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Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Education Department

Lesson/Activity Plan Template Teacher Candidate ________Paige Leuthold Name of Lesson ________Balance Scale Subject _____Science______ Grade ____4_____

Rationale for lesson: Balance scales are used to determine or compare weights of objects that is necessary in future science classes.

Learning outcomes: Students will weigh a variety of items accurately Students will record and display data appropriately

Assessment of student outcomes: Students will be assessed based on accuracy of weights of the objects.

Related Foundations/Indiana Academic Standard: Process Standard: Perform investigations using appropriate tools and technologies that will extend the senses

Materials Needed: Balance Scale Pencil Paper Counter Weights Variety of objects ranging in weight Lesson/Activity Presentation: Anticipatory set: Balance scale is used to measure weights of objects in the metric system. In order to determine the weight, the weight must be balanced on both sides. As a class demonstrate how the needle has to be centered when level. Begin by putting the item you want to measure on one side. Discuss reasonable estimation for counter weight then adjust up or down until the scale is level. Do a few demonstrations as a class. Teaching procedures: Group students in to groups of 5 or 6 students. Each group needs a scale, set of counter weights, and objects to weigh. Each student should be responsible for

Leuthold2 weighing at least one object. As a group, weigh each object, agree on the weight, and record the data. Each student should have his or her own set of data to turn in. Graph if desired. Guided & independent practice: Demonstrating as a class would be guided and as a group or individually the students would weigh the objects as independent practice. The teacher will just be available for questions and observation. Closure: Have a class discussion about the weights of a few objects. If weights are different among groups, discuss what went wrong or what could have been done differently. Reteach if needed. Differentiated instruction: Students can be grouped accordingly for learning or behavioral needs.

Technology (if appropriate): Graphing on the computer if desired

Reflection on lesson: Yet to be determined.

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