Propaganda Gallery Walk Worksheet Example

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Propaganda Gallery Walk Worksheet: Instructions: Go around the room and analyze 5 posters, answering the questions as you

go. You may work quietly in pairs or individually. Poster #1: Describe the poster:

What country did this poster came from? What message is the poster conveying?

Do you think it was effective in changing peoples minds? Why or why not?

Poster #2: Describe the poster:

What country did this poster came from? What message is the poster conveying?

Do you think it was effective in changing peoples minds? Why or why not?

Poster #3: Describe the poster:

What country did this poster came from? What message is the poster conveying?

Do you think it was effective in changing peoples minds? Why or why not?

Poster #4: Describe the poster:

What country did this poster came from? What message is the poster conveying?

Do you think it was effective in changing peoples minds? Why or why not?

Poster #5: Describe the poster:

What country did this poster came from? What message is the poster conveying?

Do you think it was effective in changing peoples minds? Why or why not?

Propaganda Gallery Walk Worksheet Full Credit Example: Instructions: Go around the room and analyze 5 posters, answering the questions as you go. You may work quietly in pairs or individually. Poster #1: Describe the poster: Contains the slogans Waste Helps the Enemy and Conserve Material. Office supplies are
arranged on a piece of paper to look like Hitler. The colors used are red, black, and white, the colors of the Nazi party.

What country did this poster came from? The United States What message is the poster conveying? The material Americans use at home is taking away materials from the
army. Using excess material is like giving aid to the Nazis. People at home should conserve what they use so the military can have more.

Do you think it was effective in changing peoples minds? Why or why not? Yes, because it portrays the
message in an interesting way that is not too difficult to understand. It also presents an issue to the American public that may not have been too well-publicized.

Poster #2: Describe the poster: A young, white woman is holding a baby, probably her daughter. Reaching toward them are
claw-like hands with the symbols for Nazism and Japan on them. The poster includes the slogans Keep These Hands Off! and Buy the New Victory Bonds.

What country did this poster came from? The United States What message is the poster conveying? Americans should buy victory bonds to help the military defeat the
enemies. If they dont the evil hands of Germans and Japanese will encroach on American and harm the innocent women and children here.

Do you think it was effective in changing peoples minds? Why or why not? Yes, because it compares the
white innocence of the woman and her baby to the dark, evil of the Axis powers. Americans would not want those forces in their country, harming their loved ones.

Poster #3: Describe the poster: A tall, strong man is standing over a group of small, meek-looking other men. The men at
the bottom are holding up signs and are trying to convince the tall man of something or are just pointing something else. A large structure of the swastika, the Nazi symbol, looms in the background.

What country did this poster came from? Germany What message is the poster conveying? The ideal German, back by Nazism, is impervious to the words and
arguments of others, particularly those who are not as powerful.

Do you think it was effective in changing peoples minds? Why or why not? Yes, because the protagonist of
the poster is clearly superior to the other characters, who appear untrustworthy and sneaky. The viewer clearly relates to and likes the tall man, and the cause he stands for.

Poster #4: Describe the poster: A robot is destroying a town with the slogan Liberators overhead. The robots head is a
KKK hood, and other modes of violence are all over the robot, such as missiles and a noose.

What country did this poster came from? Germany What message is the poster conveying? The Allied forces say they are liberators, but bring destruction
wherever they go. They are hypocrites who are fueled by greed violence.

Do you think it was effective in changing peoples minds? Why or why not? Yes, because the poster uses
terrifying images to impart horrible images in the viewers mindset. After seeing this, people would associate the Allied forces with this awful war machine.

Poster #5: Describe the poster: Over the slogan, Man the Guns, Join the Navy, two men are shown loading cannons on a
ship. The men are strong, healthy, and wearing hats that identify them as in the military.

What country did this poster came from? The United States What message is the poster conveying? Men should join the Navy to help in the war effort. The Navy needs
men to enlist and help win the war. It is the duty of American men to contribute to the war by fighting in the military.

Do you think it was effective in changing peoples minds? Why or why not? Yes, because the role of the
sailor is shown to be a glamorized one. Not only are men in the Navy helping win the war, but they are fulfilling the role of the ideal man who is strong and loyal to their country.

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