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Weine Classification Scheme and Relative Index

for Judaica Libraries

9th edition, 2013

Revised by the Weine Revision Committee and Joel Tuchman Association of Jewish Libraries Synagogues, Schools and Centers Division

Weine Classification Scheme and Relative Index

for Judaica Libraries

9th edition
Revised by the Weine Revision Committee and Joel Tuchman

Association of Jewish Libraries 2013

Copyright 2013 by the Association of Jewish Libraries ISBN 978-1490355030


Part I: Weine Classification Scheme Preface Classification Scheme Call number prefixes and standard subdivisions 1 3 23

Part II: Relative Index Directions for use Relative index 25 27

Preface to the Ninth Edition The Committee to revise the eighth edition of the Weine Classification for Judaica Libraries was constituted by the School, Synagogue, and Center Division of AJL in 2013. In addition to the Committee, many other AJL members have shared their additions and corrections and I wish to thank them all, in particular, Joyce Levine for her guidance in allowing this revision to be completed and without whose help this would not have taken place and to Chaim Butterfield for his technological assistance. A special thank you to the editors of the previous edition (8th Edition, 1994): Judith Shapiro Greenblatt, Rachel Glasser, Mae Weine, and Edythe Wolf. I would be pleased to receive further suggestions for improvement. Joel Tuchman Sinai Temple Blumenthal Library, Los Angeles June, 2013, Los Angeles, CA

Preface to the Seventh Edition By Mae Weine The lack of a satisfactory classification scheme for the average Jewish library has long been a problem to the Jewish librarian. Many solutions have been suggested and attempted, with varying degrees of success. The classification scheme of the Library of Congress, which has now been adopted by most of the great scholarly Jewish libraries of the country, suffers from the drawbacks of being unknown to most of the general public. On the other hand, the Dewey Decimal System as it stands, although familiar even to school children, presents certain difficulties when applied to a specialized collection. The excessive subdivision required in certain numbers, the lack of provision for certain subject areas which do not fit satisfactorily into the Dewey system, are drawbacks which librarians in the Jewish field have long struggled with. It was to meet these objections that the author devised the present scheme. Although based upon the Dewey system, certain areas have been drastically revised, most notably in the fields of religion, Jewish education, and history. In every case, whether or not explicitly stated, the number refers only to the Jewish aspect of the subject in question. Since the scheme is intended only for Judaica collections, the letter "z" has been added throughout, to distinguish it from the regular Dewey system. This will be useful in the case of librarians with "mixed" collections, i.e., containing books of a general as well as of a Jewish nature. This classification scheme is intended primarily for a small Judaica library, such as one in a synagogue or school. Very large or very scholarly collections will probably find the Library of Congress classification more suited to their needs. I am deeply grateful to the many people who have, over the years, assisted me in preparing this work and its subsequent revisions. My fellow librarians of the Jewish Library Association of Greater Philadelphia spent many patient hours going over the details of the original edition, and have consistently given me advice and encouragement since. Gratz College, under its former Dean, Dr. Elazar Goelman, for many years sponsored and assisted the Philadelphia library group in its work. And for the past several years, the Synagogue, School and Center Division of the Association of Jewish Libraries, by undertaking the distribution of the scheme, has helped to make it available on a national and even international scale.

My thanks are due also to Anne Kirshenbaum, Sandy Lepelstat, and Mica Oppenheim, whose helpful comments and criticisms were of great assistance in preparing this revision of the previous edition. Finally, my special thanks are due to two people who have been my chief collaborators from the beginning: my husband, Rabbi Max Weine, who advised and guided me when I first conceived the scheme, and who has consistently encouraged me since; and Mrs. Mildred Kurland of Philadelphia, my friend and colleague, who has worked side by side with me through every edition of both the classification scheme and the subject headings list which accompanies it. Mae Weine June, 1982, Oak Park, MI

Weine Classification Scheme for Judaica Libraries 000 z007.9 z011 z016 z017 z020 z020.5 z020.6 z023 z025 z026 z028 z028.1 z028.2 z030 z032 z035 z039 z050 z059 z070 z075 z090 z098 100 z100 z128 z130 z131 z131.3 z131.7 z133 z134 z150 z170 z170.1 z171 z175 200 z200 z200.01 z200.1 z200.9 z215 z220 z220.1 z220.2 Prizes (Except book awards) General bibliographies Jewish and other subject bibliographies (Includes "Jewish Book Annual") Directories Library science Judaica libraries Library associations Library personnel Classification and cataloging of books Jewish libraries Books and reading Book awards and prizes History of Jewish books General encyclopedias Miscellanea, trivia, catalogs Dictionaries of Judaism Jewish encyclopedias General periodicals Jewish periodicals Newspapers/Jewish press Non-Jewish press Catalogs Censorship Philosophy (For Jewish philosophy see z259) Nature of man Mental health (Includes self esteem, interpersonal relations & suffering) Psychology Psychiatry (Includes religion and psychiatry ) Child study (Includes adolescence and behavior) Dream interpretation Tarot Middot (Character traits) Jewish ethics Musar movement Bioethics Business ethics Religion Philosophy of religion Religions & God History of religion Religion and science Bible (For non-Jewish versions see z227. For Christian Scriptures see z229) Origins includes authorship Concordances and indexes

4 z220.3 z220.39 z220.6 z220.7 z220.75 z220.8 z220.813 z220.817 z220.83 z220.833 z220.834 z220.835 z220.839 z220.85 z220.859 z220.86 z220.863 z220.864 z220.88 z220.9 z220.909 z220.911 z220.92 z220.922 z220.93 z220.933 z220.935 z220.936 z220.95 z221 z222 z222 z222.06 z222.1 z222.2 z222.3 z222.4 z222.5 z223 z223.095 z223.1 z223.11 z223.12 z223.13 Bible dictionaries Encyclopedias of the Bible Exegesis (Criticism and interpretation, formerly z221) Commentaries traditional (i.e. Rashi) Commentaries modern (i.e. Nehama Leibowitz) Special topics in the Bible (Includes science in the Bible, prophecy, Israel in the Bible, trees in the Bible) Number symbolism and astrology Sex in the Bible Sociological and anthropological approach to the Bible and political science Occupations Biblical law Bible battles/warfare Daily life Science (Includes animals, plants, and natural history) Torah and the Earth (Nature) Medicine Farming/Gardening Animals Bible as literature and Biblical language Biblical history and geography Biblical history Biblical atlases Collective biographies of Biblical characters Individual biography as alternative to z920 Biblical archeology Near Eastern texts Dead Sea Scrolls Paleontology (Israel) Bible stories (Use for groups of stories. Use correct Bible number when possible) Influences of the Bible (On art, literature, folklore, music, psychology, math and numerology) Torah (Pentateuch. Add 07 to base number for commentaries) Torah (For Haftorot see Liturgy, z263) Pentateuch interpretation & criticism (For all 22- and 23- numbers, subdivide as for 220) Genesis Exodus (include Ten Commandments) Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Prophets Retellings of collections of Prophets Early Prophets Joshua Judges Samuel (I and II)

Weine Classification Scheme for Judaica Libraries z223.14 z223.2 z223.21 z223.22 z223.23 z223.3 z223.31 z224 z224.1 z224.2 z224.3 z224.4 z224.41 z224.42 z224.43 z224.44 z224.45 z224.5 z224.6 z224.7 z225 z227 z228 z229 z229.1 z230 z231 z231.01 z231.1 z231.2 z231.3 z232 z232.1 z232.11 z232.2 z232.3 z233 z233.1 z233.2 z234 z234.1 z234.2 z234.3 z234.4 z234.5 z235 z235.1 z235.2 z235.3 Kings (I and II) Later Prophets Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Minor Prophets (The Twelve) Jonah Writings Psalms Proverbs Job The Five Scrolls (Megillot) Song of Songs Ruth Lamentations Ecclesiastes Esther Daniel Ezra and Nehemiah Chronicles (I and II) Religion of Israel in Biblical times Translations and versions (Non-Jewish) Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha Christian Scriptures and Christian Apocryphal texts (New Testament) Special Topics Post-Biblical Rabbinic literature Talmud Selections in the Talmud Commentaries Introductions Dictionaries Tannaitic literature Mishnah Pirke Avot Tosephta and Baraita Halakhic Midrashim Midrash Modern Midrash Introduction to Midrash Halakhah (Use for general works on Jewish law) Dietary Laws Tallit, tzitsit, and tefillin Status of women (Includes Mikvah) Marriage and divorce (For all other treatment see z304.2) Death, burial, mourning Responsa (Includes modern times) 6th-11th centuries (Geonim) 12th-16th centuries (Rishonim) 17th-19th centuries (Aharonim)

