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Chapter 24 Coating Surveys

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Blm 24 Kaplama ncelemeleri

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Coating Surveys
Commonly called inprocess surveys Performed to evaluate coatings condition on existing structures Should be performed by trained, knowledgeable, experienced personnel

Kaplama ncelemeleri
Yaygn bir ekilde sre ii incelemeler olarak adlandrlr Mevcut yaplardaki kaplama durumunun deerlendirilmesi iin gerekletirilir Eitilmi, bilgili ve tecrbeli personel tarafndan gerekletirilmelidir
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Why Surveys Are Performed

Aid in planning future work Work prioritization Budgetary purposes Aid in determining installed coatings performance Aid in determining assets value Aid in work scope generation Provides baseline data
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ncelemeler Neden Yaplr?

Gelecekte yaplacak ilerin planlanmasna yardmc olur lerin nceliklendirilmesini salar Bte ile ilgili amalarla yaplr Yaplan kaplama performansn belirlemede yardmc olur Varln deerini belirlemede yardm salar kapsam yaratmada yardm salar Temel veriler salar
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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 24 1

Who Performs Coating Surveys

NACE Certified Offshore Corrosion/Coatings Assessment Training (O-CAT) or Shipboard Corrosion/Coatings Assessment Training (S-CAT) Technician (most qualified) Certified NACE Coating Specialist NACE Certified Coating InspectorLevel 3
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NACE tarafndan sertifikalandrlm Offshore Korozyon/Kaplamalar Deerlendirme Eitimi (O-CAT) veya Gemi Korozyon/Kaplama Deerlendirmesi Eitimi (SCAT) Teknisyeni (en kalifiye olan) Sertifikal NACE Kaplama Uzman NACE tarafndan Sertifikalandrlm Kaplama Enspektr Seviye 3

Kaplama ncelemelerini Kim Gerekletirir

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Who Performs Coating Surveys

Coating inspector, not Level 3 but qualified by field experience Coating manufacturer's technical representative with adequate field experience Maintenance Engineer with extensive knowledge of the plant or facility
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Seviye 3 olmayan ancak saha tecrbesi bulunan kaplama enspektr

Kaplama ncelemelerini Kim Gerekletirir

Kaplama imalatsnn yeterli saha deneyimine sahip teknik temsilcisi Santral veya tesis hakknda kapsaml bilgiye sahip bakm mhendisi
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Coating Survey Steps

Have a clear understanding of the scope (objective and goals) Gather the team if needed Develop a survey plan Review standards that may be used when performing required tests Agree on format for presenting collected data
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Kaplama ncelemesinin Admlar

Kapsamn net bir ekilde anlalmas (hedef ve gayeler) htiya olmas halinde ekibin toplanmas Bir inceleme plan gelitirilmesi Gerekli testlerin yaplmasnda kullanlabilecek standartlarn gzden geirilmesi Toplanan verilerin sunulmasna ynelik format zerinde mutabakata varlmas
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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 24 2

Coating Survey Steps

Delegate various tasks to team members if necessary Evaluate the existing coating (overall and by paintable items) Gather additional information per the survey plan Summarizing the data and ensure that they are accurate, factual, and correspond to reference/appropriate standards
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Kaplama ncelemesinin Admlar

Gerektiinde ekip yelerine eitli grevler verilmesi Mevcut kaplamann deerlendirilmesi (genel ve boyanabilir maddeler) nceleme planna gre ek bilgilerin bir araya getirilmesi Verilerin zetlenmesi ve bunlarn doru, gerei yanstr nitelikte olmasnn ve ilgili standartlara uygun olmasnn salanmas
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Coating Survey Steps

Preparing plans for performing the maintenance work required, based on the survey results (if required) Prepare reports/input data in database Submit final survey reports
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Kaplama ncelemesinin Admlar

nceleme sonularna (gerekirse) dayanarak gerekli bakm almasnn gerekletirilmesine ynelik planlarn hazrlanmas Veri tabannda raporlarn/girdi verilerinin hazrlanmas Nihai inceleme raporlarnn sunulmas
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NACE International O-CAT Offshore Corrosion Assessment Technician

Industry Recognized Training Certification for Coatings Surveyors

Kaplama nceleme Uzmanlarna Ynelik Endstri Onayl Eitim Sertifikas

NACE International O-CAT Offshore Korozyon Deerlendirme Teknisyeni NACE International S-CAT Gemi Korozyon Deerlendirme Teknisyeni

NACE International S-CAT Shipboard Corrosion Assessment Technician

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 24 3

Number of data storage systems available in industry today Scope of surveys and owner requirements will determine database system to be used Web-based systems are becoming the wave of the future

Coatings Surveys Data Collection and Storage

Gnmzde endstride mevcut olan veri depolama sistemleri nceleme kapsam ve i sahibinin ngrd gereklilikler, kullanlacak veri taban sistemini belirleyecektir Web tabanl sistemler gelecekte ok yaygn olarak kullanlr hale gelecektir

Kaplama ncelemesi Veri Toplama ve Depolama

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Chapter 24 Coating Surveys

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Blm 24 Kaplama ncelemeleri

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 24 4

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