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Chapter 4 Advanced Environmental Testing Instrumentation

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Blm 4 leri evresel Test Aralar

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The instruments that will be covered in this chapter include: Electronic Hygrometers Hand-held Data loggers Oven data logger Electronic Thermo-Hygrograph Wind Speed Monitor Hand-held Data loggers

Advanced Data Collection Testing Instrumentation

leri Veri Toplama Test Aralar

Bu blmde ele alnacak aralar aadakileri kapsamaktadr: Elektronik Higrometreler Elde tanan Veri kaydediciler Frn veri kaydedicisi Elektronik Isl Nem ler Rzgar Hz zleme Aygt Elde tanan Veri kaydediciler
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Electronic Hygrometers (Dew Point Meter)

Basic electronic hygrometers determine: Relative humidity Air temperature Dew-point temperature More advanced electronic instruments can also determine: Surface temperature Delta T Dry bulb temperature

Temel elektronik higrometreler aadakileri tespit eder: Bal nem Hava scakl ilenme noktas scakl Daha ileri elektronik aralar aadakileri de tespit eder: Yzey scakl Delta T Kuru Termometre Scakl

Elektronik Higrometreler (ilenme Noktas ler)

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 4 1

Basic operation

Open protective shutter to expose sensor. Turn meter on and start taking measurements. After stabilizing, environmental measurements will display on screen.

Temel kullanm

Sensoru amak iin koruyucu kapa an. Cihaz altrn ve lm almaya balayn. Stabilizasyon srecinden sonra, evresel lmler ekranda grntlenecektir.

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Electronic Hygrometers Data Loggers

Stand-alone instruments that automatically measure and store environmental data.

Elektronik Higrometre Veri Kaydediciler

evresel verileri otomatik olarak len ve saklayan bamsz aralardr.

Some handheld electronic hygrometers (Dew Point Meter) can be used as data loggers with appropriate accessories.
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Baz elde tanan elektronik higrometreler (ilenme Noktas ler) uygun aksesuarlar ile veri kaydediciler olarak kullanlabilir.
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Oven Data Loggers

By logging both the products surface and the air temperature in the cure oven, the instrument records the temperature profile.

Frn Veri Kaydedicileri

Ara, krleme frnna hem rn yzey scakl hem de hava scaklnn girilmesiyle, scaklk profilini kaydeder.

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 4 2

Oven Data Loggers

Oven data loggers can be used in: Powder coating cure ovens Wet coating ovens Batch ovens Conveyor ovens

Frn Veri Kaydedicileri

Frn veri kaydedicileri aadakilerde kullanlabilir: Toz kaplama krleme frnlar Islak kaplama frnlar Ym frnlar Konveyr frnlar

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A laboratory instrument that records the ambient temperature and the relative humidity using the hair hygrometer principle.

Electronic Thermo-Hygrograph

Kl higrometre prensibini kullanarak ortam scakln ve bal nemi kaydeden laboratuar aracdr.

Elektronik Isl Nem ler

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Used to check wind speed and may be able to monitor other ambient conditions.

Wind Speed Monitor

Rzgar hzn kontrol etmek iin kullanlr. Ayrca, dier ortam koullarn da izleyebilir.

Rzgar Hz zleme Aygt

Wind Speed Monitor 17 of 13

Rzgar Hz zleme Aygt 18 of 13

Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 4 3

May record wind speed, gust, and direction, as well as the time and date, temperature, and other important wind parameters.

Wind Data Logger

Zaman ve tarih, scaklk ve dier nemli rzgar parametrelerinin yan sra, rzgar hz, art ve ynn kaydedebilir.

Rzgar Veri Kaydedicisi

Wind Data Logger Kit 19 of 13

Rzgar Veri Kaydedicisi Takm 20 of 13

Advanced Data Collection Methods

Many of the advanced environmental testing instruments have the ability to store and transfer data to a computer and other device. Depending upon the instrument, data may be transferred via: USB IR (infrared) Bluetooth

leri Veri Toplama Yntemleri

leri evresel test aralarnn ou, bir bilgisayara veya dier bir cihaza veri aktarma ve saklama zelliine sahiptir. Araca bal olarak, veriler aadakiler zerinden aktarlabilir: USB IR (kzltesi) Bluetooth

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Many of the advanced instruments have software available that can aid in management of data collected by the device.

Software Systems

leri aralarn ou, cihaz tarafndan toplanan verilerin ynetiminde yardmc olacak mevcut yazlmlara sahiptir.

Yazlm Sistemleri

Screenshot of Elcometer ElcoMaster Data Management Software 23 of 13

Elcometer ElcoMaster Ekran Grnts Veri Ynetimi Yazlm 24 of 13

Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 4 4

Chapter 4 Advanced Environmental Testing Instrumentation

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Blm 4 leri evresel Test Aralar

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 4 5

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