6 z235.4 z236 z236.1 z236.2 z236.3 z236.4 z236.5 z237 20th century Codes Alfasi Mishneh Torah Tur Shulhan Arukh Other codes Rabbinic Authorities (Rabbis as factors in the development of above. Personal lives should be classified under biography) z238 The Academies (Includes Sanhendrin and Babylonian Academies). z240 Holidays and customs (Includes Halakhah. For Siddurim and Mahzorim see z262) z241 Shabbat (Includes Halakhah and Havdalah) z242 High Holy Days z242.1 Rosh Hashanah z242.2 Yom Kippur z243 The Pilgrimage Festivals (Sukkot, Passover, Shavuot) z243.1 Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret and Simhat Torah z243.11 Sukkot z243.12 Shemini Atzeret z243.13 Simhat Torah z243.2 Passover z243.25 Sefirah period z243.3 Shavuot z244 Minor holidays z244.1 Hanukkah z244.2 Tu Bi-Shevat (Hamishah Asar Bi-Shevat) z244.3 Purim z244.4 Lag Ba-Omer z244.5 Israel Independence Day (Includes Yom HaZikkaron, the memorial day for Israeli soldiers) z244.6 Yom HaShoah (Day of Remembrance, for Holocaust victims) z244.7 Yom Yerushalayim z244.8 Rosh Hodesh z244.9 Secular holidays (i.e. Thanksgiving) z245 Fast days z245.1 Tishah be-Av z246 Observances (Customs and ceremonies) z246.1 Berit Milah and naming (Includes childbirth and Simhat Bat) z246.103 Name dictionaries z246.2 Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah z246.3 Confirmation z246.4 Marriage (For sociological treatment see z304.2) z246.45 Midlife z246.5 Death (Mourning, funeral, customs, etc. For laws see z234.5) z247 Symbols and symbolism z249 Calendar z250 Religion and theology (See also z270-z278 for specific religious ideologies. Includes Spirituality)

Weine Classification Scheme for Judaica Libraries z250.03 z250.08 z250.09 z251 z251.1 z252 z252.5 z253 z254 z255 z255.2 z256 z257 z258 Dictionaries of Religion Collections (Includes Festschriften) History of Religion God (Includes faith) Atheism and Agnosticism Revelation Miracles Torah (Concept) Chosen People Prayer (Concept) Meditation Mitzvot Tikkun Olam Messiah (Including false messiahs) Reward and punishment (Includes world-to-come, eschatology, angels, demons, death, & theology) z258.1 Resurrection z258.5 Apocalyptical literature z259 Jewish philosophy (Includes books on life and work of individuals) z259.1 Ancient philosophy (Includes Philo, etc.) z259.2 Medieval philosophy (Includes Maimonides, etc.) z259.3 Modern philosophy z259.4 Non-Jewish philosophy z260 The Synagogue z260.09 History z261 Organization z262 Liturgy z262.1 Daily Prayer Books z262.106 Daily Prayer Books Criticism & interpretation z262.107 Daily Prayer Books Commentaries z262.2 Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur mahzorim z262.21 Selihot z262.3 Sabbath and Festival Prayer Books z262.31 Sabbath Prayer Books z262.32 Festival Prayer Books (Sukkot, Passover, Shavuot) z262.33 Purim Prayer Books (includes Megillah) z262.5 Passover Haggadot z262.51 Yom Ha-Atzmaut Haggadot z262.6 Lamentations and kinot z262.7 Other (Includes memorial Prayer Books. Includes Women's prayers) z262.8 Blessings on the sun z263 Torah readings and Haftarot (Includes portion of the week) z264 Sermons (Includes homiletics and inspirational books) z265 Rabbinate (History, functions) z266 Cantorate (History, functions) z269 Synagogue history z270 Religious organizations and ideologies (Use for comparative Judaism) z272 Orthodox Judaism z272.09 History and ideology z272.1 Rabbinical and synagogue associations

8 z272.2 z274 z274.09 z274.1 z274.2 z276 z276.09 z276.1 z276.2 z278 z278.09 z278.1 z278.2 z279 z280 z281 z282 z283 z284 z285 z285.1 z285.2 z285.3 z290 z290.1 z291 z292 z294 z295 z296 z296.1 z296.2 z296.29 z296.4 z297 z298 z299 300 z300 z300.04 z300.45 z300.46 z300.75 z301 z301.05 z302 z303 Publications, etc. Conservative Judaism History and ideology Rabbinical and synagogue associations Publications, etc. Reform Judaism History and ideology Rabbinical and synagogue associations Publications, etc. Reconstructionism History and ideology Rabbinical and synagogue associations Publications, etc. Secular Judaism Jewish sects and movements Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes Karaism Mysticism (Includes Kabbalah and Meditation) Hasidism (Includes Mitnaggedim) Others Havurot Humanistic Judaism Renewal movement Other religions (Includes comparative religion) Ecumenism (Jewish-Christian dialogue, etc.) Jewish mythology Mormonism Buddhism Religions of the ancient Near East Christianity Jewish-Christian relations Proselytizing materials aimed at Jews Personal narratives of converts from Judaism to Christianity Jewish responses to conversion attempts Islam Far Eastern religions Others (Includes cults) Sociology (Includes collective behavior, group personality traits, etc. Jewish identity and assimilation see z303. Includes Social Action) Sociology Essays Relations with other ethnic or social groups Jews for Jesus Sociology U.S. Anti-Semitism Genocide Jewish culture and civilization (Including Jews in many lands) Jewish identity and assimilation

Weine Classification Scheme for Judaica Libraries z304 Jewish family (from sociological viewpoint) z304.01 Family values z304.1 Status of women z304.2 Sex and marriage (from sociological viewpoint) z304.21 Homosexuality z304.22 In-Laws z304.23 Engagement z304.3 Divorce z304.4 Intermarriage and interdating z304.41 Interfaith issues z304.5 Parenting and Grandparenting z304.501 Siblings z304.6 Single and working parents z304.7 Adoption z304.8 Status of Men z304.9 Aging Parents (Caregiving) z305 Converts and conversion (Sociological aspects. Includes outreach) z312 Jewish demography (Includes statistics on Jewish population, occupations, urbanization, etc., except in Israel) z315 Israeli yearbooks z317 American Jewish yearbooks z321 Forms of Jewish self-government (Includes medieval and modern, local and regional) z322 International Relations (Includes diplomacy) z322.42 Terrorism (International) z323 Relations of state to individuals or groups (Includes political status and behavior of Jews under various types of government. For religion in the public schools see z379) z323.1 Civil Rights z324 Elections (Jewish voting patterns, etc.) z325 Jewish migrations z328 Congress U.S z330 Economics z331 Jewish occupations z331.8 Labor unions z331.9 Businesses (Levi Strauss, diamond industry, garment industry, etc.) z331.91 Jewish wealth & influence z333 Personal Finance z335 Economic ideologies (Communism, Socialism, the Bund, etc., in relation to Jews, Jewish radicalism) z338 Guilds z340 Law (Non-Jewish laws affecting Jews) z341 International law (Includes genocide) z345 Trials U.S z360 Social welfare z361 Social problems z361.1 Alcoholism and drug abuse z361.2 Physical and Mental Disabilities z361.3 Prostitution

10 z361.4 z361.5 z361.6 z361.7 z361.8 z361.9 z362 z362.1 z362.2 z362.3 z362.4 z362.5 z362.6 z362.7 z362.8 z362.9 z363 z364 z366 z367.2 z369 z370 Suicide Poverty (Includes homelessness) Old age AIDS (social aspects) Family abuse (Including children) Other Jewish social agencies Hospitals Special services (Includes the blind, ORT, etc.) Jewish centers Agencies dealing with immigrant aid (HIAS, J.D.C., etc.) Agencies dealing with Jewish poor Retirement and nursing homes Child welfare and guidance (Includes child abuse) Service to families (Includes adoption) History and development of Jewish welfare services Philanthropy/Fundraising (Including educational, volunteering) Criminology Associations (Includes fraternal orders, lodges, interfaith organizations) Hadassah Scouting Education (For specific types of Jewish schools see z377. All teaching materials for a specific subject, i.e., holidays, may be catalogued with the subject using .07) Educational theory Education Essays Education Anecdotes National Agencies for Jewish education (American Association for Jewish Education, etc.) Bureaus and Central agencies of Jewish Education Teacher and parent organizations Administrators' organizations Educational publications (Includes periodicals and bibliographies) Educational surveys (Includes demographics) History of Jewish education Teaching Personnel Certification Compensation Grievances Professional education and staff development School organization and administration (Including faculty, school boards, admissions, finances, school records, tests, and measurements) Counseling Faculty Finances (Including grant writing) School boards School records Scheduling

z370.01 z370.04 z370.07 z370.1 z370.2 z370.3 z370.4 z370.5 z370.6 z370.9 z371 z371.1 z371.11 z371.12 z371.13 z371.14 z371.2 z371.21 z371.22 z371.23 z371.24 z371.25 z371.26

Weine Classification Scheme for Judaica Libraries z371.27 z371.28 z371.3 z371.31 z371.311 z371.312 z371.314 z371.32 z371.321 z371.322 z371.323 z371.324 z371.325 z371.326 z371.327 z371.328 z371.329 z371.4 z371.5


z371.9 z371.91 z371.92 z371.93 z372 z372.09 z372.1 z372.2 z372.21 z372.22 z372.25 z372.3 z372.31 z372.32 z372.33 z372.34 z372.35 z372.36 z372.361 z372.362 z272.363 z372.37 z372.371 z372.372 z372.39 z372.4 z372.5 z372.6

