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Company Secretary (ACS) examination Syllabus

Resource Type: Articles/Knowledge !aring $e%#er &e'el: Gold Points: 2

Posted Date: 14 Jul 2009 Aut!or: KURMADASU MURALIDHAR Rating:

"ategory: ylla#us

T!ere are ( Progra%s and a 1) $ont!s $anage%ent Training 1* +oundation Progra%%e 2* ,-ecuti'e Progra%%e (* Pro.essinal Progra%%e T!ere are 4 papers in " +oundation Progra%%e 1* ,nglis! and /usiness "o%%unication 2* ,cono%ics and tatistics (* ,le%ents o. /usiness &aws and $anage%ent T!ere are 0 papers di'ided into 2 $odules in " ,-ecuti'e Progra%%e $1D2&,34 1* 5eneral and "o%%ercial &aws

2* "o%pany Accounts6 "ost and %anage%ent Accounting (* Ta- &aws $1D2&,344 1* "o%pany &aw 2* ,cono%ic and &a#our &aws (* ecurities &aws and "o%pliances T!ere are 7 papers de'ided into 4 $odules in " Pro.essional Progra%%e $1D2&,34 1* "o%pany ecretarial Practice 2* Dra.ting6 Appearances and Pleadings $1D2&,344 1* +inancial6 Treasury and +ore- $anage%ent 2* "orporate Restructuring 8 4nsol'ency $1D2&,3444 1* trategic $anage%ent6 Alliances and 4nternational Trade 2* Ad'anced Ta- &aw and Practice $1D2&,349 1* Due Diligence and "oorporate "o%pliance $anage%ent 2* 5o'ernance6 /usiness ,t!ics and ustaina#ility

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