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Name: Samantha DeLeon Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Grade Level/Subject: Kindergarten/Math Prerequisite Knowledge: - Students do calendar on a daily basis. - Students can identify patterns on calendar. - Students can count fluently up to 100 or more. Approximate Time: 20-25 minutes Student Objectives/Student Outcomes: - Students will participate in lesson by counting along and answering questions. - Students will identify the month, day, year, and the different days of the week. - Students will practice mathematical concepts such as counting, place value, number comparison, & addition. Content Standards:

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.CC.A.1 Count to 100 by ones and by tens. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.OA.A.1Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.CC.B.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.CC.C.6 Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.

Materials/Resources/Technology: - Calendar chart - Chart numbers - Number chart - Number line - Tally chart - Straws - Domino Cards - Post it notes - Markers - Penny - Penny toss chart - 2 Pointer Implementation: - The lesson will be taught as a large group lesson. Students will get to play different roles in completing this routine lesson. The students will sit in their assigned spots on the carpet as we complete the calendar routine.

1:00- 1:01

Opening of lesson: (Objectives, hook, behavior expectations) - Hook: Yesterday was the first day of a new month? Raise your hand if you remember. - Behavior: When we want to answer, lets make sure we raise our hands and wait for our turns. We should pay close attention so we can follow along with calendar. Procedures: Include critical thinking questions and accommodations for individual needs - Calendar Chart o Updating calendar Have Big Dog find the number 2 Add 2 to Calendar. o Reading full date Big Dog and teacher point and read out the entire date. Big Dog chooses boys or girls Today is Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Sing Days of the Week o Days of the Week Big Dog chooses someone to state today, yesterday, and tomorrow. Sing Today is ____, yesterday was _____, tomorrow will be ____, days of the week. - Chain Links o Today is the 129th day of school. How many chains should we have here in the ones spot? We have 129, there is a 9 in the ones spot, so there should be 9 links. - Straws o We need to have 129 straws, how many do we have here? Big Dog help me count. How many more do we need? o Lets count how many we have altogether. o So We had 8, added 1, and now have 9, so 8+1=9. - Tally Marks o We have to add one tally mark, and now we have two. o Change the number beneathe the tally mark chart. - Domino o Big Dog, how many blue dots are there? How many orange dots are there? So we have ___+____, Big Dog what does that equal? Help me think of a story for ___+_____. Here is mine: I had ___ toy(s), then I bought ____ more. Now I have ___ toys. - Penny Toss o And now it is time for the penny toss! Can I have my Big Dog come up here for the penny toss. How many do we have so far? Alright Big Dog, go ahead and flip. What do we have? Alright so now how many do we have? Compare the numbers for the penny toss. - Coins o Time for coin songs! First who can tell me how much a nickel is worth? Dime? Penny? Quarter? Big Dog give me a number. (Chooses first song) o Choose people to call stop or give a number for picking the songs. - Number Line o Lets tiptoe over to our number line. Try to look at what color well be needing next.


o o o o

Finding the post it Use place value to write out the number Count the numbers If there is extra time, count by tens.

Summary/Closing: - Nice work everyone! Were going to head to specials in just a minute, but can I have everyone tiptoe back to their tables? A super quiet tiptoe! Student Assessment: - Students can be informally assessed based on their participation and engagement during the lesson. Some questions I would keep in mind are: o Is the student participating? o Is the student able to answer questions asked? o Is the student able to identify the date and days of the week? o Is the student counting along?

Post Lesson Reflection: Student Interest

Student Motivation

Teacher Knowledge

Teacher Organization

Teacher Articulation

Student Understanding


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