Tests and measurements Other Methods and aids Methods Learning in groups (Including cooperative learning and ability grouping) Whole language and theme teaching Experimental methods Aids Storytelling Games, quizzes, and trivia (Formerly z793.7) Art, humor and music in education Computer assisted instruction Contracts Maps Mass media in education Simulation methods Other Classroom procedures (Includes classroom discipline) Educational technology (Books on use of recordings, films, tapes, computers. Audio-visual material itself should be classified according to subject) Education of special children Education of physically handicapped children Education of mentally handicapped children Education of gifted children Elementary education History of elementary education Nursery schools Pre-school and Sunday schools for ages 3-5 (Pre-elementary classes) Curricula Texts Programs, extra-curricular activities, and stories Elementary schools Curricula and teaching of specific subjects (Includes textbooks) Hebrew Yiddish Bible Siddur and prayer History Israel Holocaust U.S. - Jewish History Religion (Includes God) Holidays Customs and ceremonies Arts, crafts, music, and dance Junior congregation Extra-curricular activities (Includes assembly programs and dramatics) Other subjects

12 z373 z373.09 z373.1 z373.2 z373.3 z373.4 z373.5 z373.6 z373.7 z373.71 z373.72 z373.73 z373.8 z373.9 z374 z374.1 z374.2 z374.3 z374.4 z374.5 z374.6 z375 z375.1 z375.2 z375.3 z375.4 z375.5 z376 z377 z377.1 z377.2 z377.3 z377.4 z377.5 z377.7 z377.6 z378 z378.06 z378.1 z378.2 z378.3 z378.4 z378.5 z378.6 z378.7 z378.8 Secondary education History Curricula Hebrew Yiddish Bible Talmud and Rabbinic literature Medieval and modern literature History Israel Holocaust U.S. Religion Vocational and educational guidance Adult education (For colleges and universities see z378) Texts, curricula, and methods National organizations for the promotion of adult Jewish education i.e. JESNA Adult education on local levels (In synagogues, schools, centers, etc.) Forums/Institutes Camps for adult education Family education Curricula (For specific curricula, see under kind of school. e.g., elementary curriculum) Theory aims and objectives Types of curricula, (i.e. core curriculum, etc.) Extra-curricular activities Planning Research Jewish education in other lands (Subdivide geographically like history. For education in Israel see z953.7) Types of schools Community-wide schools Congregational schools Sunday schools (Or other one-day schools) Day schools Yiddish schools Educational camps Home schooling Higher education Student Societies (Hillel, ATID, etc. and student service/programs) Jewish colleges and universities (Gratz, Dropsie, Yeshiva) Jewish-sponsored colleges and universities (Brandeis) Judaic studies departments in general universities Rabbinical schools Jewish teachers' schools Research institutes (YIVO, etc.) Cantorial schools Scholarships, fellowships, etc.

Weine Classification Scheme for Judaica Libraries z378.9 z379 z383 z387 z391 z395 z398 z398.09 z398.1 z398.2 z398.3 z398.9 400 z400 z401 z410 z423 z428.24 z461.1 z470 z471 z471.2 z472 z473 z473.1 z473.2 z473.3 z474 z475 z476 z477 z478 z478.3 z479 z480 z483 z488.3 z488.4 z489 z490 500 z500 z513 z516 z535.6 z572 Jewish fraternities and sororities Education and the state (Includes released time education) Postage (Includes Israeli stamps) Maritime activities Costume Etiquette Folklore History and criticism Fairy tales Legends Magic and superstition Proverbs and Sayings Language (For literature see z800's) Origin of language Sign Language English Language Dictionaries and Thesauri English as a second language Ladino Hebrew Language (Teaching) Writing (Including alphabet, pronunciation, etc.) Romanization Derivation (Origin of Hebrew) Hebrew dictionaries English-Hebrew dictionaries Hebrew-English dictionaries Hebrew and other languages Synonyms Hebrew grammar (Includes teaching) Hebrew language games and puzzles Curricula Hebrew readers (Textbooks, A/V stories, and musical curricula) Hebrew phrase books History of the Hebrew Language Yiddish Language (Subdivide like Hebrew above) Yiddish dictionaries Yiddish phrase books Yiddish readers History of Yiddish Other Semitic and Jewish languages (Aramaic, Ugaritic, Judeo-Persian, etc.) Pure science Counting books Size and shape books Color books Ethnology, genetics


14 z574 z574.5 z591 z599 600 z600 z610 z610.1 610.5 z611 z613 z615 z616 z618 z620 z630 z635.9 z640 z641 z641.22 z641.5 z642 z647.95 z652 z655 700 z700 z700.73 z701 z702 z704 z704.9 z708 z709 z709.1 z709.2 z709.3 z720 z720.9 z726 z729 z730 z735 z737 z738.3 z740 Biology Ecology (Includes environmental issues) Zoology (Includes animal rights) Mammals Applied Sciences Medicine (Includes medical and bioethics) Medical dictionaries Natural medicines Human body (puberty) Health Spiritual healing Diseases (Includes all genetic diseases) Pregnancy Computers (Includes programming) Agriculture Flower arrangement Establishing a Jewish home Cooking Wine Cookbooks Entertaining Restaurant directories Calligraphy, Hebrew (For illumination of books and manuscripts see z709.2) Printing The Arts American artists Art and religion Bible and art Ceremonial art (Includes objects used in the practice of Jewish traditions in the synagogue and home, e.g., ketubah) Special subjects Museums (Except in Israel. Includes Catalogs) History of art Ancient art Medieval art (Includes illuminated books and manuscripts) Modern art, 1900 Architecture History of Jewish architecture Synagogue architecture Mosaics Sculpture Modern sculpture, 1900 Coins (Includes medals and medallions) Ceramic arts including pottery Drawing

Weine Classification Scheme for Judaica Libraries z741.5 z741.6 z744 z745 z745.1 z745.2 z746 z747 z748 z749 z750 z763 z767 z769 z770 z770.1 z780 z780.09 z781 z782 z783 z783.09 z783.1 z783.2 z783.22 z783.3 z783.4 z783.5 z783.6 z784 z784.1 z784.11 z784.2 z784.3 z784.4 z784.5 z784.6 z784.9 z784.91 z784.92 z785 z786 z790.19 z791 z792 z792.3 z792.4 z792.9 z793 Cartoons Calligraphy Crafts for children Decorative arts (Handcraft in leather, wood, ceramics, metal, etc.) Arts and crafts books Book illustrations Textile handicrafts (Embroidery, fabrics, needlework etc.) Folk Art Glassware and stained glass Puppets Painting Lithographs Etchings and dry point Woodcuts Photography Journalism/Photojournalism Music History of music Musical instruments Dramatic music (Cantatas, operas, operettas, show music, etc.) Synagogue music (Includes hymnals) History Cantillation (Chant of the Biblical books) Sabbath Sabbath Songs High Holy Days Pilgrimage Festivals (Sukkot, Passover, Shavuot) Minor Holidays Other (Wedding music, memorial chants, psalms, etc.) Vocal music Folk songs Hasidic songs Children's songs Israeli songs (Including popular artists) Yiddish songs Sephardic music Wedding music Specific Holiday Songs Rock Other Instrumental music (Divide like z784) Klezmer Resorts (e.g., Borscht belt) Radio and TV programs (Not movies) Theater Israeli Theater Yiddish Theater Puppets and Puppet Plays Dancing


16 z794 z794.1 z796 z796.48 z796.54 z796.92 800 z800 z802 z804 z806 z807 z808 Cinema Yiddish Cinema Athletics and sports Olympic Games Camps and camping (For educational camps see z377.6) Sports Collective Biography Jewish literature (all languages) Writing, journals, diaries Essays Letters Miscellany, quotations, etc. Anthologies from several languages (Subdivide like American literature below. i.e.: collections of poetry from several languages, z808.1, collections of dramas, z808.2, etc.) Medieval literature Collections of poetry Collections of drama Collections of fiction Collections of Short Stories by various authors (Short Stories all by one author class in Fiction) Essays Jewish wit and humor Satire History of literature (All literature may be subdivided like American Literature) American Literature Collections of American Literature History and criticism of American Literature American Poetry History and criticism of American poetry (Add.09 to numbers following to indicate history and criticism) American drama (Includes musicals) American fiction (Includes short stories. Classification number may omitted) American essays American oratory American letters American humor American miscellany Canadian literature English literature German literature Other Germanic literatures (Dutch, Scandinavian, etc.) French literature Italian literature Sephardic literature Ladino literature Latin American Literature

z808.01 z808.1 z808.2 z808.3 z808.31 z808.4 z808.7 z808.71 z809 z810 z810.08 z810.09 z811 z811.09 z812 z813 z814 z815 z816 z817 z818 z819 z820 z830 z839 z840 z850 z860 z867.1 z868

