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Solar Power System Sizing Worksheet for Telecom Applications

Complete the worksheet below Name Company Address City Postal Code Telephone 5a6 e7mail Date 8uote Needed

State/Province Country

Load Information
Note: For loads with a duty cycle please estimate hours per day for transmit, receive and standby. For variable loads please estimate hours/week, divide by 7 and enter this number in the hours/day column.
DC Load Transmit Receive Standby Continuous Other Description Amps X X X X X X o!rs"Day # = = = = = Total Amp$ r"Day

Nominal DC oad !olta"e Positive #round$ (circle one %es

Other DC !olta"e No

Site Information
Nearest &a'or City atitude Temperature( )i"hest i"htnin" Probability( (circle one ,inter Sno*$ (circle one on"itude o*est )i"h %es +levation o* No Avera"e Sno*-all State/Province Country (if available

System %e&!irements
Number o- systems DC e.uipment volta"e tolerance///////!dc to //////!dc Solar module support structures( (circle one Describe site terrain Days o- battery stora"e re.uired( (if known 0s corrosion a problem 1i2e2 salt air3$ (circle one Special Re.uirements4 Additional Comments( %es days No #round RooTo*er Pole Pole Diameter

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