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W-20 News ke|ease, 1uesday, Iu|y 23, 2013

W-20 Champlonshlp klcks Cff 1hursday

Slx quallflers Lo compeLe for LlLle aL lMC Academy

1AMA, I|a. - 1he schedule for Lhe 2013 W-20 Champlonshlp presenLed by nlke was announced Loday, wlLh
Lhe evenL seL Lo open 1hursday aL lMC Academy ln 8radenLon, llorlda. 1he slx quallfylng Leams have been
drawn lnLo Lwo groups of Lhree for Lhe group sLage, wlLh each Leam playlng a crossover game agalnsL a
randomly selecLed opponenL from Lhe oLher group.

1eams wlll check ln on Wednesday, !uly 24 wlLh group play beglnnlng 1hursday mornlng and conLlnulng
Lhrough SaLurday. 1he W-20 Champlonshlp flnal wlll Lake place aL 9 a.m. L1 on Sunday, !uly 28 aL Lhe lMC
Soccer Academy Complex.

lor Lhe flrsL Llme, all W-20 Champlonshlp maLches wlll be avallable on vldeo Lhrough 1ourbeau SporLs as group
sLages maLches wlll be avallable llve and on-demand wlLh audlo commenLary, and flnal wlll be avallable for free


ka|amazoo k|ngdom
1he kalamazoo klngdom won Lhe MldwesL ulvlslon ln lmpresslve fashlon, scorlng 38 goals and concedlng only
flve all season. Cllvla Lmery, a rlslng sophomore aL Crand valley SLaLe, ls one of four players for kalamazoo
who scored aL leasL four goals Lhls season.

Caro||na L||te Cobras
1he W-20 Cobras [oln Lhelr W-League counLerparL ln 8radenLon Lhls weekend for a chance Lo clalm Lwo LlLles
for Lhe club. MulLlple players were key conLrlbuLors Lo boLh Lhe W-League and W-20 Leams' success
LhroughouL Lhe season. SLephanle uevlLa and Savannah McCasklll helped Lhe W-20 Leam secure a second-place
flnlsh ln Lhe SouLh ALlanLlc ulvlslon, and Lhen a week laLer helped Lhe W-League Leam quallfy for Lhe flnal four,
behlnd uevlLa's game-wlnnlng asslsL.

Cttawa Iury
CLLawa rounds ouL Croup A, and desplLe belng a young Leam, flnlshed flrsL ln Lhe new Lngland ulvlslon.
SevenLeen-year-old uelphlne Laroche has Lhree goals Lhls season for Lhe lury as Lhey look Lo bulld on lasL
year's champlonshlp run, where Lhey flnlshed second ln Lhelr group behlnd u.C. unlLed, whlch losL 1-0 ln Lhe

GkCU 8

Lake Norman SC
Leadlng Croup 8 ls Lake norman, whlch won Lhe SouLh ALlanLlc ulvlslon agalnsL Carollna LllLe by only Lhree
polnLs. Wake loresL Lransfer Megan Curan wlll be Lhe key Lo conLrolllng Lake norman's mldfleld. She ls Lhe
only currenL college player on Lhe rosLer and has Lwo goals Lhls season.

Iorce Iootba|| C|ub Academy
Cakland unlverslLy sLar kyla kellermann leads lorce looLball Club, whlch flnlshed second ln Lhe MldwesL
ulvlslon. kellermann, a rlslng [unlor, was Lhe SummlL League Cffenslve layer of Lhe ?ear aL Cakland and led
lorce ln scorlng, averaglng more Lhan a goal a game.

Ireder|cksburg Impact
lrederlcksburg also reLurns from lasL year's champlonshlp and hopes Lo use lLs experlenced players Lo clalm
Lhls year's W-20 LlLle. nlne players on lrederlcksburg's rosLer compeLed for lLs W-League Leam Lhls season,
lncludlng goalkeeper !esse McClnley, who played more Lhan 800 mlnuLes ln neL for Lhe W-League Leam.

1he W-20 League Champlonshlp found a new home ln 2012 aL Lhe world's largesL and mosL advanced sporLs
Lralnlng lnsLlLuLlon, lMC Academy. lor Lhe nexL several years, Lhe Super-20 and W-20 League Champlonshlp as
well as Lhe Super ?-League norLh Amerlcan llnals wlll be held aL Lhe 8radenLon, lla.-based campus, provldlng
an amazlng opporLunlLy for some of Lhe besL LalenL on Lhe conLlnenL.

lor more Lhan 30 years, lMC Academy has helped counLless youLh, adulL, colleglaLe and professlonal aLhleLes
reach Lhelr full poLenLlal ln and ouL of sporL. lMC Academy alumnl have collecLlvlLy won more Lhan 900
LournamenLs, 107 ma[or champlonshlps, 63 Mv awards, 131 All-SLar honors, 32 Clymplc gold medals, 29
world champlonshlps, 3 naLlonal LlLles, and 3 Pelsman Lrophles.

2013 W-20 Champ|onsh|p presented by N|ke
AL lMC Academy
8radenLon, llorlda

Group |ay
1hursday, !uly 23
Croup A - CLLawa lury vs. kalamazoo klngdom, 10 a.m. L1
Croup 8 - lrederlcksburg lmpacL vs. Lake norman SC, 10 a.m. L1
Crossover - Carollna LllLe Cobras vs. lorce looLball Club, 10 a.m. L1

lrlday, !uly 26
Croup A - Carollna LllLe Cobras vs. kalamazoo klngdom, 10 a.m. L1
Croup 8 - lrederlcksburg lmpacL vs. lorce looLball Club, 10 a.m. L1
Crossover - CLLawa lury vs. Lake norman SC, 10 a.m. L1

SaLurday, !uly 27
Croup A - Carollna LllLe Cobras vs. CLLawa lury, 10 a.m. L1
Croup 8 - lorce looLball Club vs. Lake norman SC, 10 a.m. L1
Crossover - lrederlcksburg lmpacL vs. kalamazoo klngdom, 10 a.m. L1

Sunday, !uly 28, 9 a.m. L1

As tbe ptemlet u-20 oJolt-omoteot womeos leoqoe lo Nottb Ametlco, w-20 ptovlJes tbe oecessoty plotfotm fot top 17- to 20-
yeot-olJs lo tbe uolteJ 5totes ooJ coooJo to compete ot oo ellte level, wblle olso setvloq os o tesetve system fot ptofessloool ooJ
seolot oJolt-omoteot womeos teoms. w-20 otlllzes tbe w-leoqoes opetotloool loftosttoctote tbot empboslzes poollty owoetsblp,
leoqoe stooJotJs ooJ ployet Jevelopmeot to molotolo ltself os tbe leoJet lo ooJet-20 womeos soccet lo Nottb Ametlco.

W-20 CommunlcaLlons - !ay reble / SeLh WlLkowlcz / nlcholas Murray - 1ampa, lL - 813.963.3909 - 1wlLLer: [uSLwleague

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