Weine Classification Scheme for Judaica Libraries z870 z870.1 z871 z871.1 z871.2 z873 z879 z879.2 z880 z881 z882 z883 z884 z888 z889 z890 z891.7 z898 z898.9 z899 900 z900 z900.01 z900.02 z901 z901.1 z901.2 z902 z902.1 z902.2 z902.3 z902.4 z903 z903.1 z903.2 z903.3 z903.4 z906 z910 z910.2 z912 z913 z913 Hebrew Literature (Include translations) Medieval Hebrew Literature Hebrew poetry Medieval Hebrew poetry Modern Hebrew poetry Hebrew fiction Israeli Literature (Use if desired to keep Israeli Literature in a separate category, otherwise include with other literature, z870) Israeli Drama in English Yiddish Literature Yiddish Poetry Yiddish Plays Yiddish Short Stories Yiddish Essays Yiddish Miscellany and Quotations Latin and Greek Literature Russian Literature Russian language Literature Polish Literature Literature in other Slavic tongues Others (Arabic, etc.) History of the Jews (Includes one-volume histories and complete histories. i.e. Graetz, Baron, etc.) History Philosophy History Outlines, Syllabi, etc. (Includes timelines) Ancient Jewish history Ancient Jewish history to the end of the First Temple period, 586 B.C.E. Exilic and Second Temple period to 70 C.E. Medieval period (70 C.E. to 1789) 70 C.E. to 425 (End of Patriarchate) 425 C.E. to 1038 (End of Gaonic period) 1038 to 1492 (Expulsion from Spain) 1492 to 1789 (French Revolution) Modern period (1789 ) 1789 1918 1918 1933 1933 1948 1948 (For history of Jews in specific countries see z940) Emancipation Geography and travel (Includes general books on Jews in other countries) Guide books (Comprehensive works) Atlases (Subdivide by country as in 900's below. e.g., 912.73 is U.S. atlas) Geography and travel. (Includes description of daily life, guide books, etc., of specific regions, except Israel. For travel in Israel see z958) Geography of the ancient world


18 z914 z915 z916 z917 z918 z919 z920 z929 z929.03 z929.05 z929.06 z929.07 z929.09 z933 z939 z940 z940.1 z940.2 z940.3 z940.4 z940.403 z940.41 z940.411 z940.416 z940.42 z940.43 z940.431 z940.432 z940.433 z940.44 z940.441 z940.442 z940.45 z940.46 z940.47 z940.472 z940.474 z940.477 z940.478 z940.479 z940.48 z940.481 z940.482 z940.5 z940.51 z940.52 Geography of travel in Europe (Can be subdivided like z940's-z990's, e.g., Geography and travel in England, z914.2) Geography and travel in Asia Geography and travel in Africa Geography and travel in North America Geography and travel in South America Geography and travel in Oceania Collective biographies Genealogy general guides Names Periodicals Local Associations How-To Family histories Archaeology (General. For specific areas, see under Bible z220.93 and Israel z955) Persecuted peoples History of Jews in Europe Medieval period 1789 Emancipation (1789 1918) 1918-1933 Holocaust (1933 1945) Holocaust (Encyclopedias) Concentration Camps Slave labor Medical experiments Ghettos Biographies and personal narratives Personal narratives (Includes diaries) Biography Nazi biographies and memoirs Resistance Rescue (Includes Righteous Gentiles) Kindertransport Refugees and D.P.'s Holocaust in individual countries (Can be subdivided alphabetically) Special Topics Church and Holocaust Film Art and music Drama, poetry, fiction and literature surveys Historiography Theology Jewish Christian Post Holocaust War Crimes and trials (Includes search and capture. Cutter by Eichman, Nuremberg, etc. if desired) Survivors

Weine Classification Scheme for Judaica Libraries z940.53 z940.54 z940.57 z940.59 z940.6 z940.7 z941 z942 z942.1 z943 z943.1 z943.2 z943.3 z943.4 z943.6 z943.7 z943.9 z944 z945 z946 z946.1 z947 Children of Survivors Holocaust Memorials and museums Reparations Holocaust denial literature 1945 1989 Post WWII to Fall of Berlin Wall 1990 History of Jews in Scotland History of Jews in England History of Jews in Ireland History of Jews in Germany To 1933 1933 1945 1945 1989 1990 History of Jews in Austria History of Jews in Czechoslovakia History of Jews in Hungary History of Jews in France History of Jews in Italy (Includes ancient Rome) History of Jews in Spain and Portugal History of Sephardim History of Jews in Russia and Poland (Includes Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Polish Galicia) z947.1 Jews in Russia z947.11 To 1917 z947.12 1917 1990 z947.121 Soviet Jewry movement (Includes Refuseniks) z947.13 1990 z947.2 Jews in Poland z947.9 Soviet migr experience and dissenters z948 Other East European countries of Jewish settlement (Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, etc. For Turkey see z959.1. Includes those of Sephardic settlement) z949 Other European countries z949.2 Holland z949.8 Scandinavia z950 Israel z950.01 History of Palestine from ancient times to 1950 z950.1 General history, 1850 1947 z950.11 1850 1919 z950.15 1920 1947 z950.2 History 1948 z950.21 Israel War of Independence z950.22 1948 1956 (Including the Sinai Campaign of 1956) z950.23 1957 1967 (Including the June 1967 War) z950.24 1968 1973 (Including the Yom Kippur War of 1973) z950.25 1974 1982 (Includes Entebbe rescue, Camp David Accords, Lebanon Conflict) z950.26 1983 (Includes Intifada, Israel-PLO Recognition Treaty, Sept. 3, 1999)


20 z950.27 z951 z951.09 z951.1 z951.2 z951.3 z952 z952.1 z953 z953.1 z953.2 z953.21 z953.22 z953.23 z953.231 z953.232 z953.233 z954.234 z953.235 z953.236 z953.24 z953.25 z953.3 z953.4 z953.5 z953.6 z953.7 z953.8 z953.9 z954 z954.1 z954.2 z954.3 z955 z956 z957 z958 z958.1 z958.2 z958.3 z958.4 z958.5 z958.51 z958.6 2000 Second Intifada Zionism (1860 1948. Theoretical, philosophical, etc.) History Theory Parties ideologies and organizations (Mizrahi, Labor Zionists, Revisionists, etc.) Zionism in the Diaspora since 1948 Religion in Israel Relations with state Social organization in Israel (Includes social institutions, social problems, cooperatives, etc.) Statistics/Demography Political science, foreign relations, immigration, etc. Governmental structure Foreign relations (Includes relations to Diaspora and the United Nations) Israel-Arab relations Pre 1917 1919 1948 1949 1973 1974 1992 1993 Terrorism Immigration and emigration Palestinians (Includes PLO) Collective Settlements (Kibbutzim, moshavim, etc.) Courts, law, etc. Defense and Military Affairs (Includes armed forces and IDF); Intelligence services Social welfare Education Languages (Formerly z954) Israel-American Relations Economic Conditions Labor Commerce and Development Land use Science in Israel (Includes archeology, natural science, Weizmann Institute) Applied science in Israel (Includes medicine, hospitals, agriculture, ecology, Technion, etc.) Arts in Israel (Includes art, music, theater, film, museums, architecture, dance, etc.) Cities and regions in Israel (Includes geography, travel, and history) Jerusalem and surrounding areas Tel Aviv and coastal plain Haifa Galilee Central district West Bank Negev and south

Weine Classification Scheme for Judaica Libraries z959 z959.1 z959.2 z959.3 z959.4 z959.5 z959.6 Z959.7 z959.8 z959.9 z960 z961 z962 z963 z964 z965 z966 z967 z968 z969 z970 z971 z972 z972.8 z972.9 z973 z973.1 z973.2 z973.3 z973.4 z973.5 z974 z974.1 z974.2 z974.3 z974.4 z974.5 z974.6 z974.7 z974.71 z974.8 z974.81 z974.9 z975 z975.9 z976 z977 z977.1 Jews in the Middle East Jews in Turkey (Includes Cyprus and Rhodes) Yemen Iran Jordan Lebanon Iraq Saudi Arabia Syria Other Jews in Africa and Far East North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Libya, etc.) Egypt Ethiopia South Africa Other African India and Pakistan China Japan Other Jews in North America Jews in Canada Jews in Mexico Jews in Central America Caribbean, West Indies (Includes Cuba) Jews in the U.S. Colonial period 1776 1776 1881 (Beginning of mass immigration) 1881 1924 (Restriction of immigration) 1924 1945 Post WWII Jews in Northeastern states Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York State New York City Pennsylvania Philadelphia New Jersey Southeastern states, Delaware through Florida (See Dewey for further breakdown) Florida Gulf states North Central states Ohio


22 z977.2 z977.21 z977.4 z977.6 z977.7 z978 z979 z979.1 z979.12 z979.4 z979.41 z980 z981 z982 z988 z993 z994 z999 Illinois Chicago Michigan Minnesota Iowa Plains and mountain states Pacific states (Includes Hawaii and Alaska) Southwest (Includes Pioneers in the West) Arizona California Los Angeles Jews in South America Brazil Argentina The Guianas New Zealand Australia Other areas (Oceania)

