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Jaap Sahib is a prayer written by Guru Gobind Singh when he was 19 years old.

Guru Gobind Singh was the fearless young Guru who transformed simple people into royal beings by teaching them the techniques of Kundalini Yoga. He led, he served, he honored, he taught, he inspired- and we live by his legacy and his teachings to be great in this changing age. The story goes that one morning, Guru Gobind Singh had so much love in his heart to Guru Gobind Singh, e$bodied in full glory and do his daily meditation that the Awesome power of God sat just in front royalty of Guru Gobind Singh. The young Guru then recited a prayer, invoking such a presence saying to the presence before him your presence and your quality cannot be described, but I shall bow to you in all the deeds you express and recited 199 stanzas in which holds over 900 expressions of God all done in a sacred sound current. He bowed to each one and so we call it Bowing Jaap Sahib meditation.

Yogi Bhajan on the Bowing Jaap Sahib Meditation: If God is not alive in you, you are not alive on this arth! "or #enturies and #enturies you have been taught wrong, and the result is God has be#o$e outside of you and you have be#o$e outside of God! %et&s get out of it the way Guru Gobind Singh says! 'is version is to bow to all aspe#ts of God, every aspe#t! "irst he prays, to bring the invo#ation of God, true and #lear, then he bows! If you #an pro#eed in that rhyth$, you #an find that oneness() Jaap Sahib is the salutation to God in whi#h Guru Gobind Singh re#ites every fa#et of God! *s $any as have been e+plained there, that $any fa#ets as a person you to #over in your life! ,hat&s what

Jaap Sahib is! It gives you the -ey to the opening of that he$isphere where you want to be! ,hat&s what Jaap Sahib does and when you do it with these e+er#ises, it will -eep you healthy, happy and holier than you #an thin-! You #an enjoy life! Jaap Sahib is Guru Gobind Singh&s Banee! You have to understand one thing! ,he dis#iples of Guru Gobind Singh were in a position to run at the speed of a horse! .hat $ira#le that gave the$ su#h a power/ Jaap Sahib! Jaap Sahib gives you the strength of the $ind behind every $us#le of you! *nd if we have to #hange, ta-e the 0a$e of God everywhere, with every breath! ,his is how we #an do it! ,he 0a$e should be in us and we should re#eive it, we should be with it, and we should be#o$e it! *nd that is the way to be spiritual! verything you do should be right fro$ your spirit, and your spirit should be in it! ,hat&s the way to su##eed! ,hat&s why he re#ited the Jaap Sahib! ,his banee1 is a gift to you to use when your gra#e, your power, and your position are threatened! .hoever will re#ite this banee shall never fall flat on his fa#e! ,hat&s why an ordinary bun#h of bones #ould fight with thousands and thousands of ar$ed, trained soldiers and defend the$selves beautifully2 be#ause they had the spirit with the$! 11Guru Gobind Singh was the 34th Guru of the Si-h way of life! Si-h $eans student, dis#iple of the Guru! Guru Gobind Singh e$bodied the 5uality of 6oyal 7ourage and established the 8halsa9 the path of the :ure ;nes!

* young $odern 8halsa wo$en, student of Guru Gobind Singh

11Banee9 is a prayer, a sound #urrent to elevate the spirit,

trans$itted through the Guru! ,he re#itation, $editation, or pra#ti#e of the Banee brings in the 5ualities of the light the Guru&s had the$selves! ,his Is an event that we pra#ti#e "riday $orning a##o$panied by $usi#! ,he $editation Is <= $inutes In length! ;n "riday>s we repla#e the *5uarian $editations with the Bowing Jaap Sahib $editation! .e start at ?:44a$ and Is held at @u-h 0iwaran>s ho$e! "or $ore Infor$ation or dire#tions to @u-h 0iwaran9 please #onta#t @aljit Singh at royalradian#eAg$ail!#o$ or by phone B<3!=BB!<CDC or #onta#t @u-h 0iwaran 8aur at dniwaranApa#bell!net! Blessings Sat 0a$

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