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Lesson topic Trainee teacher : Gamani Ismail Unit: 1 lesson title : verb to be in the negative Level : 1st year

r Baccalaureate Class period : 45 minutes Class size : 30 Textbook : Window on the world

Skills : Grammar Material : Vas, BB Date : 11 -02 14

Objectives By the end of this lesson , students will be able to recognize and use the negative form of the verb to be . Phase Technique Procedures Time

Warm up

T : greets ss T : whats the weather like today ? Ss : Its cold



Review of be (affirmative)



Use of Vas

T : sticks pictures of famous persons on the BB T : do you know these persons ? Ss : yes T : who are they ? Ss : they are famous people T : very good T : points to the picture of Brad Pitt . T : Is he a singer ? Ss : no ; he isnt . he s an actor.


T : asks ss to repeat this sentence. T : chooses another picture and repeat the same procedure .

T : points to a skateboarder T : is he a football player ? Ss : no, he isnt . Checking comprehension Questioning technique T : points to Ronaldino. T : is he Moroccan ? Ss : no ; he isnt. 5 MINS

T : Messi/ be not/ an actor Restoration drill Ss : Messi isn t an actor. T : Messi and Ronaldo/ be not/ actors. Ss : they arent actors.



Practice Close pair and open pair work Student A : David Beckam is an actor Student b : no ! David Beckam isn t an actor. Hes a soccer player. 15 MINS

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