Weine Classification Scheme for Judaica Libraries Biography List under B plus initial letter (or letters) of biography subject, e.g. biography of Theodor Herzl: B Her


or classify under appropriate subject. For collective biographies, use z920 or classify under appropriate subject. In addition to classification number, use: Ref H Y J E T Q Reference books (below deleted) Hebrew books Yiddish books Juvenile books For very young children Teen-age books Extra-size books (quarto)

Standard Subdivisions If desired, any number in the system may be further subdivided by the addition of the following form numbers. (E.g., periodicals in the field of Jewish social work would be z930.05; essays on modern Jewish art z709.304) 01 02 03 04 05 058 06 07 08 09 Theory, philosophy of, research Outlines, compendiums Dictionaries, encyclopedias of special subjects Essays, addresses, lectures Periodicals Directories Associations, societies Study and teaching Collections History of


DIRECTIONS FOR USE OF THE RELATIVE INDEX TO THE WEINE CLASSIFICATION SCHEME FOR JUDAICA LIBRARIES This list is intended only as an aid to classification. We have tried to include all possible terms under which a cataloger might look, and in the case of Hebrew words, have used the Sephardic spellings. This list should not be used as a substitute for the recommended terms given in the Subject Headings for a Judaica Library, or the Library of Congress subject headings. Never classify solely from this index. When the cataloger is not sure of the proper classification number to be assigned to a particular book, this relative index will suggest possible numbers. It is for the cataloger to decide which number is most applicable, after checking with the classification scheme. An asterisk (*) before a word indicates that detailed subdivision of the subject can be found in the classification scheme.


To avoid needless repetition, only those books of the Bible which are not named in the Weine Classification Scheme are listed in the Relative Index. Names of countries, except Israel, are omitted because they can be found easily in the 900's of the Scheme. In transliterating Hebrew words, the authority used for romanization is The Encyclopaedia Judaica, except that a line is used under the letter "h" in place of a dot to represent the sound of the letter "het"; for example: Hanukkah, Shehitah. For form divisions of a subject see the last page of the Weine Classification Scheme. The Weine Classification Scheme adds a "z" before each number to distinguish it from the number in the Dewey Decimal Classification. It is highly recommended that teaching materials be classified with the subject area, rather than under the education numbers given. The fourth edition of the Relative Index was prepared for the Synagogue, School and Center Division of the Association of Jewish Libraries by Joel Tuchman of Sinai Temple Blumenthal Library in Los Angeles.



Aboth, Pirke use Avot, Pirkei Abuse, family Academies, Babylonian Actors 232.11 Agriculture Aid to students, financial 361.8 AIDS (social aspects) 238 Al Fatah 920, B, or classify with appropriate drama number Alcoholism Alfasi Addresses collections 804 for subdivision of specific subject add .04 Administration libraries school synagogue Adolescence child study problems Adoption *Adult Education Afforestation (in Israel) Africa Aliyah All-day schools Almanacs American Jewish Israel world Alphabet, Hebrew 136.7 362.7 362.8, 304.7 Amos, Book of 374 956 960 Ancient history philosophy see also specific subjects Angels Animals of the Bible Afterlife Aged Agencies educational social welfare see also organizations Aggadah Agnosticism Agricultural colonies see name of country 258 Animal rights 362, 361.6 Anthologies 808 Add .08 to specific literature or subject number Antiquities Biblical General Israeli Anti-Semitism Apocalyptical Literature 591 901 259.1 223.3 Amoraim see also 953.23 361.1 236.1 951, 953.24 377.4 361.7 630 378


020 371.2 261

317 315 030 471 231 237

Afro-American - Jewish Relations 300.48, 301

258 220.8

370.1 362

231, 398.2 251

220.93 933 955 301 258.5

Apocrypha Apostates Arabs citizens in Israel terrorists Aramaic language Archeology Biblical general Israeli Architecture history Israeli synagogue Armed Forces, Israel *Art American artists ancient Bible art calligraphy ceremonial collections decorative exhibits folk history Israeli medieval modern mosaics museums Israeli museums and religion Arts and crafts books education see also specific craft Atheism Athletes 228, 229 305 959 953.1, 953.25 953.23 953.23 490 Audio-visual education 220.93 933 955 720 720.7 957 726 953.5 700 700.73 709.1 702 741.6 704 708 745, 746,748 708 747 709 957 709.2 709.3 729 708 957 701 Autobiography Avot, Pirkei Awards and prizes Baal Shem Tov, Israel Ben Eliezer Babylonian exile (586-538 BCE) Babylonian exilarchate (200-1000 CE) 371.5 B, 920 232.11 007.9 *Atlases Bible Israel Atonement Atonement, Day of liturgy music 912 220.9 912.5 258 242 262.2 783.3

284, B, 920


902.1, 902.1

Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah 246.2 etiquette of 395 Baraita Baraitot Bedouins in Israel 232.2 232.2 959 953, 958, 953.23

Behavior child study sociology *Berakhot (Benedictions) Berakhot (Tract.)

136.7 300 262

743.1 372.39

231 246.1 957 220

251.1 796, 920, B

Berit Milah Bezalel School *Bible


animals 220.85 archeology 220.93 art 702 atlases 220.911 biography 220.92 cantillation 783.1 commentaries 220.7 concordances and indexes 220.2 criticism and interpretation221 dictionaries 220.3 encyclopedias 220.39 geography 220.9 history historical books 220.9 history of period 901, 902 illustrations 709.2 individual books, see schedule influence 221 legends 220.95, 233, 398.2 natural history 220.8 origins, authorship 220.1 New Testament 229 prophetic books 223 quiz books 371.322 religion 225 sources 220.1 stories 220.95 study, teaching 373.34, 373.4 Ten Commandments 222.2 textbooks 372.34, 373.4 translations, non-Jewish 227 versions, non-Jewish 227 Biblical characters biographies criticism, interpretation Bibliographies general Jewish Bio-Ethics Jewish Black-Jewish relations Blessings on the sun Blind, Services to B'nai B'rith Book awards Book lists general Jewish Book reviews Books classification cataloging Jewish, history of reading Boy Scouts Brit Milah use Berit Milah Brochot (Blessings) use Berakhot Brotherhoods, synagogue Orthodox Conservative Reform Reconstructionist Buddhism 011 016 171 610 Bund, The 300.45, 301 262 262.8 362.2 366 028.1


011 016 028

025 025 028.2 028 369 246.1


220.92 220.6

270 272.1 274.1 276.1 278.1 294 947

Bureaus of Jewish Education 370.2 Burial Customs and Ceremonies 246.5 Halakhah 234.5 Businesses 331.9 (i.e. Levi Strauss, diamond industry, garment industry, etc.)

Biographies Biblical characters 220.92 collective, classify with subject or 920 individual, classify with subject or B Biology 574

Cabala use Kabbalah Cabbalah see Kabbalah Calendar Calligraphy, Hebrew Camp David Accords Camps/camping Israeli Canada Cantatas Cantillation Cantorial Schools Cantorate Cantors biographies functions Capital punishment Careers Cartoons Cataloging Catalogs Censorship Centers, Community Ceramic Arts *Ceremonial art *Ceremonies teaching of 249 652 Chanting 950.25 377.6, 374.5, 796.54 954 971 782 783.1 378.7 266 Chazzanim use Hazzanim 266, 920 266 364 331 741.5 025 032, 090 098 362.3 738.3 704 246 246 or 372.372 if already in use services liturgy synagogue songs stories, fiction Children crafts for children gifted, education of handicapped, education of physically mentally Children's poetry 744 371.93 371.91, 371.92 Child abuse guidance psychology study welfare 266 Chanukah use Hanukkah Chaplains Character traits (Middot) Charities (organized) Charity (Tzedakah) Chassidism use Hasidism 244.1 783.1 283 Certification of teachers Chalutzim use Halutzim Chamishah Asar b'Shevat use Tu Bi-Shevat 371.1 951


265 150 362 256, 170 284

361.8, 362.7 362.7 136.7 136.7 362.7

808.1, 811, etc. 262 372.4 784.2 813, 823, etc. or with subject


China Choirs Choral music Chosen people Christian-Jewish dialogue Christianity Christianity & Judaism Church & state Cinema Circumcision Citizenship Civil Rights Civil War (U.S.) Civilization, Jewish Classification of books Classroom discipline management procedure *Codes Coins 967 783 784 254 290.1 Communism 296 290 323 794 246.1 323 323.1 973.7 302 025 Community centers funds life organization organizations wide schools Comparative religion Compensation teachers librarians Computers Concentration camps 362.3 362 300, 302, 360, 321 321, 360 366 377.1 290 335 Commentaries Bible Talmud 220.7 231.1 Commandments mitzvot Ten


256 222.2, 222.5, 243.3

371.1 023 620 940.41

371.4 371.4 371.4 236 737

Concordances Bible 220.2 for other subjects add .03 to subject number Confirmation Confucianism Congregational schools Congregations junior Conservative Judaism 246.3 298 377.2 260 372.4 274, 275 246.5

Collections biography, subject area, or 920 *literature 808 Collective settlements (Israel) 953.3 *Colleges Colonization see history of country Color books 535.6 378

