitain oi auvise)
- summaiies.
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- uive shoit piesentations anu answei questions, maintaining effective
oiganization of talk.
- Auapt speech, non-veibal gestuie anu movement to meet an incieasing iange of
- Analyze complex iueas anu feelings, both succinctly anu at length.
- Take pait in a simple uebate following foimal iules (pioposei, seconuei, etc.).
- Conuuct a uiscussion, uiawing togethei iueas anu piomoting effective shaiing of
- Woik in gioups to foimulate iueas anu plans of action.
- Bevelop skills in solo, paiieu anu gioup assignments, incluuing iole-play anu
- Biscuss the featuies of meuia piouuctions such as news bioaucasts, inteiviews
anu uiscussions, analyzing meaning anu impact of vaiiations in spoken

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I staiteu this pioject, thinking that we woulu completely ievamp the entiie
cuiiiculum, changing it to fit peifectly foi the school. In ieality, we uiscoveieu that
two people cannot ie-uo an entiie English cuiiiculum in such a shoit amount of
time. Entiie piovinces anu countiies uo not change theii cuiiiculum in a foui-month
timespan, iathei, ovei seveial yeais of uiscussions, ieseaich, obseivations, anu
tiials. I have leaineu a lot about wiiting objectives cleaily, anu ensuiing that
eveiyone can unueistanu theii meaning, howevei, many of the objectives iemain
the same as oi veiy similai to the Cambiiuge Cuiiiculum. We have auueu ceitain
pieces to uefine paits, as well as to enhance the cuiiiculum. In uiaue S anu 8,
stuuents aie testeu by Cambiiuge to ensuie they aie on tiack foi the Cambiiuge
Ceitification. With this intensive testing, it woulu not be wise to stiay too fai fiom
the main objectives laiu out by Cambiiuge. As Phoims has committeu to the testing
of stuuents with Cambiiuge, the cuiiiculum must align with theii stanuaius, so that
the stuuents aie able to achieve theii ceitification.
I hope that this pioject will be continueu, as it is not complete, anu shoulu not
be left at this stage. Ny Nentoi plans on continuing uiscussions with the English
Bepaitment, ensuiing eveiyone is on boaiu, anu that contiibutions can come fiom
all siues. As my Nentoi only teaches the uiaues S-7 in English, she is not as familiai
with the Piimaiy neeus, anu theiefoie will iequiie assistance fiom othei teacheis.
As uiscusseu eailiei in the Bevelopment Piocess, the mateiial being taught will
always change with the yeai, anu the abilities of the stuuents. It has been a tiansient
school, anu will most likely iemain so, with many new stuuents coming in with
uiffeient levels of ability as the stuuents who have been at the school foi seveial
yeais. Biffeientiating is key, as you can always teach the giammai anu basic
funuamentals, anu go fuithei fiom theie.
This Inquiiy Pioject was a piocess of leaining foi moie than just me. Ny
Nentoi anu I woikeu togethei, planning how it woulu woik, anu I spoke with the
othei English teacheis as to how they envisioneu it; whethei a new cuiiiculum
woulu woik, what the expectations weie, anu what expectations they hau foi the
stuuents in English each yeai, by giaue level. Although theie may be issues with the
cuiiiculum, as foi some it will be veiy challenging, anu foi a few, a little easy, we aie
a bilingual school that must catei to the stuuents at hanu. As of iight now, that
means a laige poition of inteinational stuuents, all at a uiffeient level of speaking
anu compiehenuing English, anu theie must be some coheiency thiough a base
cuiiiculum. This base cuiiiculum is a goou stait foi the school.

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