Resume 2013

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Michelle T Alspaugh, NBCT

6480 Silver Ridge Circle 22315 MTAlspaug !"cps#edu Alexandria, VA $03#346#88%8 &c'


To obtain a teaching position in English that will effectively utilize my 13 years teaching experience in a dynamic and meaningful manner

Education National Board Certification for Professional Teaching Standards

National Board Certification !""#$% English &anguage 'rts( 'dolescence and )oung 'dulthood Franciscan University of Steubenville* +teubenville* ,.raduate /rogram in Education /ost0baccalaureate 1nitial Teaching &icensure !""1$ Collegiate Professional License # 02 !"#$00 Bachelor of 'rts in English with a concentration in literature and composition and a minor in +panish 122#$ Cu% Laude &'P( of )*"$ +ithin %a,or-

Teaching Experience .ount /ernon 0igh School1 'lexandria* 3'

!""45/resent English 11* 1B English 11 and 1B English 1! Collaborative Learning Tea% Leader for English 11% Coordinate* develop* and collaborate to create materials for instruction based upon new !"1" 3' +tandards of &earning using 6nderstanding by 7esign 6bd$ framewor8 9 :acilitate* oversee* and collaborate the development of common assessments for team9 &ead* develop and coordinate remediation interventions for students ta8ing the +,&9 Communicate :C/+ and +tate guidelines and information from department chair* lead :C/+ English 7irector* and 'ssessment Coach Collaborative Learning Tea% Leader for 1B English 11 and 1!% 7evelop* oversee* and implement curriculum based upon 1B English curriculum re;uirements9 Train and mentor new 1B English teachers9 Coordinated* edited and developed 1B +tudent -andboo8* a collaborative effort between 1B English and 1B -istory instructors* which details writing similarities and differences between the two disciplines9 &ead and plan* coordinate* and oversee all 1B English assessments with 1B coordinator9 -elp coordinate a loc2 ste3 curriculum at both the 11th grade and 1!th grade levels% all formative and summative assessments are common9 South La2e 0igh School1 <eston* 3' !""15!""4 English 1" Teamed and English 11= English 11 teamed* 1B English 11 >or8ed collaboratively with +pecial education co0teachers to design and implement appropriate scaffolding and accommodations for +pecial Education students in the standard classroom while ensuring instruction that aligned with !""! 3' +tandards of &earning9 Collaborative Learning Tea% Leader for English 1"% Coordinated and collaborated instructional goals with team members based upon !""! 3' +tandards of &earning9 Created and developed common assessments with team members9

Michelle T Alspaugh, NBCT

Collaborative Learning Tea% Leader for 1B English 11% Coordinated and co0 developed curriculum based upon re;uirements of 1B curriculum9 ?entored new 1B English teachers and instructed them in re;uirements of 1B,9

Professional Development

Strategies and Practices for Teaching (dvanced (cade%ics &Fall 2042:airfax County /ublic +chools 'cademy Course C'+ENE@ ,N&1NE$ E76C AA2"$ T*/ 5ntervie+* :airfax County /ublic +chools T3 Channel <ed!19 B1nsightC9 :all !"1!$ Fairfa6 County Public Schools7 8nglish 5n service Presenter &Fall 2042-7 the 1B English ClassroomC 1nternational Baccalaureate English '1 &evel ! Training +ummer !"1!$ Teacher Leadershi3 Consortiu% Cluster /7 :airfax County /ublic +chools9 +pring

B+trategies in

!"1!5 :all !"1!$ 7r9 Danet 'llenEs B1tEs Never Too &ateC &iteracy 1nstitute 'ugust !""F$ Northern 3irginia >riting /roGect >or8shop !""3$ National Council for Teachers of English Conference !""1$

Related Experience &a :inca del NiHo ?issionary +chool and ,rphanage9 TruGillo* -onduras 122#5!"""$
Created* designed* and planned ?athematics and English curriculum in +panish for grades 35I while maintaining the third grade classroom in +panish9 'ssisted the adult education program as auxiliary teacher and instructor in English as a +econd &anguage9 7eveloped and directed remediation program for grades 15I in ?athematics* +panish* and English9 7irected childrenEs choir with occasional performances at festivals /rivate -ome +chool* +teubenville* ,- +pring 122A$ Taught I students from grades I5# in composition and grammar on a volunteer basis9 7uties included developing and planning a writing curriculum while educating and maintaining a small group instruction9 :ranciscan 6niversity of +teubenville &earning Center* +teubenville* ,- 122I5122#$ Employed as tutor for 6niversity students having difficulties in English* Computer +cience* and +panish9 7uties included one0hour wee8ly sessions and periodic evaluations of improvement of s8ills

Professional Committees And Teams ?ount 3ernon -igh +chool Technology Committee !""45/resent$
+chools !""4$

?ount 3ernon -igh +chool <emediation Committee +pring !"13$ -igh +chool &iterature Textboo8 'doption Committee9 :airfax County /ublic +outh &a8es -igh +chool Technology Committee !""35!""4$ Odyssey of the Mind Teacher +ponsor and Dudge !""30!""4$9

Awards And Accolades ?ost 1nfluential Teacher !"1!$

?entioned by 3 individual -onor .raduates at ?ount 3ernon -igh +chool Commencement as their most influential and inspiring teacher of their high school career Cambridge >hoEs >ho 'mong Executive and /rofessional >omen in Teaching and Education !""A$

Michelle T Alspaugh, NBCT

National -onor <oll ,utstanding Teacher !""4$ >hoEs >ho 'mong 'mericaEs Teachers !""F* !""4$ TuftEs 6niversity9 +pecial <ecognition 'ward !""3$ +igma Tau 7elta* National English -onor +ociety% &ifetime member /resident 122#$ 3ice /resident* Treasurer 122A$


Nardos Jing* /rincipal ?ount 3ernon -igh +chool #414 ,ld ?ount 3ernon <oad 'lexandria* 3' !!3"2 A"39I12931"" NEJingKfcps9edu Esther ?anns* 'ssistant /rincipal ?ount 3ernon -igh +chool #414 ,ld ?ount 3ernon <oad 'lexandria* 3' !!3"2 A"39I1293!AA ED?annsKfcps9edu 3elvet Thomas* 7epartment Chair ?ount 3ernon -igh +chool #414 ,ld ?ount 3ernon <oad 'lexandria* 3' !!3"2 A"39I12931"" 3<ThomasKfcps9edu

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