Consolation Contribution to civilization, Jewish


Conversion 305, 296.2, 296.4 641 641.22 641.5 391 Dancing Counseling educational family rabbinical Counting books Courts in Israel in U.S. Sanhedrin Courtship Crafts arts and crafts as a profession decorative arts for children Creation Crime and criminals in Israel Criminology 371.2 362.8 265 531 321 953.4 345 238 246.4, 304.2 Days of Awe 745.1 331 745, 746, 748 744 222.1 364 953.4 364 Decorative arts Criticism Biblical 220.6 literary, general 809 for specific literature add .09 Crusades Cults Curricula elementary kindergarten secondary 902.3 299 375 372.31 372.21 373.2 745, 746, 748 364 312 953.1 258 290.1 900, 902, 903 Days of Repentance Dead Sea Scrolls 242 242 220.935 Day of Atonement liturgy music Day of Remembrance (Yom Ha Shoah) for Holocaust victims (Yom Ha Zikkaron) for Israeli soldier dead Day schools 793, 372.39 242.2 262.2 783.3 *Customs & Ceremonies teaching of 240, 246 240-246 or 372.372 if already in use

Cooking wine Cookbooks Costume

Daily prayer books 262.1 criticism & interpretation 262.106 commentaries 262.107

244.6 244.5 377.4

Death Halakhah 246.5 customs and ceremonies 234.5 reward and punishment 258 Decalogue 222.2, 222.5, 243.2

Delinquency Demography in Israel Demons Dialogue, Jewish-Christian Diaspora


Israeli relations to 953.22 Drug abuse Druze Early prophets Ecology Ecology in Israel 361.2 953.23, 952 223.1 574.5 956


Dictionaries Bible 220.3 English 423 Hebrew 473 Yiddish 483 other languages add .03 for specific subject, add .03 to subject number Dietary laws halakhah Diplomacy

234.1 322

Economic conditions see name of country or historical period Economics Ecumenism 330 290.1

Directories add .058 to subject number Disabled children, education 371.91, 371.92 Discipline (education) Discoveries acheological in Israel Biblical general acheological Discrimination Diseases Displaced persons 371.4

955 220.93 933 301, 300.45 616 940.45, 940.5, 940.3, 325

Divorce halakhah 234.4 customs and ceremonies 246.4 sociology 304.3 Drama general collections see specific literature for drama number Dramatic music Dramatics (education) Drawing Dream Interpretation


782 372.5 740 133

*Education 370-379 see also teaching administration 371.2 administrator's organizations 370.4 adult 374 aims & objectives (policy) 371.2 and the state (agreements & legal issues) 379 anecdotes 370.07 bureaus & central agencies370.2 colleges 378 see breakdown in classification scheme cooperative learning 371.3 counseling 371.2 curricula 375 adult 364.1 elementary 372.31 kindergarten 372.21 nursery schools 372.21 preschool 372.2 secondary 373.1 discipline 371.4 dramatics 372.5 elementary 372 religion & God 372.37 essays 370.04 family 374.6 finances 371.2 gifted children 371.93 handicapped children mentally 371.92 physically 371.91

higher history of in other lands (except Israel) Israel legal issues mentally handicapped methods periodicals physically handicapped publications secondary special children special classes statistics supervision surveys teacher & parent organizations team teaching *theory universities Educational associations local/regional national agencies Educational psychology Elections (U.S. and other diaspora countries) Israeli *Elementary Education 378 370.9 376 953.7 379 371.92 371.3 370.5 371.91 370.5 373 371.9 371.9 371.2 371.2 370.6 370.3 371.3 370.01 378 378 370.2 370.1 370.01 English as a second language 428.24 English dictionaries 423

English-Hebrew dictionaries 473.2 English-Yiddish dictionaries 483.2 Enlightenment, The (Haskalah)

947, 943, 903 950.25 642 258 244.45, 244.3

Entebbe Rescue Entertaining (Home) Eschatology Esther

Essays collections 804 for subdivision of specific subject add .04 to subject number Essenes Establishing a Jewish home Etchings and dry point 281 640 767 170 170 175

324 953.21 372

Ethical wills Ethics business Ethics of the Fathers (Pirke Avot) Ethiopian Jews

Emancipation, The historical 906 political 323 see also history of specific country Embroidery Emigration Emotional disturbances Employments Encyclopedias Biblical general Jewish 746

232.11 963 572 395

Ethnology 325 Etiquette 131.3 331 Exceptional children, education of Exile, The from Judea Second Temple Spain


220.39 030 039

901.1 901.2 902.3


Extra-curricular activities 372.5, 373.9, 375.3 746 371.1, 371.2 398.1 250, 251 252.5 Films books on use of media Finances communal personal school synagogue First Temple period Five Books of Moses Falashas see Ethiopian Jews False messiahs Family status of men status of women Family education Family service Family values Far East Fascism Fasts see also Yom Kippur Fatah, Al Fedayeen Federations Fellowships 257 304 304.8 304.1 374.6 362.8 304.01 960, 967, 968 323 245 Five Scrolls (megillot) Flower arrangement Food customs Folk songs Folklore Forums Fraternal orders Fraternities and Sororities 794 371.5


Fabrics Faculty Fairy tales Faith miracles

362, 363 333 371.2 261 901.1 222 224.4 635.9 246.6 784.1 398 374.4 366 378.9

Funeral rites and ceremonies 246.5 Future life Games 258 371.32 238, B, 920 if already in use 331.9 929 572 301.05 940.4 341 910-919 220.9 958

953.23 Gaon 953.23 362 378.8 Garment Industry *Genealogy Genetics Genocide Hitler period Law *Geography Biblical of Israel

*Festivals 240 Pilgrimage festivals 243 see also specific holidays Festschriften or place with subject Fiction, collections of 250.08


*Geonic literature Geonic period 230 235.1 Guidebooks comprehensive *specific regions Guilds Habakkuk, Book of Hadassah (organization)

910.2 913-919 338 223.3 956, 953.6, 367.2 263 950.15 262.5 223.3 224 956 234, 230 232.3 950.15 244.2

Get (divorce) halakhah 234.4 customs and ceremonies 246.4 Ghettos 323, 947 see also history of specific geographic areas Gifted children, education of 371.93

Haftarah Haganah Girl Scouts Glass crafts painting stained God includes faith Golan Heights Golem Good Deeds (mitzvot) Governments, Jewish in Israel Grammar see name of language Groups associations scouting social agencies sociology youth in Israel Guerrillas, Arab Guidance child welfare educational vocational 369 Haggadah 748 748 748 251 Haggai, Book of Hagiographa Haifa Technion *Halakhah 959.4 Halkhic midrashim 398.2 Halutzim 256 321 953.2 Hamishah-Asar bi-Shevat use Tu Bi-Shevat Handicapped children, education of Handicrafts 366 369 362 300, 300.45 373.9, 378.06, 951.3 953.23 Hanukkah games plays poems stories Haphtarah use haftarah Hasidism 362.7 371.2, 373.2 873.9 Haskalah Havdalah

371.91, 371.92 745, 746 244.1 244.1, 371.3 244.1, 272.5 244.1, 808.1, 811, etc. 244.1, Fiction 263

284 947, 943, 905 241


Havurot Hazzanim Health Healing, spiritual Hebrew calligraphy Hebrew derivation 285.1 266 613 615 652 Histadrut 472 953.2 *High schools *Higher education Hillel Foundations Hinduism 373 378 378.06 290


Hebrew-English dictionaries 473.2 Hebrew-Russian dictionaries 473.3 Hebrew-Other dictionaries *Hebrew language curricula dictionaries games & puzzles grammar history of primers study & teaching adult elementary secondary textbooks *Hebrew literature collections fiction history & criticism Israeli post-Biblical medieval modern study & teaching 473.3 470 477 473 476 475 479 372.32 374.1 or 470.07 372.32 373.2 372.32, 373.3, 374.1 870 879.08 873 879.09 879 230 870.1 870 870-879 or 373.6 if already in use 655

History ancient 901 Biblical 220.9 comprehensive 900 geonic period 902.2 medieval 902 modern 903 of religion 250.09 outlines 900.02 philosophy 900.01 specific countries 940-999 study & teaching 372.36, 373.7 for history of specific subject add .09 to subject number Hitler period 940.4

*Holidays 240-245, use the holiday number or: music 780-785 plays 372.5, or 240-245 poems 811, 821, etc. songs 784 stories 240-245, or appropriate 800 number study & teaching 372.371 use if already established *Holocaust 940.4 958 640 361.5 362.6 264

Hebrew printing Hellenism Hereafter Hezbollah High Holy Days liturgy music

Holy places in Israel 901.2, 285 Homemaking 258 Homeless 953.23 Homes for the aged 242 262.2 783.3 Homiletics

