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253.185 320.039 20.521 138.656 125.431 352.858 150.548 7.296.361 4.542.495 5.437.784 4.839.151 5.423.983 5.856.859 8.578.642 9.469.

004 2.834.829 6.598.932 4.868.485 4.814.620 1.260.878 4.821.518 45.940.505 32.985.424 3.232.830 2.056.854 2.785.206 315.146 8.038.455 1.114.608 8.809.012 47.304.899 8.252.860 11.614.868 1.414.611 1.276.202 11.914.986 9.812.531 26.896.475 16.223.146 4.949.860 42.431.040 10.998.319 6.301.187 2.570.353 5.741.493 8.338.544 21.683.584 12.227.829 2.279.613 379.510 8.041.110 57.989.212 7.106.805 8.155.033 24.600.061 15.339.995 15.495.125 5.762.553 17.112.224 4.741.926 27.962.580 7.506.282 10.474.951 31.371.704 20.546.629 23.495.821 15.085.211 15.577.334 6.994.743 7.309.509 17.293.618 16.213.822 4.137.463 5.340.599 4.864.678 4.709.602 41.617.657 71.851.835

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9.361.931 8.609.780 9.721.703 5.847.515 4.128.908 22.334.592 31.473.947 4.478.788 4.919.204 573.308 7.439.831 9.256.341 3.020.607 8.015.273 5.007.433 4.075.970 5.677.123 6.414.251 2.370.871 5.676.616 7.493.564 52.140.650 10.392.033 10.442.368 3.298.674 51.726.933 8.650.618 2.177.334 2.073.240 3.755.254 8.190.247 19.298.125 50.502.527 162.928 1.660.279 19.227.573 33.741.767 7.632.825 27.415.928 5.247.317 15.134.832 7.268.090 25.966.641 2.592.453 5.073.511 11.503.339 5.039.119 7.251.815 6.778.309 9.347.680 1.293.060 7.312.240 23.456.079 8.192.480 4.357.266 8.182.168 2.204.381 3.101.744 2.796.965 5.156.318 17.064.444 23.671.809 4.540.732 2.204.381 30.575.574 131.204 8.236.683 3.875.132 12.194.418 29.061.891 6.625.870 14.499.212 8.082.730 202.569 15.168.395 390.961 390.961 8.578.769

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6.475.860 17.575.086 3.861.691 5.182.595 4.636.629 3.101.674 1.943.930 16.326.314 12.812.198 10.939.980 2.443.084 4.568.414 9.561.114 14.778.518 20.976.725 10.875.272 7.204.001 3.692.550 29.098.253 9.461.801 17.437.225 35.727.695 19.990.561 9.612.180 92.845.912 6.103.318 5.769.762 4.047.247 1.277.213 1.327.004 4.645.522 2.897.568 2.815.997 9.210.007 3.016.010 7.986.426 10.161.797 2.772.670 8.059.641 2.498.317 11.007.298 5.239.963 2.919.204 5.092.458 20.446.287 11.581.994 2.504.473 28.846.255 12.847.726 48.748.777 12.115.439 3.068.354 46.747.227 17.767.743 15.030.666 18.345.169 9.658.574 17.622.334 309.286 9.305.238 11.410.740 17.312.675 8.435.786 4.575.029 4.031.635 2.686.158 11.392.145 22.181.902 10.166.100 9.045.091 5.569.942 13.943.257 25.460.206 7.101.711 6.526.854 712.531 20.531.985 1.777.915

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2.080.891 4.713.212 3.548.476 5.189.563 3.603.113 3.325.428 3.723.936 4.650.004 3.622.877 1.721.996 210.256 2.247.436 1.209.545 22.003.422 4.672.654 1.324.315 177.935 82.415 4.509.864 5.229.274 12.780.773 1.792.418 338.611 15.091.352 26.961.890 5.727.139 4.968.732 5.430.442 5.572.848 14.404.323 4.942.649 9.496.771 18.134.151 8.340.194 11.375.634 10.795.905 567.769 10.830.441 1.063.699 1.169.336 1.113.822 2.054.701 2.254.585 351.579 703.160 1.013.632 1.186.655 1.795.727 922.062 16.785.864 14.670.956 14.768.282 13.651.511 70.715.116 74.750.060 65.947.563 52.070.876 23.831.788 21.354.563 71.797.881 11.065.029 9.747.504 11.661.087 6.428.276 6.421.283 9.183.242 14.758.242 8.647.526 17.868.529 7.527.958 9.986.385 9.165.135 5.217.331 1.186.447 10.292.241 8.902.310 1.372.783 7.650.354

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9.927.495 5.861.758 4.747.518 1.934.410 3.797.113 5.868.719 2.215.607 1.049.187 1.186.447 1.186.447 1.324.315 1.326.560 5.143.969 5.578 10.140 8.153 177.126 3.644 2.968 187.256 246.216 279.328 189.503 268.239 274.149 232.409 188.271 202.857 283.648 165.741 269.726 303.937 191.719 150.933 266.538 382.736 565.003 588.679 229.491 227.042 246.896 359.131 60.394.523 83.884.965 13.666.484 127.142 20.677.574 109.495 174.075 6.018.795 1.756.416 1.558.993 41.283 66.503 64.706 80.382 58.810 88.756 123.850 135.291 105.985 122.333 127.918 132.059 116.813 146.292 145.679 148.840 146.225 92.359 133.571 115.186 130.062 115.188 125.161 98.507

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146.767 114.570 121.983 175.400 181.203 146.643 263.957 137.755 151.840 140.074 175.948 174.928 172.551 174.563 214.154 143.240 146.792 155.219 244.122 207.142 286.777 195.405 103.016 156.060 132.589 172.078 277.239 103.750 177.628

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