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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact Rationale/Reflection NAEYC Standard: 6

STANDARD 6. BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL Candidates prepared in early c ild !!d de"ree pr!"ra#s identi$y and c!nd%ct t e#sel&es as #e#'ers !$ t e early c ild !!d pr!$essi!n. T ey (n!) and %se et ical "%idelines and !t er pr!$essi!nal standards related t! early c ild !!d practice. T ey are c!ntin%!%s* c!lla'!rati&e learners ) ! de#!nstrate (n!)led"ea'le* re$lecti&e and critical perspecti&es !n t eir )!r(* #a(in" in$!r#ed decisi!ns t at inte"rate (n!)led"e $r!# a &ariety !$ s!%rces. T ey are in$!r#ed ad&!cates $!r s!%nd ed%cati!nal practices and p!licies. +NAE,C* -.//0

Brief Description of Evidence:

1 ile )!r(in" !n earnin" #y Ass!ciates De"ree in Early C ild !!d I )!r(ed !n earnin" #y CDA in t e pr!cess. T is credential all!)s #e t! teac y!%n" c ildren and elp t e# "r!) and de&el!p at t e #!st critical peri!d in t eir li&es. T is credential s !)s #y de#!nstrated c!#petence in )!r(in" )it y!%n" c ildren and t eir $a#ilies. A part !$ earnin" t is credential als! re2%ires #e t! 'e a part !$ an Early C ild !!d !r"ani3ati!n ) ere I 4!ined NAE,C and IAE,C.

Analysis of What !earned:

T r!%" c!#pleti!n !$ earnin" t is credential I a&e "ained (n!)led"e and s !)n t at I a# c!#petent in )!r(in" )it y!%n" c ildren. I a&e learned t e #any di$$erent )ays t at c ildren learn and "r!) t r!%" play and !'ser&ati!n and n!t 4%st 'y '!!(s and paper. I a&e als! learned t e di$$erent le&els t at c ildren de&el!p and %nderstand t at n!t all c ildren learn at t e sa#e pace !r in t e sa#e )ay. Eac c ild is %ni2%e and s! are t eir learnin" styles s! )e #%st 'e $le5i'le in !%r practice !$ teac in".

"o# $his Artifact De%onstrates %y Co%petence on the NAEYC Standard:

T is arti$act de#!nstrates #y pr!$essi!nal a'ility 'y s !)in" t at I a&e )!r(ed $!r t is and a&e #ade #ysel$ a part !$ t e Early C ild !!d c!##%nity. It pr!&es t at I a# c!#petent in t e $ield and a# a'le t! elp c ildren learn d%rin" t e #!st critical peri!d in t eir li&es. T is certi$icate s !)s t at I a# in&!l&ed )it ad&!catin" $!r y!%n" c ildren and it all!)s #e t! elp lay t e "r!%nd)!r( $!r t eir $%t%re and elp t e# learn and "r!).

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