1984 Orwell Webercise

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Webercise: An Introduction to George Orwell & 1984

The Easy Stuff: View the Prezi that I created to answer the following questions: 1. Who was George Orwell? 2. Other than writing, what else did Orwell do during his life? 3. List four major historical events during Orwells life: 4. For each event, describe Orwells occupation: 5. What is a pseudonym? 6. What are the two main opposing sides in the Spanish Civil War? What type of government did each side represent? Which did Orwell ght for? 7. What is totalitarianism? 8. Describe some features of dystopian literature: Higher Level Thinking: 9. Using the Prezi and your answers above, predict what kind of inuence Orwells experiences might have in his novel 1984: 10. View these Newspeak ashcards on Quizlet. Hypothesize what Newspeak is: 11. Explore the denition of doublethink and analyze how the image at the top of this webercise captures the same idea. Explain: 12. Create your own image of doublethink with The Artists Toolkit:

In case the hyperlinks are not working: Prezi: http://prezi.com/dherwed64_vk/? utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share Quizlet: http://quizlet.com/33631276/newspeak-ash-cards/ Doublethink: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublethink The Artists Toolkit: http://www.artsconnected.org/toolkit/

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