Homosexuality Hosea, Book of Hospitals in Israel Household management Human body Human rights Humanistic Judaism Humor collections history Hygiene burial customs Hymnals Illumination of books Immigrant aid in Israel 304.21 223.3 Interdating 362.1 956 640 611 Intergroup relations 323 Intermarriage 285.2 International law 808.7, 817, etc. 809.7 610 246.5 783 Irgun 709.2 Islam 362.4 953 Islamic countries, Jews in *Israel afforestation agriculture aliyah almanacs American relations and the Diaspora animals Arabs archeology Biblical architecture armed forces art atlases biography cities and regions collective settlements commerce courts crime and criminals demography 297 959 950 956 956 953.24 315 953.9 953.22 955 953.23 955 220.93 957 953.5 957 912.5 920, with subject or B 958 953.3 954.2 953.4 953.4 953.1 951.2, 953.5 International Refugee Organization International relations Interpersonal relations 341 304.4 300.45 Interfaith issues organizations relations 304.4 Intelligence service see name of country

304.41 366 290, 300.45

940.5 322 130

Immigration and emigration 325 in Israel 953.24 see also history of specific country Immortality Independence Day, Israel Ingathering of exiles 258 244.5, 372.5 953.24

Inquisition in Spain and Portugal 946 see also history of other countries Inspirational books Institutes educational in Israel research Instrumental music 264

374.4 953.7, 956 378.6 785


description and travel 958 diaspora relations 953.22 ecology 956 economic conditions 954 education 953.7 flowers and plants 955, 956.3 foreign relations 953.22 geography 958 government 953.2 guidebooks 958 *history 950 holy places 958 hospitals 956 immigration & emigration 953.24 Independence Day 244.5 haggadot 262.51 industry 953.8 intelligence service 953.5 Intifada first 950.26 second 950.27 kibbutzim 953.3 languages 953.8 law 953.4 literature 879 drama in English 879.2 medicine 956 minorities 953 museums 957 music 957 natural history 955 peoples 953 political parties 953.2 pre-state 951.2 population peoples 953 statistics 953.1 refugees 953.24 religion 952 resources 956 science 955 applied 956 secret agents 953.5 see also historical period social conditions 953 life and customs 953 problems 953 welfare 953.6 songs 784.3 spies 953.5 see also historical period stamps 383 study & teaching of 950-959 or 373.71, 372.61 if already in use study programs for foreigners 953.7 technology 956 terrorism 953.236 theater 957, 792.3 transportation 954.2 travel 958 ulpanim 953.7 yearbooks 315 Israel Institute of Technology 956 Japan Jerusalem Jesus Jewish Agency Jewish Book Month Jewish Brigade Jewish Centers Jews for Jesus Jewish identity Jewish Legion Jewish National Fund Jewish Wealth & Influence Jewish-Christian dialogue Jewish-Christian relations Jews and Christians interfaith 968 958.1 296 953 028 950.15 362.3 300.46 300 950.11 956 331.91 290.1 296.1


296.1, 290.1

*Jews in literature 800 see also specific literature Joel, Book of 223.3

Joint Distribution Committee 362.4

Jonah, Book of *Judaism customs and ceremonies dictionaries history of origins theology and Christianity 223.3 250 246 035 250.09 225 250 290.1, 296.1, 300.46 490 Ku Klux Klan Kuppat olim Labor unions in Israel Ladino language Lag Ba-Omer Lamentations and Kinot Law civil see also specific country *halakhah international in Israel 301 956 331.8 953.8 461.1 244.4 262.6

Judeo-Persian language Judeo-Spanish language (Ladino) Junior congregations prayer books Juvenile delinquency see also specific country Kabbalah Karaites Kashrut Halakhah Kehillah Kerem Kayemet le-Israel Kevutzot Khazars Kibbutzim Kindergartens Kinot and Lamentations Klezmer Knesset Koran Kosher food see Kashrut

461.1 372.4 262 364, 362.7

340 234, 230, 236 341 953.4

283 282

Lectures collections 804 for subdivision of specific subject add .04 to subject number Language 400 398.2 398.2 806 026 025 025 023 026

234.1 321 956 953.3 947 953.3 372.2 262.6 786 953.21 297

Legends Bible Letters Libraries cataloging of books classifying of books personnel Libraries, Jewish Library associations Judaic science *Life cycle

020.6 020.5 020 246

*Literature 800 see also specific literature of subject Lithographs 763


*Liturgy Maccabees Book of Magic Mahzorim Malachi, Book of Man Maps Bible Israeli Maritime activities 262 901.2, 244.1 228 398.3 262.2 223.3 128 912 220.911 912.5 387, 952.5 Merchant Marine in Israel Messiah Mexico Micah, Book of Middle Ages Middle East Middot (character traits) Marriage 304.2, 246.4, 234.4 955, 901.2 737 610 610 610.1 956 610.5 615 791 Miracles Medieval history *literature see specific literature philosophy Meditation Megillah, Purim Megillot (the Five Scrolls) Memorial chants 902 800 259.2 Mishneh Torah 255.2 Missionaries 224.45, 262.33 Mitnaggedim 224.4 783.6 Mitzvot tikkun olam 256 256 284 305 236.2 Miscellanea Mishnah 252.5 032 323.1 Midrash modern Midrash introduction to Midrashim, Halakhic Migrations Minor holidays Prophets 387 953.5 257 972 223.3 902 959 150 233 233.1 233.2 232.3 325 Mens clubs see specific synagogue organization Mental health 130


Mentally handicapped children, education of 371.92

Marranos 946 see also name of country

Masada Medals and medallions Medical ethics Medicine dictionaries in Israel natural spiritual Media

244 223.3

Minorities 323 see also name of country

Modern history see also specific subject Morals Moshavim Moslem countries Mormonism 903 Near East religions Negev New Testament New Year liturgy music New Year for Trees Newspapers Nobel prizes Numismatics Nuremberg trials Nursery schools Obadiah, Book of Observances *holiday *customs Occupations wealth & influence Old age care-giving homes *Old Testament Olim Olympic Games One-day schools Operas and operettas 943.2, 940.4 Organizations charitable *educational fraternal immigrant aid interfaith 366 363 370 366 362.4 366 959, 948 295 958.6 228 242 262.2 783.3, 242 244.2 070 007.9 383 940.51 372.1 223.3

170 953.3 959 292

Mourning Halakhah 234.5 customs and ceremonies 246.5 Movies Musar Movement 795 170.1

Museums 708 holocaust 940.54 see also name of country *Music history in Israel teaching of 780 780.09 957 372.39 if already in use 780, 920 266, 920 283 291 223.3 246 929 246.103 361.1

240 246 331 331.91 361.6 304.9 362.6 220 953.24 796.48 377.3 782

Musicians cantors Mysticism Mythology, Jewish Nahum, Book of Names and naming genealogy name dictionaries Narcotics abuse National Socialist Party (Nazis) Nationalism Arab Zionist Nazism

959 951 943.2, 940.4


labor library *religious student *synagogue Zionist Origin of language ORT Orthodox Judaism PLO Painting 331.8 020.6 270 378.06, 373.9 270 951.2 401 362.2 272 953.25, 953.23 750 Pentateuch 222 criticism & interpretation 222.06 Peoples see geographical area Periodicals Persecuted Peoples 050, 059 939


Pastoral counseling 265 psychiatry 131.3 (includes religious psychiatry) Patriarchate Peace Penitential Days Pensions see specific occupation 902.1 170 242

Palestine description and travel classify according to historical period history 950.01 ancient 901 pre-state of Israel 1860-1948 951 Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Palestinians Parashot ha-Shavua

Personal narratives use specific subject or use B Personality traits, Group Personnel see specific subject Pesah see Passover Pharisaism 243.2 300

953.25, 953.23 953.25 263, 373.34 if already in use 136.7

Parent and child Parenting and grandparenting

281, 250 281 363, 352.9 170 100 259 259.1 259.2 259.3 200.01 259.4


Pharisees Philanthropy ethics Philosophy

Parent-Teacher Associations 370.3 Parties, Political see name of country Partisan songs Partisans (resistance movements) Passover Haggadah liturgy music 784.4, 940.44

940.44 243.2 262.5 262.3 783.4

Philosophy, Jewish ancient medieval modern of religion Philosophy, non-Jewish

Photography photojournalism Phrase books, Hebrew Yiddish Physical disabilities 770 770.1 Prayers Preaching 478.3 488.3 361.2 Pre-school Physically handicapped children, education of 371.91 Pilgrimage festivals Pioneer Women Pirkei Avot 243 362.2, 953.6 232.11 Primary grades Printing Prizes Program material see also specific subject Prophets, The retellings Proselytizing materials (aimed at Jews) Proselytes Prostitution 372.2 372 655 007.9, 028.1 372.5 Pregnancy Prejudice 262 264 618 301, 300.45

Plays collections (multicountry) 808.2 dramatics in education 372.5 see also specific literature and subject Poetic books of the Bible 224

223 223.095

296 305 361.3

Poetry collections 808.1 see also specific literature Politics in Israel Population (demography) in Israel 323, 324 953.2 312 953.1

Protocols of the Elders of Zion 301 Proverbs and sayings Psalms, Music of Pseudepigrapha Psychiatry 398.9 783.6 228 131.3 131 135.7 611

Portions of the week (sidrot) 263, 372.34 if already in use *Post-Biblical rabbinic literature 230 Postage stamps Pottery Poverty Prayer meditation *Prayer books Study and teaching of 383 738.3 361.5, 362.5 255 255.2 262 262, unless 372.35 in use

Psychology child puberty Punishment in after life capital Puppets Purim liturgy Megillah music

258 364 749, 372.39 244.3 262.33 224.45 783.5


plays Puzzles Questions and answers quiz books responsa Quiz books Quotations (collections) Rabbinate *Rabbinic literature Rabbinical seminaries *Rabbinics Rabbis biographies functions in Rabbinic literature Race, Jewish Race relations Radicalism Radio programs 244.3, 372.5 371.32 Released time education 371.32 235 371.32 807 265 230 378.4 230 265, 920 265 237 300 300.45 335 791 *Religion and God and psychiatry and science and the state comparative dictionary of history of in Israel Jewish (theology) of the Bible teaching of 379 Jewish migration


940.45, 940.3 325

200 200.1 131.3 215 323 290 250.03 200.9 952 250 225 372.37, 373.8, 379 if already in use see also names of specific religions

Religious liberty *organizations *schools

323 270 377

Reminiscences classify with subject matter unless already using B Renewal movement Repentance, Days of Reparations holocaust 285.3 242

Readers, Hebrew (textbooks) elementary 372.32 advanced 478 Reading and reading guidance 028 Readings, Torah textbook Reconstructionism 263 372.34 278, 279


Research institutes 378.6 scholarships, fellowships 378.6 Resistance movement Holocaust period Resorts Responsa Restaurant Directories Resurrection

940.44 790.19 235 647.95 258.1

Recordings classify under subject of the recording Reform Judaism Reform responsa Refugees Arab 276, 277 235

953.23, 959

Retirement (educational personnel) Revelation miracles Revisionist movement (Zionist) Reward and punishment (future life) resurrection Rights, Civil *Rites and ceremonies Rosh Hashanah liturgy music Ruth

371.1 252 252.5

Science applied Science and religion Scouting

500 600 215 369 652 730 957 735 901.2 373 373.09

951.2 Scribes 258 258.1 323 Second Temple period 246 242.1 262.2 783.3 224.42, 243.3 *Secondary education history Sculpture in Israel modern

Secret agents classify with country or historical period *Sects, Jewish 280 244.9 279 243.25 283 321 130 262.21 378.4

Sabbath use Shabbat Sabras Sacrifice Sadducees Samaritans Biblical in Israel Sanhedrin Napoleonic Satire 953 225 281

Secular holidays Secular Judaism Sefirah period Sefirot (Kabbalah) Self-governments 281 952 238, 901 944 808.71, 817, etc. 398.9 Senility Self Esteem Selihot Seminaries Semitic languages (excluding Hebrew)

490 362.6 362.6 784.5 946 946.1

Sayings (proverbs) Sayings of the Fathers Scholarships *Schools organization see also education

232.11 Senior citizens 378.8 Sephardic songs 370 371.2 Sephardim history of


in Israel see also specific country Sermons Settlements, agricultural in Israel see also specific country Sevoraim Sex Sex education 953 Sign Language Simhat Bat 264 Simhat Torah liturgy music Sin 237 304.2, 234.4, 170 373.9 if already in use 241 241 262.3 783.22, 783.2 243.3 262.3 783.4 ethics future life Sinai Campaign, 1956 Sinai Peninsula Singing games Single and working parents 170 258 950.22 962, 958.6 371.32 304.6 243.13 262.32 783.4 410 246.1



Shabbat havdalah liturgy music Shavuot liturgy music Shehitah Halakhah Shemini Atzeret Shoah Shomerim (watchmen in Israel) Short stories (collections) Shtetl Shulhan Arukh Siblings Sick Fund (Kuppat Holim) Siddur study and teaching of

*Sisterhoods see specific synagogue organizations Six Day War, 1967 Size and Shape books 950.23 516 256 300, 323 362 361 360 362, 362.9 335 366

234.1 234.12 940.4 Social action agencies problems see specific subject *welfare work Socialism Societies see also organizations Sociology essays in U.S Soferim 262 372.35, if already in use 373.9 263, 372.324 if in use Song of Solomon Song of Songs *Songs children's folk

951.69 808.3, Fiction 947 236.4 304.501 956

300 300.04 300.75 652 224.41 224.41 780 784.2 784.1


Hasidic Hymnals Israeli Sephardic (includes romanceras) Yiddish Zemirot Sororities and fraternities 784.11 783 784.3 784.5 784.4 784.12 378.9 counseling scholarships (higher education) societies Study and teaching see under subject Suicide Sukkot liturgy music Summer programs in Israel Sunday schools 361.4 243.1 262.3 783.4 953.7 377.3, 372.2, 372.3, 373 398.3 371.2, 373.9 378.8 378.06

Special services (social work) 362.2 Spies classify with country or historical period Spirituality Sports Olympics Stained glass Stamps, Postage Israeli 250 796 796.48 748 383 383

Superstition Surveys see specific subject Symbols and symbolism *Synagogue architecture history liturgy music organization of *organizations Synonyms Hebrew see specific language Talmud commentaries dictionaries introductions legends study and teaching textbooks

247 260 726 269, 260.09 262 783 261 261

State and education 379 relations with individuals or groups 323 and religion 323 Statistics Jewish demography yearbooks American Israeli Status of men Status of women Halakhah sociology

312 317 315 304.8 474

324.3 304.1

Stories Bible 220.95 short stories (collections) Fiction, 808.3 see also specific literature Storytelling *Student 371.31

231 231.1 231.3 231.2 398.2 373.5 if already in use 373.5 if already in use 234.2 377.1

Tallit Talmud Torahs


Tanakh Tannaim Tannaitic literature Tapes (audio-visual) use specific subject Tarot 134 220 237, 232 232 children's plays use subject or 372.5 if already in use puppets 792.9 Theodicy 251


Theology 250 reward and punishment 258 Tikkun aid to reading the Torah Tikkun Leil Shavuot Tishah be-Av

373.4 243.3 245.1

Teacher 371.1 guides to texts, classify with textbook personnel issues 371.1 Teacher training schools Teaching Team teaching Technion (Haifa) Tefillin Television programs Ten Commandments 378.5 371 371.3 956

Torah Pentateuch readings liturgy study and teaching of theology Tosefta

222 263 372.35 253 232.2 323 914-919 958 910.2 914-919

234.2 Totalitarianism 791 222.2, 222.5, 243.3 322.42, 355.1 *Travel in Israel guides *comprehensive *specific regions Trials see country or subject Trivia 371.32 244.2 236.3 223.3 901 256, 170 233 234.2 490

Terrorism, international Terrorists Arab Jewish Terrorists, international Tests and measurements educational

953.23 951.09, 953.23 322.42

Tu Bi-Shevat 371.2 Tur (code) Twelve Prophets Twelve tribes Textile design Theater Israeli plays see specific literature see also holidays 746 Tzedakah 792 792.3 Tz'enah u-Re'enah Tzitsit Ugaritic

Textbooks see teaching of specific subject


Unions Histadrut labor teachers' United Nations *Universities in Israel *United States sociology Congress Vocabulary see specific language

Wine 954.1 331.8 370.3 341 378 953.7 973 300.75 328 Wisdom literature

641.22 224

Wit and humor collections 808.7 see also specific literature Women law (status) liturgy pregnancy rabbis sociology

234.3 262.7 618 265 304.1, 304.2, 304.3 769

Woodcuts Vocal music Vocational guidance in Israel ORT Vocations 784 Workbooks see specific subject 373.9 953.7 362.7 331 World War II War ethics 170 crimes (Holocaust) 940.51 of Independence (Israel) 950.21 Wars see history of specific country Warsaw ghetto Wealth & Influence Weddings etiquette marriage music Welfare agencies history *social West Bank Wills, Ethical 940.42 Yad Vashem 331.91 Yamim Noraim liturgy High Holy Days music Selihot Yearbooks American Israeli world Yeshivot or use history number Writing diaries essays journals romanization Writings, Bible [Ketuvim] World-to-come World War I

258 940.3 940.4 471, 802 802 804 802 471.2 224 958.1 242 262.2 783.3 262.21

395 246.4, 304.2 784.6

362 362.9 360 958.51, 953.23 170

317 315 310 378.4


Yiddish elementary schools history of language *literature readers phrase books schools songs theater Yishuv Yom ha-Shoah Yom Ha-Zikkaron Yom Kippur liturgy music war Yom Yerushalayim Yordim Youth Aliyah Youth groups college high school Zionist Zadokites Zealots Zechariah, Book of Zemirot Zephaniah, Book of Zionism collections history in diaspora after 1948 parties theory Zohar Zoology mammals 591 599


372.33 489 480 880 488.4 488.3 784.4 784.4 792.4 950 244.6 244.5 242.2 262.2 783.3 950.24 244.7 953.24 951, 953.24

378.06 373.9 951.3, 951.2 281, 901 281, 901.2, 244.1 223.3 783.22 223.3

951.08 951 951.3 951.2 951.1 283


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